Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 12: Like Romeo and Juliet

Ivy's POV:

We found everyone around the food having lunch. “Did Jeffery get his shots?” Kevin asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.

I gaped but nodded nonetheless “Ok eat then we are doing to do red carpet shots so really nice clothes” Demi said sipping her drink.

“Ok” I sat down and grabbed a sandwich.

<<<1 hour later>>>

My long red curls had been pinned into a messy side bun. My make up looked stunning my eyes had Smokey navy shadow and my lips were a nude pink color. My eyes looked back at me and they seemed to be almost navy blue in this makeup my hair was its normal natural extra shiny and silky smooth. I touched on of the long tendrils that trailed away from the bun I twirled it around my finger. I sighed the girl staring back at me looked pretty but I saw the true broken torn apart dirty little girl that was under the surface. No one ever seemed to see what I saw all I could see was the girl that had struggled for the last 10 or so years. I saw the permanent tear streaks on her cheeks the permanent bruises that never seemed to fade away. They weren’t truly there but they were there just below the surface ready to ruin the ‘pretty’ girl on the outside. I shoved myself away from the mirror, and took this as a chance to glance at the table where my fingers had made indentions from how hard I had gripped it. I grabbed a can of hair spray ready to throw it at the mirror but I stopped when I saw the girl in the mirror she was horrifically angry but more so scared she was terrified the new life she had been given would be ripped away from her like everything else that had been good in her life. I stared into her eyes I almost broke down crying but didn’t because of the voice that broke me from the staring contest with my mirror. “I wouldn’t do that,” Jeffery said quietly gesturing towards the can

“I know” I whispered back I set the hairspray down and glanced into the mirror I ran my fingers down the reflections face wish she were the girl on the inside not only the outside.

“You look stunning” Jeffrey said softly he held his arm out and I loopd my own with it “I have something special and specific in mind for you to wear” he brought me to a back room in side was a door with an electric key pad. Jeffery punched in the code and brought me inside. I gasped at the all the garment bags in side there must have been hundreds of black bags. Jeffrey smiled before unzipping one bag he shook is head then. He ran across the room and grabbed a garment bag. He brought it to the center of the room. He set the bag on a table in the middle of the room he unzipped it he looked up and me and nodded. “Come ‘ere” he said waving his hand

I did as he asked I saw the dress staring back at me and gasped. I was dove grey and had a floral beaded design all over the breasts and then it came down and disappeared behind the back medium sized silk straps held up the top of the dress as the rest just flew away from the firmer floral patterned fabric. It was simply beautiful. “Wow” I whispered I knew now why my hair was up probably to show the back design.

“One of a kind” Jeffery murmured as he ran his hands don the dress “My design no one has ever worn it I want you to have it”

“No” I gasped surprised at his request

“Think of it as your intro into this life present from me. My gowns go for thousands I want you to have this because after today I don’t want anyone but you Ivy to wear this dress. Now let me get Denise to help you put this on” Jeffery said some what exasperated
Before he left I said “Thank you Jeffery” my eyes never left the dress as I said it, so I never saw him smirk as he left.

Nick’s POV:

Chelsea, Selena, Demi, Joe, Kevin and I sat around waiting for the disappeared Jeffery to return and for Ivy to show up. “Ugh. I’m going to go find her” Chelsea grouchily said as she got up and stormed towards the girls’ area.

“20 minutes” Demi and Selena said together

“Nah 15” Joe said and Kevin nodded along with him

“It will take them 25 at least” I mumbled looking at my shoes.

Chelsea’s POV:

I found Jeffery rummaging threw a jewelry drawer in the girls’ section. “Where the hell is Ivy?” I asked stomping my high heeled foot.

“Find a party of simple silver heels and it will speed up your seeing her” Jeffrey said with a smirk

I sighed and stomped over to the shoes and began searching I found the perfect pair of Jimmy Choo’s they were actually the ones Selena had worn to dinner 2 nights ago I too a breath and thought back and chuckled. Three days ago I would have never envisioned myself here at a photo shoot in Dallas with my new best friend and the Jonas family and Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. It is bizarre how much your life can change in a few days those few days sure did feel like a life time I held up the Jimmy Choo’s to Jeffery and he nodded.

