Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 11: Early Mornings, Photo Shoots and Hidde

Chapter 11: Early Mornings, Photo Shoots and Hidden talents

5 o’clock in the morning

Ivy’s POV:

“Ivy time to wake up” some one shook me gently I clung tighter to the warm hard pillow I was holding suddenly the pillow rumbled sending shaking threw my body. My eyes popped open and I saw Nick chuckling and he had been what I had clung to. I removed my leg from his waist I turned my head keeping my arms firmly around his neck and saw Chelsea asleep on the other bed with Joe shaking her hard enough to give her brain damage. I looked at the clock and saw it read 4:58.

“Let me sleep” I murmured burying my head into Nick’s chest once more

“We have to go to Dallas we have a photo shoot at 9 all day with Demi and Selena sorry you must get up” he whispered petting my hair. After I made no move to get up he sighed and said “Want me to carry you to the bus?” I smiled and nodded my head I turned and saw Joe having trouble with Chelsea still. Nick wrapped his arms around my body and brought us both out of bed I lazily let my head flop towards Chelsea as I thought of what to say.

I groggily yelled “Chelsea there are 75% off Jimmy Choo’s” she shot up in bed then Joe grabbed her and lead her towards the door where he then proceeded to set her on a bell hop cart along with our bags she seemed half awake and just cuddled up to him as he sat by her and just let 2 bell boys push them to the car. I lazily let my head lull back onto Nick’s shoulder. “Can I sleep on the bus?” I asked in a tiny sleepy voice

“Of course” Nick whispered back and soon we were on the bus I must have snoozed on the walk down here. We got to the bus and he set me on the couch Chelsea stumbled onto the bus and laid on the couch next to me and wrapped her arms around me. In a moment Kevin carried Frankie onto the bus he saw us and in his sleepy state blindly reached out for us Chelsea and I each blindly lifted up an arm and waited for Kevin to set Frankie on top of us. Once Frankie’s wait was on our body we set our arms down and all three of us were out and barely snoring within seconds.

Nick’s POV:

Mom Dad, Joe, Kevin and I all stood in the living room area softly laughing at the three conked out on the couch as Big Rob began to drive the tour bus off towards Dallas. I grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket and quickly began taking pictures of the three. Ivy could barely be seem seeing as she was the furthest into the couch and also the one Frankie had decided to cling to. Kevin had gotten out a Sony digital camera and had followed my lead and started snapping pictures. A groggy looking Joe laughed a few more times the sleepily began stumbling back to his bunk. I yawned and followed him back to the bunks I quickly found mine and tumbled into it not even trying to cover up I just passed out on the bunk.

<<<3 hours and 15 minutes later>>>

Ivy’s POV:

“Ivy darling it is time to wake up” Denise’s voice called threw the darkness of my in between sleep and awake state. My eyes fluttered open and she said “We have to go to a photo shoot you can go in your PJ’s is there anything you want for breakfast?”

“Carbs” I yawned and then added “And an Energy drink”

Denise laughed and said “Look in the fridge and I just baked blueberry muffins”

“Perfect” I mumbled pulling a magical blanket that seemed to appear out of thin air around my shoulders. I got onto the floor and crawled over to the fridge I heard giggles all around and I mumbled “I don’t like mornings” I opened the fridge and sat back on my heels I grabbed a Rock Star energy and happily popped the top and took a large drink I sighed and crawled to the table the energy drink in my hand. I collapsed onto my back and mumbled
“Muffin” as I held up a hand.

“Here you go Chica” I heard Chelsea giggle as she set a still warm muffin in my hand.

“Thanks” I grumbled while taking a bite my eyes still closed.

I heard a deep chuckle I would know anywhere and then came the voice I so loved say “Ivy Hun do you want to sit in my lap?” Nick asked in his deep amused voice I nodded my head and held up my arms one held a muffin and the other held and open energy drink. With my eyes still shut I felt Nick take my breakfast and I heard the can make contact with the table. Then Nick tucked an arm under my knees and back I wrapped mine around his neck. He picked me up and sat in what I assumed was a booth and set me in his lap while holding me tightly.

I yawned and finally opened my eyes I said “I’m sleepy. Where is my tooth brush?” I asked taking another bite from my muffin. Joe chuckled at me and I whined “What?”

