Fall Away

For The First Time

When I walked up the stairs to my apartment, I was glad I hadn’t let Soren walk me home. I wasn’t exactly sure why he’d even wanted to. I didn’t buy his “it’s-too-dangerous” excuse. When a total of three cars had passed during our entire five-minute conversation, it wasn’t exactly easy to mistake our town for a big city.

Still, I was glad he hadn’t insisted. In the fading light, my building looked even worse than normal. If he had lived in the city, he was probably used to skyscrapers and gorgeous Victorian houses, not small, run-down apartments.

As I walked up the front steps, excuses flooded my mind; reasons I could have given him for not walking me home. It was too far to walk, especially when he’d just have to walk back to get his car. Instead, I basically laughed in his face when he offered.

Still, I couldn’t help being happy. I’d seen Soren around town the past few days, ever since I first met him at Bella, and he seemed like a nice guy. He made friends – well, acquaintances – easily, and I was back to thinking that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to be friends with me.

Wasn’t that what Danny had told me, just hours ago? That I needed to make friends? Maybe he didn’t say it quite that bluntly, but I knew that was what he had been thinking. Well, here it was. Maybe if I became friends with Soren, he’d be happy.

A small smile spread across my face as I remembered there was a “next time.” So maybe it wasn’t planned, and maybe I had no clue what we would do, but he was interested in getting to know me. The best part was, he seemed to want to get to know me, not the mystery girl everyone else seemed curious about.

For the first time, someone was interested in the real me. And to my surprise, that didn't worry me. In fact, I kind of liked the feeling of maybe, eventually, having a friend.
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So I don't really like the ending of this. It makes her seem a little desperate, which (just to clarify) she's not.

This seems to be another one of those chapters that just ran away from me.

I know it's a little shorter, but it's something. And I've got something planned soon that will hopefully make up for the length of these.