

Flashing lights of red and blue approaching from behind, I strain myself to run faster .My ears ringing from the, all to familiar sound of, the patrol car’s siren. “I have to think fast, what do I do, what do I do?” I screamed frantically in my head. That’s it! I swiftly whirl around and dash into a dark, damp alley, as the cop car speeds past me.
I sighed in relief. “That was a close one huh Kangee” I direct my voice to my trusty companion. My blue German shepherd rolled his eyes and started to speak “Nayelli that was a little to close for comfort, can’t you just consider getting a job? I mean that’s the third grocery store we’ve robbed this week!” He looked up at me with pleading puppy-dog eyes. “No Kangee, you know I don’t work well with other people, besides since Jake went to jail no one trusts me…I’m just an outcast, delinquent to this town. They don’t care about me, there’s no way in Hell anyone would give me a job. Besides you know I steal for you, we need the food and there’s no way my failure of a father is gonna get it.” I sigh at the last part. All the while, I’ve been leaning against the wall of the alley and then I trail into deep thought about my family and unconsciously slide down the wall and sit on the damp dirt floor, holding my knees. Tears seep out of my eyes and slowly slide down my cheeks. In embarrassment, I buried my head in my knees. Kangee put his head under my chin and comfortly nudged me and whispered, “It’s okay to cry in front of me, you know I’m still here for you. Come on we should get home it’s getting late, you need your rest, tomorrow is your first day of your junior year. “Oh joy just what I need, kids and teachers making my life hell!! Ugh why must I go to school?!?!” Kangee looks up and smirks “At least you get great grades! You’re smarter than all those stupid teens!!” I looked up and a small grin crossed my face “Thanks Kangee, you always make me feel better” I lean over and hug my dog, and then got up and started walking to my house.

I take in a deep breath and wince as I turn the doorknob of my front door. And as I suspect he was standing there giving me the dirtiest glare. “Where have you been you little brat?! Stealing from another store I see, you’re just as bad as your brother; at this rat you’ll be joining him in jail!! I want you home before dark tomorrow got it!?!” My father screamed in rage followed by a slap across the face and a few slugs in the arm. I wince in pain and scream at him “I wouldn’t have to steal if you actually acted like a father and would buy food for your daughter!!!” He slapped me, with more force this time. “Daughter, ha, try a disgrace!!! And don’t you talk back to me, got it!?!?” I nodded hesitantly “y-yes sir” I stuttered.
“Now get!” he yelled as I scrambled down the stair to the basement, where my room is located even though we have two spare rooms upstairs. I collapsed on my bed and drifted of into an unsettle sleep.

My eyes shot open as my body slammed against the wall I lost my balance and fell to the floor. He kicked me hard in the side.” You’re pathetic now get up you have to go to school, and there will be no ditching this year, got it?!?! Don’t forget to were long sleeves!!” my father yelled angrily and walked away. As he walked passed him, Kangee growled. “Get a muzzle for this lame excuse of a dog!! If he doesn’t start behaving he’s gonna sleep outside, and if that doesn’t do it I’ll take him out to the field and shoot him, got it!?!” I looked up winced and then said “y-yes sir” He just glared at me and continued walking up the basement stairs. I struggled to pull myself up and spoke a little sternly “Kangee you know you can’t be growling at him like that, he won’t hesitate to” I was hesitant “t-to kill you” I said shakily. He walked over to me and nuzzled me “I’m sorry Nayelli, I just hate seeing him hurt you,” he said submissively. “Thank you, but unfortunately you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about me what’s another beating gonna do?” I said my gaze lowering to my side where old bruises took their place and newer ones forming.

“Hmm...what should I wear today?” I said rummaging through my dresser. “Kangee help please?” Kangee yawned got up walked into my closet and came back a few moments later with the perfect outfit in his mouth. “How bout this?” I grinned, “Oh Kangee it’s perfect!” I said pulling my German shepherd into a hug. I went into my bathroom to take a shower and get dressed and all that jazz.

