Fall Away

How Could This Happen?

It isn't fair.

She was so kind, so gentle. She had so much life left to live.

It isn't fair.

He was too young, too energetic. He had so much potential.

It isn't fair.

She had a husband, two children. She had so much left to do.

It's never fair, is it? No matter who the person is, how young or how old, it's never "their time." When is their time? When is the right time for someone to be permanently extinguished?

There isn't one. There never is.

I've heard all the cries: Why did this happen to her? How could this happen to him? What will I do without them?

I don't know how to answer their screams.

Grief is painful. Grief is hard, and it hurts everyone, no matter who you are.

But grief is something you have to fight through on your own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by Untitled by Simple Plan (Amazing song. You should all YouTube it.)

I meant to have two chapters out today, but my schedule is super hectic right now. So it didn't happen.

Still, I got something out :D

And I kind of like this one. Which is a bit of a change.
Not that I'm complaining.