“First thing you ask about is your toothbrush not where we are what we are doing or anything like that it is just…odd” he then gestured to the counter and said “Your toothbrush is over there with Chelsea’s” I nodded and took a long swig of my energy drink.

I was starting to wake up. I popped the last bite of my muffin into my mouth as I felt the bus stop. “Ok time to go” Denise said happily

“Can I brush my teeth inside?” She smiled and nodded “Can I take my drink?” I asked raising my car that was still about ¾ full. Again she nodded. “Nicky” I cooed looking into his eyes

“Yes” he said looking almost dazed and frightened at the same time

“Will you carry me inside I’m to sleepy to walk?” as if on cue I yawned. I heard Chelsea scoff I turned at her giving her a hurt look she only smiled and winked signaling she was only playing. I smiled and she mouth ‘in to you’ I shook my head and she rolled her eyes. I laid my head on Nick’s shoulder and looked up at him “Please?” he sighed and nodded I giggled then said “Oh god my breath is probably horrid I should brush them now real quick not in there hold on” I hopped up and jumped to the sink the Blue blanket still clinging to my body I quickly brushed my teeth and sat back on Nick’s lap. “Ok scratch the sleepy part will you just give me a piggy-back ride instead please?”

he chuckled and said “Of course”

“Lets go my energy drink is kicking in” I said taking another swig of the sugary drink. I giggled and Nick held out his hand to me as I saw the rest of the group getting up I took his hand and hopped onto his back. We walked out of the bus and surprisingly there were no paparazzi at all. We walked into the huge warehouse to see dozens of sets set up for us to take photographs in. there were racks upon racks of Clothes accessories jewelry and shoes. There were 2 sides the guys and the girl we knew the boys would be done first they always were well not so much Joe, but oh well. I saw Selena and Demi and waved they cheerfully waved back ii saw Chelsea and Frankie sprint that way while Joe and Kevin and their parents went to talk to the photographer.

“Which group?” Nick asked in a quiet voice

“I vote we spin in circles until some one comes to us; or you drop me; or we fall over
sound good?” I said quietly back as I sipped my rock star

“Perfect” Nick said as he began spinning I couldn’t help the shriek that escaped my lips. I laughed and clung to Nick holding my legs and arms tighter to his body we giggled and laughed the entire time. I almost dropped my drink but I saved it mid air it didn’t even spill WOOT!!!! After a few minutes of spinning Nick stopped and set me on the ground we grabbed onto one another wobbling like lunatics and giggling none stop.

“So Much fun” I laughed out

“Yeah” Nick agreed as he grabbed my drink and took a huge guzzle of it.
My jaw dropped and I gasped “You drank my rock star” I whispered as he shot the now empty can into a trash can about 10 feet away he just smirked and I yelled “YOU DRANK MY ROCKSTAR YOU BETTER RUN JONAS!!!!!!!!! YOU’RE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!” he took off and I took off right after him. I would have gotten him had it not been for Kevin hooking my around my waist as I passed and restraining me. “He took my Rock Star,” I pouted in Kevin’s arms as he held me Bridal style

“I’m sorry” Kevin said sarcastically I slapped him and growled. I pulled out of his arms and stomped over to Denise. I hugged her and she laughed and rubbed my back.

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice said “You should see the shots I got of those two Mrs. Jonas they are incredible” I looked up and saw a man cradling a camera and looking at the tiny screen it had. He looked to be in his late 30’s had sandy brown hair and deep blue green eyes and was wearing blue jeans, a black plain T-Shirt, and bright blue Nikes I laughed at his Nikes choice but over all he seemed cool.

“Please don’t publish those I’m in PJ’s and have no make up seeing as I just woke up” I begged the photographer. He showed me a picture of Nick and I we were spinning and my head was back laughing as I clung to him my hair was flared out along with the blanket i had brought with me Nick was smiling and looking at my over his shoulder it was simply amazing. “wow” I whispered “That doesn’t look like me” I said softly

Denise chuckled and gave me a gentle squeeze “Ivy darling I don’t know how you see your self but this right here is the girl every person on this world see this is you in your purest form and it is simply incredible” she cooed in my ear.

