Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 10: Tears… Will They Ever Stop?

Nick’s POV:

I was awoken by a 2 sets of not very well hidden giggles. I opened my eyes and saw Chelsea in the doorway giggling her butt of I turned my head and saw Ivy sitting next to me her hand poised above my chest smiling softly. “Sorry” she said sweetly “I was just gonna grab my necklace”

I yawned and shook my head. Chelsea cut me off before I could finish though “Ivy I’m gonna start folding all your clothes and putting them in those athletic bags ok bye Nick” Ivy nodded and looked at me I was still lying on the bed with her jewelry perched on my chest. I sat up and grabbed the boxes off my chest and handed he the longer of the two.

I rubbed my eyes then said “Ok that is your locket the fixed the latch and made it shine like a star, and this” I said holding the ring box up “is a ring they found inside the necklace I haven’t seen it yet. I vote you open that box and I will put your locket on and then we can look at this” I once again held up the box

“I agree” she popped open the necklace and started crying “Damn will these tears ever stop”

I chuckled and said “Apparently not” as I wiped at her tears.
“Would you like to put the locket on the same chain as the key instead of this leather strip?” I asked secretly hoping she would say yes.

“Good idea” she said unlatching her key I slid the locket from the leather strip and carefully handed into to Ivy ho then slid the locket down next to the key causing the now charm necklace to sway. I took the necklace from her and she turned and I quickly latched her necklace on she turned and quickly wiped her tears “Ok the ring”

I smiled and handed her he box her hands shook uncontrollably as she tried to open the box. I chuckled and said “Let me I opened the box where we both could see we gasped in unison as we saw the silver ring sparkle and the black engravings of music notes and other musical symbols. “You play?” I questioned looking at Ivy who was entranced by the rings she nodded and said “Quit when I got to foster care at 5 I was a musical prodigy could play piano and guitar since I was 3 I can sing t but I haven’t done anything in so long mommy used to sing my to sleep at night and I learned guitar from watching my daddy he was stunned when little three year-old me began strumming on his guitar” she chuckled and added “They even had a mini guitar made for me that would fit my hands it was lime green my favorite color” her tears feel down her face with no chance of stopping.

I picked up the ring and watched Ivy smile I notice there was engraving inside of it “There is engraving on the inside too” I whispered

“Read it to me please” she asked her face completely tear stained and it showed no signs of stopping any time soon

I followed the top line of the engraving with my eyes and whispered “Life and purity are temporary” my eyes traveled to the bottom line it read “But love and music are eternal” I looked at Ivy as she cried harder “I think it is a purity ring”
“It is” she sobbed “I can’t wear it” another large sob ripped threw her body

“Why?” I asked not understanding

“I’m not pure” she hissed.

My eyes grew large as a fire ignited in me Who the fuck did she give her virginity to I wanted to be the ONE to be given that!!!!! “Whom did you give your virginity to?” I asked in an emotionless voice.

Her eyes shot up at me and she narrowed her eyes at me threw her tears “Give” she hissed the word as if it were poison “I GAVE MY VIRGINITY TO NO ONE IT WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM ME RIPPED AWAY FROM ME WHEN I WAS JUST A LITTLE GIRL I WAS FUCKING 12 ALMOST 13” she screamed and began sobbing once more I gasped and grabbed her. I cradled her in my arms as she sobbed and sobbed for what felt like days but was truly only 20 minutes or so.

As her sobs turned into quite cries and then into tiny sniffles at this point I slid the ring onto her left finger. She tried to get it off but I grabbed her and whispered in her ear “No disgusting leech of a man can take that from you. You must give it to some one in my eyes you are still as pure as the day you were born don’t ever let some slime ball make you feel dirty because it isn’t true.” I brought her hand that held the purity ring on it up to my lips I kissed her ring then I kissed the inside of her wrist feeling her accelerated pulse in my lips

“No one can take this” I held up her hand making her see the ring “from you. NO ONE. It must be given” I cradled her close and hummed a lullaby in her ear.