He held up the silver and blue ring he had been searching with along with about 7 or 8 thin delicate silver bangles that ranched from light gray to dark gray. “Lets get these to Ivy”

He lead me to the back he punched a code into a door that appeared to be a normal closet except for the keypad. I gasped threw the door was a huge walk in closet full of black garment bags no doubt filled with expensive clothes. I turned and saw a stunning red head in a dove gray dress she had her back to me. The Jimmy’s in my hand clattered loudly to the ground as the girl turned her head and I saw it was Ivy. “Oh my lord” I gasped scanning her body

“Do I look bad I told Jeffery his design was beautiful but I would only muddle it I knew I should have just worn that black slip dress ugh” Ivy ranted

“Ivy SHUT UP” I yelled loudly causing Ivy and Jeffery and the now present Denise to look at me. I picked up the shoes and walked to Ivy and looked her up and down once more before saying “You look breath taking” Ivy blushed “This dress was made for you. Jeffery how long have you had this dress?” I questioned

Jeffery looked ashamed and said “I lied to Ivy I didn’t design this dress it is vintage on one other women has ever worn it. Her name was Eve D’Angelo she wore that dress in 1934 for her daughter’s first birthday party. Ivy must take it no other woman as fit it so perfectly since Eve she had this custom made she even looked like Ivy please I want you to have this dress. Please Ivy” he begged

“Ok” Ivy whispered she looked into the mirror

Ivy’s POV:

I looked into the mirror and saw a flash suddenly a woman identical to myself looked back only she had much shorter hair and had pinned it up with diamond clips. I blinked and my own reflection returned I touched the mirror and turned to Jeffery “Tell me about Eve” I whispered as I took my shoes from Chelsea I was about to bend to put them on when Jeffery tsked and took them from me he kneeled and began putting on my shoes

“She was half Italian half Irish her mother was and Irish debutant and her father was and Italian Mob boss. She lived in Italy and was born in 1916 and was her daddy’s angel he spoiled her rotten and she loved it that was until she met Nico. There is a story that says she fell for Nico Marietta the opposing mob boss’s son.” Jeffery said while latching my first heel he set my foot down and began working on the other foot

Chelsea sighed and said “How romantic”

“Just like Romeo and Juliet” Denise said wistfully

“Ok so Nico had to leave Eve when she was 16 he left for America and he promised to return to her by the time he returned she had been married off to the Mob boss’s right hand man, and apparently this guy she was forced to marry was abusive and raped her. Eventually in 1933 Eve conceived her baby girl, Isabella Edera D’Angelo, who she loved for the world. Ok the story says that the Eve’s little girl loved masks so they decided to have a masquerade for her first birthday. Nico catches wind of this and sneaks into the party wearing a mask. He steals Eve away and they run off into a spare bedroom and make passionate love that should have been shared for all the years they were apart, but they made up for lost time. Unfortunately one of her husband’s goons saw them and interrupted them by pulling a gun on them. The goon meant to shoot Nico but Eve leapt in front of the bullet it hit her in the heart. On her last breath she breathed ‘protect my Isabella my love and we will be together in another life’ and then she died there naked in the spare bedroom. The goon was so flustered for killing his boss’s wife he ran off. Nico grabbed her gown from the floor he folded it up and placed it in a briefcase in the room, he placed his mask on, covered Eve with a blanket and finally placed Eve’s mask on her. Before he left the room the story said he gave her a kiss and whispered ‘you will always hold my yearning heart.’ There was no trace of Nico or little Isabella they were gone before the party had ended no one knows what happened to Isabella or Nico” Jeffery finished and Chelsea sighed and sunk to the floor murmuring ‘so romantic’ over and over.

Denise just looked dazed and then snapped out of it saying “Let’s go guys” Jeffery pulled Chelsea to her feet and guided her back to the door. I touched the mirror and looked into it seeing only myself. “Come on Ivy”

I smiled and turned “Coming” with one fleeting glance I looked at the mirror and saw the girl once again but this time she looked over her shoulder at me and smiled then she melted away and I saw myself in her place. I shivered as a whisper passed threw my head Edera

Nick’s POV:

“25 minutes I win” I sing songed as I saw Jeffery come next to the couch the others were sitting at. Suddenly Joe Kevin Selena and Demi’s jaws dropped and Jeffery smirked. I turned and saw Ivy and Chelsea walking this way. I quit breathing looking at Ivy truly ripped the air from my lungs.

“What do you think?” ivy asked twirling showing how her entire back was bare. I gasped for air I had never seen anything so gorgeous as she looked now.

“Wow” Kevin

“Incredible” Breathed Demi and Selena as they threw themselves back into the couch

“And I thought I looked good” Joe said with a slight pout.

I sat there trying to breath or form words or something “Nicky what do you think?” I heard
Ivy ask

“Indescribably gorgeous” I whispered finally being able to form words. I saw the blush creep up her neck and tint he cheeks. It only made her look more beautiful.