“Wow” I heard Nick say looking at the tiny screen I jumped hearing his voice “Sorry” he mumbled he held up my blanket and said “You dropped this”

I smiled and wrapped it tightly around my tiny body “Thanks. I’m cold” I whined everyone laughed and the photographer smiled brightly at me

“I’m Jeffery I’ll be taking your guys photos today this is for Teen Cosmo, Teen Vogue and Teen people”

“That’s a lot of teens” Selena mumbled I giggled along with most of the group.

“So this is how today will work the boys take pictures by themselves while we wait on the girls then we all take pictures then the boys go to their interviews then only the girls take photos the Demi and Selena go to their interview which leave the boys and Ivy and Chelsea taking photos and then the girls switch and then a few more shots and we are done. Basically it will be a long day for you guys” Jeffery smiled sadly because it would be a long day for us all.

Nick’s POV:

We went quickly threw wardrobe, makeup, and hair. Surprisingly Joe didn’t make much of a fuss. I tugged at my curls, they had cut them shorter I wasn’t sure quite how I felt about the new look yet, and I checked my outfit then I glanced at my brothers and watched them each give a glance over their outfits.

“Ready?” Joe asked Kevin and I nodded and we went out into the photo area.

Ivy’s POV:

I sat impatiently in a chair as people gushed over how gorgeous I was I knew they were lying. I sighed as they finished smearing clear gloss on my lips my hair was in soft curls and my make up was really natural my fingers and toes had even been painted a dark metallic purple I skipped towards the wardrobe section where the other girls sat as a stylist ran around. She separated us into separate rooms I pulled a face at the clothes I she handed me but I still put them out I walked out to see all of us dressed in almost the same outfit just different colors. Selena Demi Chelsea and I all made eye contact before screeching “ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK LIKE MILEY CYRUS” I could have sworn Selena said Skankey Cyrus but I was probably mistaken. Suddenly Denise appeared in the room and scrunched her nose at our apparel “I will not wear this our there” we said in unison once again as we folded our arms and cocked our hips causing the short skirts to show even more skin.

“I think the girls would like to choose their own clothing” Denise said sweetly to the now terrified stylist.

The stylist swallowed as we all still glared at her “That is fine right now is nice casual you should hurry though” she gestured to the racks f clothes and we quit glaring and began giggling and searching for clothes. I called out to the other girls “If I wear this corset will I look slutty”

“Sexy yeah not very casual though” Chelsea called.

“It could work” that was Demi

“I think it could look really good you should go for it” that was Selena

“Denise” I called sweetly“If I wear this corset will I look like a slut or something equally bad?” I asked gesturing to my body.

“I don’t think so it totally depends on what you were it with” she said thoughtfully

“Thanks will you check my outfits to make sure I look ok” She nodded and smiled happily at me

<<< 15 minutes later>>>

I searched the racks of clothing and finally settled on an outfit. I called out “Denise” she came into my cubicle and smiled “It is ok?”

She chuckled and said “Yes Ivy darling it is perfect casual but nice”

“Good” I sighed and walked out I saw the other girls dressed and waiting.

“Took you long enough” Chelsea said looping her arm with mine

“Sorry but this level of gorgeousness takes time” I said sarcastically as we walked to the Photo area.

We heard the radio blaring top hits and saw the boys being photographed. Joe stood in the middle his arms crossed Kevin was leaning on Joe his arm on his shoulder and he had kicked his foot out, but Nick stood there his hands in his pockets looking up at the camera next to Joe. They had cut his hair and I liked it but missed his unruly curls. Nick when he saw us his head popped up and he smiled brightly. His eyes focused on me and I waved he went back to shyly smiling but now his eyes were focused on me not the floor. “Perfect Nick finally I thought we would never get the shot” Jeffrey exclaimed behind his camera. Nick paid no mind and just stared into my eyes.

Suddenly he looked away and rubbed the back of his head “OWW Joe why did you slap me” he whined sounding like a little kid I giggled along with the girls

“Focus on the photos not Ivy” Joe scoffed and turned back to the camera. Just then Jeffery turned around he made eye contact with me and raised and eyes brow I blushed and shrugged my shoulders before hiding in Chelsea’s shoulders she laughed at me with
Selena and Demi they had never seen my shy side before and they thought it was hysterical. I peeked and saw Nick looking at me a smile plastered across his face he shook his head and turned his body back towards the camera but his eyes kept darting towards me every few seconds. I smiled and twinkled my fingers at him before turning towards the girls a smirk on my face.

“What do you have planned?” Selena asked smirking too.

