Fall Away

Another Empty Night

I shoved my hands in my pocket as I made my way through the dark streets. My apartment was 15 minutes away from Bella, and I didn’t have the money to drive. So, I walked.

It wasn’t bad when it was nice out. Nights like this, when the air was warm and the stars were out. I didn’t mind walking – it gave me a chance to think things over. It was almost calming

But the calming warmness would disappear when I reached my apartment.

The building.. well, it wasn’t a nice place. Actually, it was probably the worst in town. The bricks were old and faded, and the moss covering it could have been elegant, or at least pretty – if it hadn’t over-run everything. I shook my head, unlocking the door and making my way up two flights of stairs.

I opened the door to my apartment to reveal a dark, silent room. Turning on the lights did nothing to improve the empty are. The place was as unfeeling as a hotel room – no warmth or personal touches to make it seem like someone actually lived here.

I guess that was my own fault, but I didn’t have much. My pictures were all in a box beneath my bed, shut tight to keep the painful memories locked in with them. I hadn’t had any delicate statues or special momentos to bring, and I hadn’t acquired any since I got here. I hadn’t needed to, and I hadn’t really wanted to.

I checked my messages, even though there wasn’t really anyone that would call me. When the mechanical voice agreed that I had no new messages, I hung up the phone and plugged it into the charger.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower before I put on my Pjs. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and went back to the bedroom.

I laughed wryly at myself as I climbed into bed. I turned on the TV and nestled under the covers. It was somewhat sad, that the closest thing I had to friends were the characters on TV shows. I told myself that between going to school and trying to earn enough money to survive, I didn’t have time for a social life.

But as the fake-friendly voices lulled me to sleep, I knew I was lying to myself.
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A look into her personal life....

There should be more action coming up soon.

PS. Oh, and thank you to my 15 subscribers for getting me another star! I love you guys!