Sequel: My Immortal

Love Bites

Perfectly Innocent

“So you’re leaving tomorrow?” I pout, my plump lips quivering.
“Yes.” He whimpers, “I’m sorry. But I’m here now.” He offers me a small smile of encouragement and I mirror it, hoping to make him believe everything will be okay.
“Well is there anything you want to do? I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can. I won’t see you for months. I’m going to miss you.” I whisper, eyes downcast hiding my ever growing blush. I hate feeling this weak and needy.
“Well we could eat a bit. I finished that all up not too long it hasn’t been out long.” He gestures to the pile of still steaming food on the coffee table. He obviously knows me well enough to know I’d rather eat in the living room any day. The kitchen brings back too many memories of family meals. It’s been a few years since mom and dad died, but still…it hurts. I miss them. And I know I’m next.
“Sounds good.” I smile again. I just want to make every minute I have with him worthwhile. Taking his place at my side, arm wrapped securely around my waist, we dig in greedily to the meal. “You’re an amazing cook!” I exclaim, my face glowing brightly. He finds himself blushing in embarrassment.
“No I’m not…I can just follow a recipe.” He dismisses.
“Well you still made it. I couldn’t make anything this delicious.” I grin, landing a quick peck on his cheek, resulting in him blushing like mad yet again. Sometimes the boy is so cute.
“Wanna watch a movie? I got you that weird girly one you’ve been dying to see.” He teases rolling his eyes.
“That one?! It’s not even out of theatres yet!!! How did you manage that?!!!”
“I have my sources.” He smirks. “But if I told you I’d have to kill you. And that’s the last thing I want to do.” He chuckles kissing me sweetly on the lips. I love his kisses. Every one of them is so tender and full of love and care. I’m going to miss that.
“I love you.” I smile hugging his tiny torso.
“And I love you.” Every time I hear him say it I can feel myself melting. You don’t know what you do to me. After eating enough to make our stomachs burst, Aiji pops in the movie and we cuddle up on the couch watching intently. Or should I say I’m watching intently? Aiji seems preoccupied with the delicious taste of my skin and my intoxicating aroma. I try to ignore it, but every kiss and nip sends a burning sensation throughout my body. I bite my lips holding back my moans until I can feel blood being drawn and searing pain shoot throughout my mouth. But as long as I’m not giving in to his touch, that’s okay, right? Doesn’t it figure that the one thing I want to give him most is what I can’t? I just want to love him…both emotionally and physically. Reluctantly, I close my eyes, feigning sleep.
I think she fell asleep. I wonder if I’m doing anything wrong? She doesn’t seem to want to have to do anything with me physically. It’s as if kisses are the furthest I’ll be getting with her…but I don’t want that to be the case. I’m only human. I want to share everything with her. Quietly, I turn off the television and carry her limp body back to her own bedroom, tucking her into the covers. She looks like a child when she sleeps, which so isn’t the case. Remi is the most beautiful person I’ve ever laid eyes on. Inside and out. Her dark hair curls around her angelic features as she coos soundly. Seeing her this innocent makes me feel so…dirty. How could I want to taint this perfectly innocent being? Why does she want to be with someone like me? Then again, what man isn’t driven by his nether regions? I’d have to say I’m better than some at least, but I’m no saint. Turning to leave I hear her mutter something in the dark and lonely room.
“What was that?” I whisper, doubtful that she’ll even hear me.
“Stay.” She repeats, her green eyes piercing through the empty night and into my muddled soul.
Anything for you.
“So you’re really going now?” She pouts, her fingers intertwined with my own swinging my arms about.
“Yes.” I grumble looking out the window to the landing. I don’t want to leave. Being with her is so much better. “I’ll text and call you whenever I can.” I offer, a smile playing on my lips hoping to cheer her on.
“And I’ll be there to answer.” She grins tenderly. “Always.”
“I love you Remi. And I mean that. You know I’ll be back for you. And the fangirls won’t get me.” I chuckle, leaning down to kiss her button nose.
“They better not.” She laughs. “Or they’re gonna regret waking up for the rest of their life.” She smirks maliciously, then rubs her nose to mine.
“Ah! That tickles!!!” I screech quickly rushing away from her and that mischievous grin.
“But boyfriend!!!! You didn’t get your goodbye kiss!!!” She cries following me closely.
“You’re just gonna tickle my nose again!!!” I complain, avoiding her.
“Don’t you love me anymore Aiji?” She pouts, still tailing behind closely.
“I’m not falling for that!” And at that precise moment, she breaks down into a fit of sobbing, falling to the floor like a ton of bricks. I swiftly rush to her side, only to have her rub her nose to mine again.
“I win.” She sneers as I sneeze.
“You’re awful.” I whine when I hear the woman announcing the imminent departure of my flight. I turn to her, expecting to see her dark and lonely face, only to find her smiling.
“Bye bye Aiji. I’ll miss you.” She whispers locking lips with me. I take the chance to step it up a notch, hesitantly exploring the confines of her mouth. He arms circle around my neck, pulling me closer as her fingers worm their way through my hair. I hold her tightly by the waist, wishing this moment would last for eternity. Sadly, we have to breathe eventually. “Remember to call.” She mouths breathlessly, her eyes burning with an all new passion.
“I could never forget.” I smile giving her one last peck on the cheek, her nose, forehead, eyes, neck, jaw, ear, shoulders, and finally her lips. “Bye Sweet tart. I’m going to miss every second of you.”
“I’ll miss every millisecond.” She smiles, tears brimming in her eyes. That’s the last image I’ll have of her for the 3 to 4 months I’ll be gone. Her begging with every inch of her being that I stay here by her side.
“I’ll always be right here.” I whisper resting my hand on her heart. She grins broadly, tears falling down her cheeks.
“You just wanted an excuse to touch my rack.” She laughs taking my hand one final time.
“Caught me.” I giggle, and with that, I’m off to America, watching her tiny face through the mirror until she’s gone. Even then, I know she’s watching me. “I love you.” I mutter to myself.
“Sorry man, you’re not my type.” Maya giggles beside me making me roll my eyes. I can tell this is going to be a long 4 months.
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Chapter 8 soon (ish) to come!!!! Let me know what you think ^ ^ I'm trying to keep this one relatively cute... :/ Any ideas are more than welcome ^ ^ And a certain friend coughdarkwingedangelcoughcough will definately be getting picked up during their tour ^ ^ Woohoo :D