

We finally arrived at my house, I took a deep breath and then slowly turned the doorknob, hoping that my father wouldn’t be home. I hesitantly pushed the door open and stepped inside. I hear loud voices in the kitchen, of course that’s just my luck, not only is he home, he’s playing poker with all his drunk friends. I think about turning around and leaving, just as I begin to leave, my dad yells in a harsh tone “, Nayelli, get your ass in here!!” I sigh. Great ... Kangee has a sympathetic look and follows me down the hall.

I reach the kitchen and all the drunks stare at me. I yell at them “, What the hell are you looking at?!” My dad screams at me “, They can look at you as long as they want,! You need to treat your guests with respect.” I reply rolling my eyes “…whatever..” he shoots me a glare. “Anyways I called you in here to tell you that Herb’s son just moved in with him and he’ll be going to your school. He will also be working around here helping me with projects. Your job is to make him feel welcome. Got it?!” I reply without thinking, “What do I look like a welcoming committee??” He slaps me “ Shut up, you’ll do what I tell you, or I’ll shoot that mutt of yours!” Kangee whimpers. He adds “oh yeah and he’ll be living here part time” “WHAT!!?!?!” “Oh and he’ll be staying in your brother’s room, so you’re going to have to clean out his old stuff..” I am pissed by now “You can’t do that, it’s Jakes room, not a rental, besides we have two spare rooms!!!” I scream tears pouring out of my eyes, I run down the stairs to my room and slam the door behind me. I fall on my bed crying. Kangee whimpers “It’ll be okay Nayelli, maybe he’ll be nice…” I look up “It won’t be okay, that’s Jake’s room, and how could he be nice when his father is Herb?”

That night I cried myself to sleep. I woke up to the usual routine, being slammed against the wall and kicked in the side by my abusive father. He yelled at me “You will meet the boy today, and you will show him the way home!!” I reply hazily “Why can’t Herb just drive him here?” He’s pissed now “Because I told him you’d show him the way, oh and you will be walking home with him everyday” “Wait I thought he was only staying here part time?” With anger in his voice he replies “Every other weekend he will visit with his mom” “His name is Jay Hinto and you will walk him home and you better do it, or you’ll come home to dead dog! Got it!?” I slowly nod, I am once again defeated. He leaves the room in anger, leaving a trail of a fowl scent that smells strongly of alcohol. I look to Kangee “wow I didn’t think that he ever drinks this early in the morning” Kangee looks at me like I’m crazy. “Kangee I don’t wanna do this I hate this kid already!!” Kangee scowled me “Nayelli do you hear yourself, don’t be so fast to judge, you hate it when people do that to you, don’t be such a hypocrite!” I pet him and apologize, “I’m sorry Kan I’m just really upset.” “I know but what’s done is done” He smiled “now off with you, see you after school, and be nice to this kid, give him a chance okay?” “Okay Kan, be good bye” I wave him goodbye.

At lunch I discover that the whole school’s girl population is looking at the new kid, that’s just pathetic. What makes him better than everyone else? They probably don’t know a damn about this kid, I really hope he’s not the guy that I’m gonna have to deal with everyday! I study him he’s pretty tall but not like freakishly tall or anything…and something really weird about him is his bright blue medium length hair. He seems to like the color blue because he has blue eyes, blue hair, and wears different shades of blue. He’s wearing a blue, baggy hoody with dark blue jeans that aren’t baggy nor tight… I walk past the guy and he for some odd reason, stopped me and started talking to me, he obviously hasn’t heard the rumors about me. He says in a cocky tone “Hi my name’s Jay Hinto!!!! I reply with a blank expression “…blue...jay...?..” Shit I think that’s the name of the guy who I have to take home, if it is ,it has to be this guy, cause how many Jay Hintos could there be around here? He replies a little awkwardly “ yah..uh.. like a blue jay” I reply hastily “You do know that blue jays knock down other birds nest and eat their eggs?! They ruin bird families!!! And your proud to be named after a family killer?!?!” He looks really nervous, but why? Hmm..whatever. He stutters “… really.……sooo.. you know a lot about birds?” I reply with no interest “……yes……” He’s sweating like a pig and his face is red, is he blushing? Hmm…maybe because everyone is staring at him, oh no, now everyone is staring at me and the girls look pissed. They look like they’re, they’re uh jealous….whatever…. He asks “So what's your favorite bird?” I reply blankly “the raven” He looks at my outfit, “Oh I see, I guess I could have seen that coming judging by your clothes..” Anger crosses my face “What’s wrong with my clothes!!?!?!” He stutters again “N-nothing...its just you have the ravens on your clothes so it emphasizes your favor in them..that’s all” Man he stutters a lot, maybe he has speech problem..? “hn….” He tries to act like he knows what he’s talking about, “Aren't ravens the symbolization of death?” I am filled with rage I yell at him “NO THEY ARE NOT!!!THAT WOULD BE THE CROW THAT SYMBOLIZES DEATH!!!!!!!!NOT THE RAVEN!!!!!” he looks baffled “well aren't they the same thing?” This guy really sucks at first impressions and he’s quite stupid. I yell again “NO THEY ARE NOT!!!!!THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT BIRDS!!!CROWS ARE EVIL MEAN AND CRUEL!!!! AND RAVENS ARE MAJESTIC BEAUTIFUL BIRDS!!!!!” “I’m sorry I-I didn't know…” And again with the stuttering, I think this dude really does have serious issues… I am really annoyed, “WHAT DO YOU WANT ANYWAYS!!!!!!!” Maybe that was a bit harsh but hey I don’t even like this guy… what happened to his cockiness, he seems almost shy now… “uh um well... I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me sometime…..?” I sigh “ I would say no, but unfortunately I have to put up with you everyday, but that does not mean that I’ll be your friend…..”
He looks really confused right now, “what do you mean you have to put up with me everyday?” “You’re Jay Hinto the kid that’s going to be working for my dad right?” “Wait, you’re the girl that I’m gonna be living with?” “What does that supposed to mean!? Oh and you’re horrible with first impressions! Whatever meet me at the gates after school and don’t be late or I’ll leave without you….” I walk off before he can say another word.

I look back and see that he’s talking with his friend, and no doubt they’re talking about me…but whatever I don’t care, or do I? I really do want to know what they’re talking about, I have nothing better to do. I sneak around and climb into the tree above them and listen. He says to his friend “Did I say something wrong?” he looks kind of upset, but why? His friend replies “I told you she’s bad news, and she'll never like you, move on you can have any girl you want, except her..” He frowns “But I want her….” What did he just say? I think I need my hearing checked, because I don’t think I heard him correctly.. I lean in closer to hear better and almost fall out of the tree but at the last minute I catch myself. Jays friend looks really confused “You know nothing about her though.” Jay looks eager “That’s why I wanna find out, she looks like she needs a friend, it looks like she wants one..” What the heck how does he know that, wait a minute he’s right, but I can never let anyone else get close to me, I’ll just end up getting hurt… his friend yells at him “Dude are you crazy?!?! She just yelled at you that she won’t be your friend!!” Jay replies “Her voice may have said that but the look in her eyes says otherwise.” How does he do that? He’s amazing….wait what am I thinking I hate this guy, ugh stupid emotions!! I must not show them… The friend puts his arm on Jay’s shoulder “She’s trouble dude, her brothers in jail, and she’s just like him, wouldn’t you rather go out with a cheerleader?” God I hate that kid everyone in the whole school thinks they know me and to tell you the truth this new guy knows more about me then the people I’ve been going to school with since kindergarten…. Jay replies annoyed “I am soooooo over those anorexic Barbie doll preps, they are sooo annoying, but her, she's different.….” The guy seems weirded out by Jays liking towards me “Well good luck with that man, but you have no idea what you're getting yourself into, later dude” Jay replies “yah-uh bye” Then they both left. I sat in the tree until the bell rang, just thinking about everything he said. Gaaahh why can’t I stop thinking about him, this is so annoying…

At the gates after school, to my surprise he was there before me, wow he was early he must’ve had to run from his class to get here. I walk past him and then say “So heres the rules, they’re plain and simple, you follow me and don’t say a word.” I didn’t even look back to see if he was going to argue. He didn’t, he stayed silent for a long time. “So what do you do for fun?” I reply with no expression “I never have fun….but I rob grocery stores in my spare time” He starts laughing. I roll my eyes “stop laughing it’s not a joke…” He looked surprised “Doesn’t your dad ever go buy groceries.” I start to vent not noticing that I just let him get away with talking “ha yah right he spends all his money on boos, poker, and now on paying you!” He says apologetically “I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” I then realize that I’m talking to him and I say “…whatever..” then I speed up so that I am walking ahead of him. I sneak a peek behind me and see that he looks depressed. I kind of feel sorry for him, but I can never let anyone close I don’t want to lose another loved one. We still have quite a ways to go and I hate walking in silence so I break it by asking him with little interest “So, do you have any nicknames?” He perks up a bit and then it dies. “Um, no I don’t..” I sigh “Well I’m going to call you Blue” He looks really happy now “Okay!!” “But that still doesn’t mean that I’m your friend…Blue..” Hmm, Blue, I like the sound of that….
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