Sequel: We Gamble With Desire
Status: Complete ; Sequel soonish <3

Have You Seen This Girl


Title Credit : All Time Low's Remembering Sunday.

Alex wake up!” Jack whined jumping onto my bunk.
“What the fuck Jack! I’m awake.” I yelled “Get the fuck off me.”
“What’s your problem?” He asked accusingly.
“Nothing dude, just get the fuck off.” I yelled pushing him down to the floor.
“You’re lying.” Jack exclaimed following me to the front of our bus. “And you’re really bad at it Alex. Tell me please?” He begged giving me puppy dog eyes.
“That’s not fair Jack!” I exclaimed.
“Just tell me. You know you want to” he said batting his eyelashes.
“Fine, so after yesterdays show, I met this girl..."