I came out forty-five minutes later wearing a black shirt with two lime green ravens on it, it had half sleeves an to cover the rest of my arms I put on lime green baggy arm warmers. For the bottoms I wore a black and lime green vertically striped skirt with a raven in the bottom right corner. To cover the bruises on my legs I wrap my legs with white bandage, most people think it’s just a fashion statement, which in a way it is, but anyways for shoes I wore knee high black boots. I wore my black hair, streaked with red, down with a black hat with a lime green raven on the side of it. The hat was tilted to the side in a crooked manner, which really ticks off my father but to hell with him, I don’t care. If you haven’t noticed my favorite colors are black and lime green and I love ravens. You can say that ravens are my slight obsession. I study birds in my spare time. Ravens are my favorite because I feel that I relate to them. I always repeat this to myself,
“Like a raven with broken wings, no one helps me for they say I am nothing but a crow, but if they could only see me
spread my wings and fly they'd see the majestic bird that I am. If they could only see me fly….”

I twirl around, “so Kangee what do ya think?” he smiled “You look beautiful, now off with you, your gonna be late!” “Thanks Kangee, but aren’t you gonna walk with me to school?” “I’m sorry Nayelli but I’m really tired I think I’m gonna go back to sleep, but I’ll meet you outside the gates after school okay?” I pouted “Okay fine, but that means I’m gonna make you run after school, we don’t need you getting out shape no do we?” Kangee let out a soft, playful growl and said “whatever, no go!! And try to make some friends!” I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the top of his head and said “who needs human friends when I have you?” I grinned and spoke sternly “ Kangee don’t be late to the gates, okay?” He nodded and with that I left.

I arrive at hell also known as Birchmore High School, home of the losers, not really but that’s what it should be! I keep my eyes focused on the ground in front of me, and try to ignore the hateful lamos around me. It’s hard to ignore them when I can feel their stares burning into my back. “Ugh why can’t they just see me for who I am?” I scream in my head. One particular stare ticked me off the most that stare belonged to Kyle Birchmore, the schools number one “bad ass.” He thinks that he’s friggen royalty because his dad is governor of Birchmore. He’s so stuck up and he finds it amusing to tick me off. “Stare any longer and I’ll rip your eyes out” I scowled. He just smirked and said, “Well, well, well, the town’s outcast actually showed up on the first day of school? Are you feeling alright?” He said sarcastically while putting his hand on my forehead as if to check if I had a fever. I slapped his hand away “Don’t you ever touch me again, that is if you value your life” I growled. “Ha you wouldn’t do that or my daddy will throw you in juvie!! Speaking of juvie I heard you robbed a bank?” He asked deviously. “I have never robbed a bank!!! It was nothing but a grocery store!! And it’s none of your business!! So go get a life!!” I screamed at him, stomping off to homeroom.

“Yay another year with Mr. Nelsen!” I thought in my head sarcastically. Homeroom is a mixture of English, social studies, and character building, and the worst part about it is that you have the same teacher all four years of high school. They say they do that so that you can go to them for help and advice but I think they really do it to torcher us!!! Mr. Nelsen hates my very existence! At first he had absolutely no reason to hate me, the only reason he did was because he had my brother, Jake, in his class. But since he was a jerk to me, I treated him the same way. So now his hate still exists. He just gave me a nasty look as I walked to my usual seat at the back of the room in the corner next to the window, and sat down and let out a small sigh.

The day went by so slow, all of homeroom, Mr. Nelsen picked on me, and my other classes weren’t to fun either. The whole day I could feel glares burning at my skin and people whispering untrue gossip about me. I just shook it off, why should I care what they think? At lunch I ate in my usual tree. “ “Brinnnnnggggg” The final bell sounded. I bolted out of my math class running for the gates where I was supposed to meet Kangee. And like he said he would he was waiting for me. “How was your first day? Make any new friends?” He asked pleadingly. “It sucked and I didn’t make friends…” He changed the subject, “so are we going running then?” I shook my head “Sorry Kan I’m really tired and of course Mr. Nelsen loaded me with homework. Can we just go home?” He looked up at me “of course, no lets go”
We walked for a while in silence, it was a long walk since I live on the far end of Birchmore, and I couldn’t stand walking the whole way in silence so I explained to Kangee my run in with Kyle Birchmore. “Oh Nayelli, just ignore him.” He said in an effort to comfort me. “No Kan I think he’s right I am the town’s outcast” Those words painfully engraving themselves in my mind.
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Sorry it's a little slow, I promise that as the story progresses it gets more eventful.
Kangee means Raven
Nayelli means I love you
I would love comments :)