Fall Away

Mystery Boy

I smiled as I saw a familiar person enter the bar. Soren had been coming in every day, although he never stayed as long as he had that first day. Still, the little time we had every night had taught me a little more about him. He hadn’t mentioned our “coffee date” again, but I was satisfied with the fact that he would take the time to talk to me, rather than socializing with the throngs of girls that would flit around him.

Everyone else seemed to be drawn to him, too, I mused as I began to make Soren’s usual drink. Something about him attracted people, even when he brushed them off. They just kept coming back.

I looked towards Soren’s regular spot and frowned slightly when he wasn’t there. Glancing around, I spotted him at the end of the bar, a good distanced away from the other people. Maybe he wanted a break.

I moved over to him and set the glass down on the counter. “Your usual,” I said cheerfully.

I was startled as the boy’s gray eyes met mine. “You’re not Soren,’ I said stupidly, thinking of the other boy’s bright blue eyes.

His mouth quirked into a half-smile. “No, I’m not.”

“Well, do you like the same beer as Soren?” I asked awkwardly, indicating the mug sitting between us.

“Probably.” He took a sip, then nodded his approval.

His voice was different, lower than Soren’s. I couldn’t help staring at him for a minute. He looked so much like Soren – the same build, almost identical haircuts. But now I could see the small differences. This boy’s hair was a little longer, his facial features weren’t exactly the same. Still, the differences were so miniscule I might not have noticed them if it hadn’t been for the eyes.

Those stormy eyes were watching me, almost as intently as I was watching him. “You’re Ellie.”

It wasn’t a question, but I nodded anyways. “Are you Soren’s…. brother?”

He nodded. “Twin.”

“He never told me he had one of those,” I muttered to myself.

The boy’s lips twitched, as if he was going to smile but caught himself. “Nice to know he thinks so highly of me.”

“Oh! I’m sure it’s nothing personal. I mean, we didn’t talk that much. Well, not about anything other than the basics. I’m sure you’re much more important than the basics-”

I was babbling. I forced myself to stop talking before I made it any worse. This was exactly why I didn’t talk to people.

An actually smile danced across his lips and I felt a slight fluttering in my stomach. What was wrong with me today?

“Do you need anything else?” I asked. “Not that I ever really asked you, but-”

I clamped my mouth shut again.

“I’m good, thanks.”

I nodded, then made a hasty exit towards the other end of the bar, groaning slightly. God, put me in front of an attractive boy and I turned into a total mess. Why could I talk normally in front of Soren, but not his twin?

I frowned slightly as I made a drink. What was his name? Had he ever said?

No, he hadn’t, I realized as I dropped off the alcohol and took another order. He had known my name, but he had never introduced himself.

I waited another few minutes, then turned towards his seat. Surely I could get his name and a refill without making a fool of myself.

But the dark corner where he had been sitting was deserted, with only an empty beer mug to indicated he had ever been there.
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I felt the need to get this out, because I had every intention of it being out yesterday and that didn't happen. Plus I lost a subscriber. Bye little guy!

I am so sleep deprived it isn't even funny. It's making me a little crazy.

Part of the reason it took me so long was because I felt the need to make this scene perfect. Which I discovered doesn't actually happen.
But I'm pretty happy with it, so now you all get to read it (: