Fall Away


If Kirian noticed my lack of eye contact, he didn’t care – or at least, didn’t comment. I had barely stepped outside the door before he was next to me, matching my steps as we walked down the sidewalk. “Is something wrong?”

I sighed. Why were people always observant at all the wrong times? “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine,” Kirian replied, still matching my pace as I turned to head to my apartment.

“I am.”

He nodded, but I knew he wasn’t convinced. Still, as long as he wasn’t asking questions, I was happy.

Neither of us said anything as we walked the empty streets. After a few minutes, the total silence began to bother me. I was used to someone talking to me, even when I didn’t reply. Kirian’s quiet calm was unnerving.

“So what have you been doing?” I finally asked, desperate to break the silence.

He shrugged. “Nothing realy.”

“I take it you’re done with school?”


“So are you working?”

He shook his head. “Not at the moment.”

I stared at him, slightly confused. How could he and Soren afford such a big house, and the cars, and God knows what else, if they didn’t work? “How do you manage that?”

Kirian shifted uncomfortably. “We have a decent amount of money saved up.”

“You’re like, twenty-four,” I cried incredulously. “How have you had time to get this money?”

He looked away, and I suddenly got the feeling I was pushing a touchy subject. “I’m sorry,” I forced myself to say. “You don’t have to-”

“We inherited a lot,” he interrupted. “When our… parents died. They left us everything.”

“Oh,” I murmured, nodding quickly while trying to think of something to say, some way to change the topic. I didn’t need this right now, didn’t want to hear about parents that remembered to acknowledge their kids or-

“It was the only thing they ever did for us,” he shrugged.

Or not.

“We weren’t really a close family. I don’t even remember them that well.”

I nodded quietly, lost in my own memories. We had been a close family – really close. And then everything had just… fallen apart.

But that was in the past. I had enough to deal with right now – I didn’t need to reminisce about anything else. It would probably just… send me over the edge.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short again - sorry.
I'm hoping for a double update today, cause... um... I'm going out of town again.
To the Boundary Waters. Which I'm not thrilled about.
But my parents over-rule me.

Anyways, there won't be a lot to do there, so I promise I'll write more and have stuff for you to read when I get back.
Thanks for putting up with this on and off stuff. I love you guys (:

Also. I'm thinking I'm going to go back and make basic chapter titles... cause mine are getting worse and worse. And the song lyrics are also failing, so I think I may take those out.
Just so people are warned if it suddenly switches.