Fall Away

Hidden Secrets

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped. “Are you mad that – that I caught you?”

He shook his head. “No, Ellie.”

“Well, you had better tell me what’s going on or I swear I’ll-”


Soren interrupted my rant, poking his head in through the doorway. “Everything okay in here? I heard some yelling…”

He died off as he saw my finger, still pointing at the wall, and his brother, running a shaky hand through his hair. “Is something wrong?”

“Let’s ask Soren, should we?” I snapped. “Sor, what does it mean if someone’s name is on this list?”

“Oh, just that they’re going to die,” he said cheerfully. “It’s okay, really, most of the time they don’t even see it coming.”

I stared at him in shock as Kirian groaned. “Way to go, Soren,” he snarled. “Great poise. Really great job.”


“They’re going to die?” I cried, my voice cracking. “How the hell do you know that? Are you guys some kind of – of serial killers or something?”

I backed up, moving away from the twins. “No, Ellie, it’s nothing like that-”

Kirian reached toward me, in a gesture I’m sure he meant to be soothing, but ended up being anything but comforting. “Get away from me,” I snapped.

He stopped instantly, hand still outstretched. “You’re not even going to let me explain, are you.”

“You haven’t tried to!”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he shot back.

I laughed humorlessly. “Which makes it my fault you won’t explain?”

Kirian just stared at me, a mixture of anger and pain in his eyes. I couldn’t look away, couldn’t back down, even as I felt tears starting to form in my own eyes.

Finally, he turned away, shaking his head. I bit my lip, trying not to cry. After all that had been said, everything that had happened, he was shutting me out.

“I – I was kidding,” Soren offered, but his words fell flat. There was no sincerity in them – it was obvious he was lying to make me feel better. Which left me scared and confused, with no idea what was going on.

“I want to go home,” I said dully.

“No pizza?” Soren asked. He caught sight of my face and quickly nodded. “Right. I’ll drive you.”

I made my way downstairs, stopping by the kitchen to grab my shoes. When I reached the front hall, Soren and Kirian were standing together, whispering. I could make out the occasional sentence as I moved closer to them.

“Why would you… thought we talked…” I could hear the anger in Kirian’s voice.

“…Assumed you… why else would… asked?”

“She saw… I was saying… then you just…”

“Well, would you rather… I lied to her?”

Their words grew louder as I grew closer, and Kirian’s reply was crystal clear.

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I'm back!
Sorry it's short, but I have the next three planned out. And it all fits in.
This is a major turning point, if you didn't already put that together xD

On a totally different note, did anyone else know that All Time Low had co-writers for every song on their new album? Is it bad that I think less of the songs because of that? I dunno, maybe a lot of bands do that nowadays.... it just bothers me :\

But I've been with my little cousins all weekend, so a lot of random things are bothering me. For example: I never want to hear Check Yes Juliet again. And I used to like that song :(