Fall Away

Just Wait

Time seemed to move slowly for the rest of the night. Soren had refused to say anything more about Kirian, promising to tell me when he saw me. I had no idea why he couldn’t tell me over the phone, but it guaranteed that I would come over.

Work was slightly easier with Diana out. It wasn’t like I was best friends with people, but no one was openly hostile. It might even have been relaxing – except for Soren’s words lingering in my mind.

Soren arrived a half-hour before I got off. He sat right up front, talking and flirting as if nothing was wrong. His carefree attitude calmed me down, and I began to think I might be over-reacting.

At 10 o’clock, he caught my eye, looking pointedly at the clock. I shrugged helplessly. What did he expect me to do?

Soren sat for another 15 minutes while I continued to smile and serve customers. His gaze was boring into the back of my neck, but I couldn’t let that stop me. I was getting paid to do this.

At 10:20, Soren caught Cass’s attention. I kept a wary eye on the pair, watching as Soren flirted with her, effortlessly making her laugh before saying something else. Her eyes flickered to me and I quickly looked away. What was Soren doing?

I was resisting the urge to look at them again when Cass came up to me. “You’re done,” she told me, grabbing the rag from my hand. “You can take off.”

“Thanks,” I replied, slipping the apron over my head. “”I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She nodded, and I was almost out the door before she called me back. “Hey Ellie.”

I paused. “Yeah?”

“Is Soren… your boyfriend?”

I stared at her for a second before fiercely shaking my head. “No!”

She looked skeptical. “So, if I wanted to ask him out?”

“Go for it,” I replied. “Be my guest. I don’t care.”


I nodded.

A smile broke across her face. “Oh, good.’ She waved me away happily. “Se you.”

I shook my head as I turned away, amazed at her attitude change. I had to say, I wouldn’t want to be Soren when the girls finally got up the nerve to ask him out. It would be… well, intense. Not to mention chaotic.

“So what did you say to her?” I asked as Soren walked up to me, steering me towards the door.

The boy shrugged, smiling slightly. “I just pointed out that it was past 10.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s all?”

He shrugged again, and I rolled my eyes. Typical boy. I climbed into his car, leaning back into the seat as he drove down the street.


I nodded, forcing my eyes back open. “It’s been a long week.”

Soren chuckled, but it sounded dry. “Don’t I know it.”

“Yeah, what’s been happening?” I asked, feeling more awake as I remembered why I was here.

Soren opened his mouth, then shut it again, staring straight ahead at the road.

I groaned, turning away and staring out the window. “You can be a jerk, you know that?”

“Ellie…” He stopped again. “You’ll see. Okay? Just wait.”

Just wait. The words echoed in my head as I bit my tongue. That was a lot easier said than done.
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So I'm not really happy about how this turned out, but since it's basically a filler that's okay. I'm just trying to move the story ahead to the drama :)

Anyone have any predictions?