Ivy’s POV:

Nick held me close and rocked me back in forth I processed what he had said. Was I truly still pure? I never asked for that I never wanted it I was so little I was still a girl no even close to being a woman. When mommy was alive she used to tell me that phrase that’s how I knew it was a purity ring. She always told me that the man I’m supposed to be with would want to be my first and if I was lucky I would be his first. She would tell me no matter what I chose to do whether I waited or not she and my daddy and God would all love me no matter what. “Nicky” I whispered my voice scratchy for screaming and crying.

“Yes baby girl” he whispered looking deep into my eyes

“Does God still love me?” a tiny sob left my lips after that question

“Oh babe of course he loves you” he held me tighter to his chest by now I was sitting in his lap and I was quite content “I don’t know a single person who couldn’t love you” he whispered into my curls as he pulled out my pony tail holder. She repeatedly ran his fingers threw my hair. It was so soothing.

“Nicky I only want to ay my story once will to get Chelsea, Denise, and Kevin. If Joe wants to he can come but I really don’t want Frankie to know” I whispered into the crook oh his neck. He nodded but made no move to let go of me and a large part of me didn’t want him to let go of me.

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door. I raised my head from Nicks neck but didn’t move as he called “It is safe to come in” A hesitant Denise opened the door followed by Chelsea and Kevin.

Denise smiled softly seeing me wrapped in Nick’s arms “I made Paul and Joe take Frankie to get ice cream when we heard the screaming” I smiled softly as my eyes got teary again.

Chelsea sat at the edge of the bed and scooted close to me and hugged my neck I refused to leave Nick’s comforting arms. “We are her for you. Do you want to tell us your history?” she murmured into my curls

I nodded me head and Nick’s arms unwrapped from around my body allowing me to leave. I whimpered and cried “No” then rewrapped his arms tightly around me. My back was against his chest and I sat between his spread legs Chelsea laid in between and trace empty patterns on my thighs as Denise and Kevin sat on either side of her stretched out body. “Where do you want me to start?” I whispered.

Nick’s arms tightened around my tiny waist. “How about from the days your parents died” Kevin said taking my left hand he noticed the ring and raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll get to that later Kev” I whispered. I swallowed and said “I was 5 mommy was pregnant she went to the doctors for a visit with my daddy. Some drunk driver slammed into them and made their car tumble down a cliff” Tears began pouring since the first word I uttered “I lost my mommy my daddy and my baby brother and sister that day yeah The police man came to the house and told my sitter at the time what had happened I had no one both my parents were only children and both sets of my grandparents had died. I was completely alone I was put into a foster home in Dallas where I lived with my mommy and daddy. My foster mother was an alcoholic she had 4 kids and a never-ending string of boyfriends. I was her fourth or fifth foster kids she used us for money she refused to work. Her kids were about my age the youngest was a girl who was 6 then there was a twin boy and girl who were7 and finally there was a boy that was 12.” I shuddered thinking about him I still had tears streaming down my face.

Nick felt me shudder his arms tightened around me and he whispered into my ear “You don’t have to do his”

“No I need you guys to know” I took a deep breath and laced my fingers of my right hand with Nick’s I needed him now and I didn’t know why he was the only on to ever make my darkness disappear o that I could completely see the light in my soul. I squeezed Kevin’s hand seeing as he still held my hand I took a deep breath before continuing “She beat me. She degraded me. She told me I would never amount to anything. If I hadn’t known my mommy and daddy I would have believed her but I can still remember them I loved them more than anything. Kevin you asked how I kept my mom’s wedding dress for so long. Before I left my house I put it in n of those space bags and buried it beside the garden my mother and I had made when I ran away from that woman I went to my house and dug it up that’s how I kept it safe. My locket” I removed my hand from Kevin’s and touched my locket where it now hung next to the Key I had been given from the Jonas’s “was given to me along with a letter that had been left to me in my parents will. Apparently they had set this aside but hadn’t decided on who would keep me if they died. But the letter said I was supposed to receive this locket when I was 15 but since they had passed they wanted me to have it now.” I sobbed at the thought of the letter “My foster mom caught me reading the letter when I was 9 and burned it. I had planned to run away at the age of 16 but my plans had to be sped up to my 13th birthday because of the incident.”

