Fall Away

Time Passes

The next few days weren’t easy. I had gotten used to having the twins around, whether I wanted them there or not. It was weird to not see them at Bella’s, to not have them waiting for me after work on Friday.

That didn’t mean I didn’t hear from them. I got raspy messages from Kirian that I had to delete before I listened to because it broke my heart to hear the pain in his voice as he begged me to talk to him. I couldn’t, I knew I couldn’t, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

If other people noticed, they didn’t comment, but I’m sure it was talked about behind my back. Still, all I heard was girls commenting on how Soren wasn’t around, but they seemed genuinely disappointed. At least, I didn’t get the feeling that they were blaming me. Soon enough, they didn’t come to Bella’s in the evening, which gave me the idea that Soren was finding other places to go – places where he wouldn’t run into me.

I got home from work on Sunday and felt a bit of relief. I had survived the week, and had all of Monday to myself. I was looking forward to sleeping in and not worrying about anything.

But of course, I wouldn’t be that lucky. There was a knock at my apartment door, and when I stood up and pulled it open, my mouth dropped.

Kirian was standing in the doorway, and he looked healthier than ever.
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I know, I suck for being gone so long and then giving you a short crappy chapter. Wtih a cliffhanger ending.

But I'm very upset because I thought i had posted this two days ago. But apparently it didn't go through. Stupid Mibba :P

Anyways, now that the crazy month of November is over, this story is back to being active. For the first time ever, I'm writing two stories at once (this one and Scent of Summer) but I'm hoping the updates will still be timely.