Fall Away

Sunday Night

On Sunday, I worked the morning shift at Amor. Soren showed up towards the end and sat at a small corner table, talking to everybody who passed. I once again noticed how lively he was, how much he seemed to genuinely like talking to people. And I found myself wondering how he got so lucky.

After a quick conversation and much quick thinking (on his part), Soren convinced me to come over to his house. The whole drive there, he kept up a stream of conversation, mostly consisting of him talking and me nodding in the right places. I was anxious to get to their house, too see Kirian, to figure out where we stood.

I spent the whole night waiting to see Kirian.

Soren and I ate dinner, messed around on the computer.

Soren and I listened to music, each of us discovering new bands.

Soren and I curled up on the couch in front of the downstairs TV.

I delayed leaving, still hoping that Kirian would come walking down the stairs and smile at me. But when it hit eleven o’clock, IK really did have to go. “I have class tomorrow,” I told Soren, who took the hint and stood up to get his keys.

It wasn’t until we got in the car that I finally asked Soren the question that had been bothering me all night. “Where was Kirian?” I asked, trying to keep my voice casual.

“He must’ve been out,” Soren replied, his voice identical to mine. “I didn’t hear from him.”

As we drove away, I looked behind me at the house. I thought I saw a figure standing at an upstairs window.

But I blinked and it was gone.
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It's another short one. Sorry.
I'm afraid the wait in between updates has been scaring people away. I lost a subscriber :(

I'm sorry. The first week of school has just been super hectic. But I have the next few chapters planned out, so once school settles down I'll try to get them out in a more timely matter.

There's drama coming up. And... you'll either love or hate it :XD