Fall Away

I'm Fine

When I woke up, I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But I forced myself out of bed, a list of things running through my head.

Call Bella… try to get a shift tonight. The rent’s due next week, maybe I can pick up some extra shifts…

I took my time showering, letting the warm water slow my thoughts. I really could go back to sleep. I didn’t have to get up… But when the cold air hit me, I returned to reality. I could sleep later. Much later.

With a sigh, I turned on my phone and moved to my closet to get clothes. I pulled out a clean pair of jeans, and heard my phone beep as I matched it with a cute top. I turned to pick out my accessories, but stopped when I heard a string of continuous beeps emitting from my phone.

I paused, turning away from the dresser and reaching over to grab my phone. It had stopped beeping, and instead words glowed up at me. 5 New Messages shown, followed by 3 New Voicemails.

I stared at it for a second, frowning slightly, before flipping it open. The messages were all from Soren. I scanned them briefly, sighing at his accusations that “I was ignoring him” and “it’s not that hard to call me.”

I would. I really would. Just… not yet.

I didn’t reply to his messages, dialing my voicemail instead. I entered the password, then set it down so I could put on my jewelry.

The first message was from Soren – a long, rambling message that seemed to detail all the reasons I should call him without really telling me why. I skipped the end of it, getting bored after the first minute. The next message was from the manager at Bella, telling me to give her a call when I was back in commission.

The last message made me stop dead in the middle of applying my mascara. “Hey, Ellie.”

I turned and stared at the phone, as if Kirian had suddenly appeared in the room.

“So, umm…”

He sounded awkward, as if he wasn’t used to leaving messages.

“Well, I don’t know what Soren’s told you, but, I mean, don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”

My mind whirled, but I couldn’t remember Soren saying anything. I couldn’t remember him mentioning Kirian at all, actually.

“But, well, yeah. I’m fine. So… Bye.”

I shook my head as the voicemail ended. That was one of the most awkward messages I had ever listened to, but it had told me enough to realize that there was definitely something going on. I needed to get in touch with Soren and figure out what exactly Kiran was trying to keep from me.
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It's short. And not worth the wait. But I split this chapter into two parts because I really wanted to get something out.

I will try try try to get back to regular updating. Even though I've said this almost every day for the past two weeks. I'm really hoping things slow down.