I began shaking and more tears poured from my eyes as I continued Nick held me and rocked me side to side. he laced his fingers with mine and held me so close to his body I could feel his heartbeat in my back I took a deep breath and shakily released it. “Josh his name was Josh and he was my foster mom’s oldest son. He came in the night before my 13th birthday. My birthday is Halloween, but anyway he came in and that night” Sobs caught in my throat along with the rest of the sentence “he raped me.” It came out a chocked whisper. I shook uncontrollably and sobbed. Chelsea hugged my waist and set her head on my thigh while Denise sat there tears streaming down her face just as fast as they were mine. Kevin hugged my front while Nick still had his steel grip from the back around my fragile frame. I gasped for air but finally quit sobbing I still had tears rolling down my face as Kevin sat back Chelsea made no motion to move though. I smiled softly tears still pouring from my eyes I gripped Nick harder as I continued he buried his face in my neck and hair. “I ran that night on my 13th birthday I ran away I didn’t want him to do that again I didn’t want to feel that pain ever again. I ran hopped on the first bus to Houston I had heard of a shelter there when I arrived I couldn’t sleep for over a week I couldn’t even close my eyes because I would relive that night over again. Since that night I’ve been plagued with nightmares. I started cutting when I was 13 it could help prevent the nightmares but nothing completely stopped them.” I held tighter to Nick and felt Chelsea’s arms tighten around my middle.

“Mrs. Matthews told me to do everything in my power to prevent your nightmares” Denise whispered sitting forward and taking one of my hands away from Nick’s. I heard him slightly whimper when she did this. “I promise Ivy to try and do whatever it takes to keep them at bat is there anything that helps beside cutting?” she cringed at the word I knew she didn’t want me to go back to that option and I didn’t want that either.

“There is one thing” I whispered holding even tighter to Nick he held onto me just as tightly I’m surprised I haven’t snapped in half and he hasn’t broken his hand at the force we are holding each other.

“What is it?” came Chelsea’s whispered question I looked at my lap and saw the tears she had shed for me I smiled at her slightly and she smiled softly back and gave me a light squeeze.

“Sometimes” I whispered “I can sense when I will have a nightmare they aren’t as often anymore but they are still frequent but back to the point I sensed one last night.”

“But you didn’t have one last night” Nick said lifting his head up from my neck I saw his eyes were slightly red and I looked at my curls and saw they were drenched. He had silently been crying into my shoulder and I was to wrapped up in my own crying to notice.

“I know” I whispered looking into his eyes “That’s because I slept in your bed with you last night Nick” I heard Denise gasp slightly “I’m so sorry I swear nothing happened between us. I was just frightened and when we were together the feeling of my upcoming nightmare went away, so I thought that Nick might help keep the nightmare at bay. He did help I didn’t have a single trace of a nightmare” I turned my head to Denise instead of seeing fury that I thought I would see I was greeted with a bright smile and happy tears

“Darling if Nick helps you then we have found an easy solution anytime you feel the need go find Nick share a bed with him I trust you.” Denise said joyfully but there was something hidden in her eyes I looked like a sort of knowing excitement but I didn’t know what it would before.

“My past is horrible I will understand if you don’t want a broken girl like myself along with your family Denise” I whispered as I loosened my hold on Nick

“No” Nick said in a strong voice his grip brought me so close to his body we may have well been one “You will never leave you are a part if this family now and forever your past has nothing to do with it. Even if the press or others don’t like your past we could care less you are Ivy Andrews a part, a now key part, of the Jonas family. No turning back now your stuck with us” he then gently kissed my ear threw my hair I couldn’t control the shivers that were sent threw my body as his lips made contact with my body.
“Nick took the words from my mouth” Denise said with a laugh I laugh too and then yawned

“I think some one is tired” Kevin cooed and I nodded my head.

