Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

Amidst the Misery

“Ugh, one more hour of work and I swear to God I’m going to shoot myself.” I grumble to myself, sluggishly preparing for the newest wave of customers. Talk about a shitty double shift. Damn myself for being such a pushover.
“Remi!!!! You have a table!!!” My manager shouts from around the corner. When will I ever get a break?!
“Coming!!!” I complain, dragging my feet to the newcomers…except they’re not quite newcomers. “Toshi!” I exclaim brightly, the very sight of him making the next 4 hours I’m stuck here worthwhile. We’ve been friends forever. Grown up together actually. He’s always been close with my family, but the second he hooked up with his band he disappeared from my life. Sadly, I’ve always had feelings for him. But it doesn’t matter now…I have Aiji.
“Oh my gosh! Rem!!” He smiles widely, those crooked teeth always making me laugh. Beside him, I notice a tiny American girl with short, strawberry blonde hair grumbling, her face twisted in a disgusted and morose expression. Across from her sit a cuter couple, snuggled together and whispering in each other’s ears. The man is very attractive and has bright red hair, as is his girlfriend with her rosy cheeks and choppy blonde hair. Again, an American. What’s up with that?
“How have you been?!! It’s been ages!!!” I whine, a pout on my face. Seeing him here makes me feel like my true self. I can be as open as I want to. He knows everything about me. And I mean everything.
“Great.” He smiles. “I’ve been so busy with my band. I didn’t know you lived so close! We’re going to have to hang out some time.” He chuckles.
“I’d love that. I miss my best friend.” I sniffle, ruffling the pages in my order booklet.
“Awe, and I miss you.” He giggles. “Well, I feel bad. I’m keeping you from working.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I’d rather not be…” I mutter, making him break out in laughter yet again.
“Awe, I’ve missed you so much!” He smiles, and I quickly find myself grinning back as I take their orders, defiantly returning to the kitchen. It seems like after that, the entire population of Tokyo decided to eat dinner at our crappy diner. I never got another chance to see my dear friend again, and I feared that that would be the last I saw of him…that is, until I found his number sloppily scribbled on my 100 dollar tip. Sigh.
“Toshi…what am I going to do with you?” I chuckle to myself, hesitantly shoving the large bill into my pocket, along with his digits. At least with his number I can insist he take the money back.
“Remi? Do you mind closing up? I’ve got to get out of here!” My manager begs, stealing a small wad of cash from the register. How much more selfish could you possibly be?
“…But Jun, I’ve been here since noon…and closing is at 2 am…” I cross my fingers, in hopes that she’ll understand.
“Well I promised I’d meet up with Yuuki by midnight. We’ve had plans for weeks. Sorry, but I’m not changing. You’ll be fine. No one ever comes in this late.”
“That’s beside the point!!” I cry, but it’s too late…she’s already out the door. “God dammit!!!!” I shriek, kicking a nearby bin of utensils, sending them scattering across the floor. “Well isn’t that great?!!! Now I’ve got to do all these dishes!!!!!” By now, I’m screaming to myself, that’s when I hear the bell jingle. My eyes dart to the door, begging that it’s Jun changing her plans…and of course it isn’t. What I do find however, is Aiji. My life saver. “I’ve never loved you more than I do right now.” I giggle smiling to myself. He grins back.
“Come on Rem, fuck this place!” He laughs pulling me to my feet and into his arms, instantly easing my worn and blistered feet. Even my once numb legs tingle.
“I can’t just leave! I’ll get fired!” I whine linking my arms around his neck.
“You don’t need to worry about money anymore.” He smirks. “We’re as good as millionaires!” I raise my eyebrow, curious about his logic.
“What makes you say that?”
“We’re going on tour!!! Overseas and across Japan!!! This early and people are already begging for lives? That’s millionaire material!” He snorts, planting a kiss on my lips. I’ve never seen him this happy…but that doesn’t mean I’m happy.
“You’re leaving?” I whisper, suddenly feeling heart broken in his embrace. I’ll never know the feeling of him pressed against me again? Sure, we haven’t known each other that long and I knew eventually they’d get busy…but this soon?
“…I’m sorry Remi…” He apologizes, setting me down in a nearby booth taking my hands in his. “I don’t want to leave you…but I need this job. I’ve been dreaming of it, and it’s finally come true.” His almond eyes meet mine, a tiny glimmer of hope shining amidst the misery. I try to offer him a comforting smile, promising that everything will be fine…but I only find myself crying. The tears burn my eyes and scream down my cheeks. I don’t think I would have taken the news this badly any other day, but why now of all times? “Rem…please don’t cry. You know I’ll be back soon.” That’s when it hits me for the first time; I’ll be completely alone. No Maya. No Aiji. No one. Everyone’s gone…it’s only me.
“…P-Please don’t leave me.” I stutter over the words, sobs making coherency impossible.
“Remi…” He whispers again, moving closer until our lips meet and his fingers explore my hair, trailing down to my chin where he breaks the kiss to look me in the eyes. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. And with that, he’s as good as gone…
I hear the tinkling of the doors again. I find myself hoping once again that it’s him there, but hope is long gone. I let my gaze slip back to the floor, imagining his silhouette in the doorway and smiling to myself. I’ll let the scene in my head play out.
“Remi Girl? You okay? You’re crying…” That voice makes my head whip up to his familiar face, instantly putting my fears at ease.
“…Toshiya?” He smiles that warm hearted smile.
“The one and only.” He giggles. Just the way I remember him.
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Don't worry-Remi and Aiji haven't broken up and this isn't the end of the Lm.C portion XP They just need their quick break and Toshi needs to get his little butt in there XDD But let me know what you think ^ ^ Thanks for reading :D