Nick’s POV:

I watched Ivy wave before retreating back behind our set probably towards the food table the girls always seemed to be hungry. I sighed and looked back down at the floor. Jeffery huffed and said “Nick am I going to have to have that girl stand behind the camera for the entire day just to get you to smile?” he sounded flustered stressed and above all annoyed.

I smirked “Maybe” Jeffery shook his head and continued snapping photos I put on a fake smile and looked at the camera. After a few minutes I felt something heavy but light catapulted on my back I stumbled but caught myself and grabbed the jeaned thighs that were attached to the weight.

I turned and saw Ivy smirking on my back “Hi Nicky” she said hugging my neck chills shot down my spin as she let on of her hands caress my bare chest from where my shirt dipped down.

“Hi Ivy” I said squeezing her thighs causing her to giggle uncontrollably. I turned and saw Chelsea and DEmi lying on Joe laughing as he pouted and rambled about something. Then I glanced and saw Selena chatting with Kevin she probably didn’t jump on him just scared him. I laughed “You guys got us good didn’t you”

“Yeah” Ivy sighed setting her head on my shoulder “I feel bad for Joe he is being crushed by 2 baboons”

“Hey” Demi and Chelsea shouted in unison

“Cute Baboons” Ivy added quickly. Chelsea and Demi nodded then went back to pestering Joe.

Ivy’s POV:

“Ok lets go ahead and do the group casual shots sound good guys?” Jeffery asked.

There was a chorus of sure, yeah and fine’s.

<<< an hour later >>>

“Girls take a break” we nodded and walked off towards the food suddenly You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift flooded the studio. I squealed and began dancing and twirling to the song I didn’t care if it was lame I loved this song. I pranced around the giggling girls and sang my heart out belting out the lyrics I had long ago memorized.

I took Selena’s scarf and would twirl it in the air or wrap it around Chelsea and sing the lyrics with her. I saw a smiling Denise and Frankie and I skipped over during the instirmental and took Frankie’s hand I picked him up and dance us around the room still belting the lyrics I set Frankie down and grabbed Demi’s hat set it on my head and twirled around and around for the end of the song.

The song ended and I heard clapping I looked around and saw Jeffery looking down at his camera in awe the boys and crew clapping along Denise Frankie and Paul. I blushed and quietly said “Sorry” I gave Demi her hat back and tried to make a break for it but a smirking Big Rob set me down by the bys I glared at Rob and stuck my tongue at him he only chuckled and walked away.

“That was amazing” Joe said

“I knew you could sing”Kevin said pulling me into a hug.

Nick just smiled and held his arms open for a hug. Suddenly Johnny and June by Heidi Newfield came on “I love this song” I breathed as the first words my favorite words flooded the room ‘Oh there is something? ‘bout a man in black that makes me want to buy a Cadillac’. I softly sang the words.

“May I have this dance” Nick asked quietly I noticed no one was around any more.

I smiled and said “Of course” we swayed and he twirled me around before bringing me back close to his body. I layed my head on his shoulder and softly sang the song in his ear. We stayed swaying till the end of the song at the end I looked into Nick’s eyes and sang him the last line. ‘And when we're gone there'll be no tears to cry Only memories of our lives They'll remember, remember A love like that’ Nick’s lips were centimeters from mine I felt his warm breath and I knew he felt mine against his lips. Suddenly a ‘click’ brought me out of my little dreamland that involved me and Nick. I pulled put pf his arms licked my lips and turned to see Jeffery standing there.

I stomped my foot and whined “Why do you always take pictures of me when I’m not ready”

“Because darling that is he only way to capture true feelings and true life” Jeffry said with a chuckle. “You two” he gestured to Nick and I Nick looked really upset e had been interrupted. Did he want to kiss me? Did I want to kiss him? That was one answer I knew HELL YES!! “Have the best chemistry I have ever seen and ive been doing this since I was 20 years old” I blushed and saw Nick blush to we glance at each other then quickly looked away I heard another ‘click’

“We don’t even have a background” I protested

“Doesn’t matter all that matters is the fore ground and you two make a good foreground” Jeffery said with a chuckle as he walked off scanning his photos.

“That was weird” I heard Nick mumble

“Yep” I agreed I took his hand before cheerfully saying “Lets go find the others and get these pictures over with”
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sorry if your find Polyvore annoying i really like it