Chelsea sat up and scoffed “Of course she is tired she has cried her eyes out like a million times to day crying is tiring work.” She turned her cut little blonde head my way “Change and go to sleep. I will pack the rest of your clothes and I will sleep in your bed tonight.” She kissed my forehead before grabbing Kevin and dragging him out the door.

Still wrapped in Nick’s arms Denise smiled at me and said “sweetheart if you need me come get me” she kissed my forehead then kissed Nick’s cheek before saying “Good Night you two” then she left the gracefully room

“Nick with you stay with me until I’m asleep?” I asked looking into his chocolate brown eyes that could make anyone melt into a puddle

He chuckled before saying “I didn’t plan to leave even once you were asleep. Go take a shower I’ll be here.” He brushed his lips against my neck. I reluctantly pulled out of his arms and went to take a quick shower. I changed and walked out to see Nick shirtless and wearing only a pair of dark gray basketball shorts “Ready for bed?” I bit my lip and nodded my head. I quickly walked to the bed and got under the covers with Nick for some reason I was anxious to be in his arms once again. I sighed contently as he drug my body into his and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. I set my head on his chest and let his heart gently lull me to sleep

“Night Nicky” I whispered just before drifting into dream world

I barely caught a breathy voice that sounded like nick but different say “buona notte la mia Edera”

Nick’s POV:

I whispered to Ivy good night in Italian not knowing how I knew how to say it but I truly didn’t care it was only a matter of seconds before my thoughts were pulled into a dream land centered around my beautiful little Ivy. She would never be broken in my eyes only perfect.

Nicks Dream:

I watched a scene unfold but I was in it I didn’t understand what was going on so I just watched. I stood alone in a field I was wearing a dark gray suit and a hat the looked quite old it looked like something from the 20’s my curls were cut extremely short and were hidden for the most part by the hat on my head. I appeared to be fiddling with something in my pocket. Suddenly Ivy can bounding into the field her curls were pinned in a short style with diamond clips. She was wearing a midnight blue flappers dress and nude fishnet stocking with nude heels. She looked stunning as she ran towards my figure she threw herself at me and we embraced in a feverish kiss. We pulled back from the kiss and Ivy murmured “Nico if Papa finds you he will have you skinned alive you know this” she spoke in Italian but some how I knew what she was saying.

I spun her around then pecked her lips before replying in Italian “My little Eve you can’t expect me to stay away can you my love” I stepped back and let go of Ivy who I was calling Eve and she was calling me Nico “I had to give you this before we left” Nico pulled out a jewelry box and opened it revealing a locket identical to Ivy’s I gasped along with Eve.

“No Nico that is for your family not mine” Eve gasped looking stunned

“You are my family my only family” I cooed softly into Eve’s ear he stepped forward and latched the locket around her neck before he laid his lips on her. It may have been my body but jealousy shot threw my body it wasn’t fair I wanted to kiss my beautiful little Ivy, but no I got to watch Nico kiss Eve my life sucks. They pulled apart and Eve looked up at Nico she gave him a huge hug before he whispered “I must do we are sailing to America in the morning I promise to come back and get you I will never forget you my Eve. Always remember you hold the key to my yearning heart.” He kissed her lips and pulled away from her.

A single tear slid down her cheek as she whispered “Don’t forget” then Nico disappeared into the darkness. Eve whispered once more “Don’t forget me Nico” she tucked the locket into her dress so only the chain was visible and turned and walked away.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around I checked the clock and saw it said 3:13 I sighed and looked down. I saw Ivy she had her head on my bare chest her leg was cast over my hips and she had her harms on my chest next to her face. I noticed where my hands were placed they had pushed up her tank so one hand was on her bare lower back while the other was half on her butt half on her thigh I slowly moved that one down. As my and lightly traveled down ivy’s thigh she murmured in her sleep ‘Nick’. I smiled brightly hearing my name escape her lips. I pulled down her tank and set my hand back on her back I held her closer to my body and fell back asleep completely forgetting about the dream had just had.
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comment please it is kinda suckish srry