“Ok a photographer is going to help us today Brad will take everyone else while I take Nick and Ivy” Jeffery said with an evil smirk “Oh and Frankie will be going us from now on he is bored. I will only need a few of these two they are so photogenic it will only take about 15 or so minutes then we will be back for group shots then the boys have their interviews. Ok let’s go” Jeffery gestured me out of my seat I did as he told me and stood I offered Ivy my arm and she took it. We walked quietly and saw our set was a garden that had a little bench but other wise was baron beside the hedges on the edges of the grass. I could smell the roses so I knew they were real. They had set the lights to look like the nighttime and little lights twinkled like stars. “Do what ever you all are the best at this forget I’m here”

I took Ivy’s hand and lead he over to the bench she sat down as I walked to a bush I pulled off a bright red rose and brought it back over to her before asking “May I have a dance?”

“There is no music” she giggled suddenly violins filled the air she giggled again before tucking the flower by her ear and saying “Why yes sir of course you may have this dance” she stood and I took her hand and lead her into the center of the grass. I bowed and she curtsied we chuckled together before I took her hand and placed my other on her waist. I didn’t know where it came from but in a moment we were gliding around the small area. I twirled her once and she quirked and eyebrow say “Who knew Nick Jonas can ballroom dance”

“I’m just a natural” I said cockily she slapped my shoulder and we laughed suddenly I realized just how close she was to my body and I quit laughing. She quit laughing also and looked into my eyes. The music slowed to a near stop and I dipped her back. I felt her sweet breath against my lips once again and couldn’t control myself I lightly pecked her lips and then stood us back. “Sorry” I said scratching the back of my head.

“That wasn’t what I wanted” she whispered as she grabbed my jacket and brought my so close I felt her breath on my lips once more “This is what I wanted” she pressed her lips against mine more forcefully and I kissed her back. And grabbed her waist bringing her closer to my body. This wasn’t and innocent peck but it wasn’t a make out session this was what a kiss should be there was no tongue but still the kiss was pure fire and passion. I felt one of Ivy’s hands knot into my hair as we kissed. I squeezed her hips, which caused her to lightly moan against my lips I chose now to let my tongue snake into her mouth and gently caress her own before pulling back. We were still wrapped in one another’s arms and slightly panting her lips were red and slightly swollen and I’m sure mine were too. “Now that is what I wanted” she said with a smirk

“Me too” Jeffery said smirking

“Shit” Ivy cursed “I forgot you were there. Are you gonna print those pictures of us kissing?”

Jeffery scoffed “No. I didn’t take any I just wanted you guys to realize how much chemistry y’all had. Now are you an official secret couple?” he raised and eyebrow.

Ivy’s POV:

I blushed and looked away Nick took my chin and made my look at him. “Ivy Andrews will you be my girlfriend?” Nick asked quietly

“Yes” I whispered before blushing crimson and burying my head in his chest.

“Ok lets go to the other shoot I did get some good shots of y’all by the way” Jeffery said with a smile as he lead us towards a red carpet set up.

“I need lip gloss” Jeffery handed me a tube of nude pink gloss “Thanks” I quickly smeared it on the checked Nick for and gloss out of the corner of my eye he was good. “Are you gonna tell your brothers and mom and dad?” I whispered to Nick as he wrapped an arm tightly around my middle.

“Yeah” he murmured nuzzling my neck seeing as I was 5’ 5” in my heels and he couldn’t get to my hair cause it was pinned up. He really seems to like my hair.

“Can I tell the girls?” I asked twirling my purity ring

“Of course” he scoffed then lightly kissed my ear.

“You know once you tell your mom no more sharing a bed with me right?” I said in a little gir voice as I played with his tie. We had just arrived at the new set and he made no move to unwrap his arm so I let him keep it as we walked on set and simply joined the group. The girls raised their eyebrows along with Kevin and I mouthed ‘I’ll tell you later’ they all nodded and we went back to taking our pictures.

Nick leaned into my ear and whispered “Unfortunately I know that we will just have to find a way around her because I don’t think I can sleep without you now” he tried to pressed a kiss to my neck in between shots but this time Jeffery caught it on camera and glared lightly I knew he would have to fight to keep that out of the tabloids. ‘sorry’ I mouthed as I slapped Nick upside the head “NO” I hissed at him I wasn’t truly made I just wanted the family to know before the world.
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I dedicate this chapter to randomeercmerawr a vry vocal reader who makes writing fun for me Luv ya Morgan