Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 14: Ducky, Abbie, and The Evil Hawk Thingy

Ivy's POV:

I shook uncontrollably as I stepped out of the interview room. I saw the blonde yapper dog smirk at me before her boss screamed for a latte. She sent me one more sneer before before she scampered away tail between her legs. I felt Chelsea and the girls wrap their arms around my trembling form. they tightly hugged me and kept whispering soothing and comforting words into my ears and hair .


Jeffery had told the girls that he wanted pictures of only boys so now here I sat my back against the willow tree and watching as the boys pose just outside the willow's tendrils in the setting sun. Suddenly Frankie was on my lap giving me a tight hug while giggling. I shook my head and giggled along with him. Frankie told me a story where he had supposedly gotten bored inside so he came out here and jumped on an unsuspecting me.We ,with the girls, chatted and then Frankie started to become lazy from the warm setting suns orange glow, so he laid his head in my lap . I now sat aimlessly chatting with the girls and playing with Frankie's curls as he dozed while Jeffery took pictures of the boys in the setting Texas sun. Nick looked really good I smiled at him and he subtly winked at me while Jeffery wasn't taking shots I shook me head at him. The yapper dog once again appeared in the garden she looked afraid to get dirty in her white mini skirt and very low cute red halter top oh did I mention the 4 inch heels. I pointed at her and giggled with the girls as I continued to play with Frankie's curls his head still resting in my lap.

"It is time for the mutt- I mean girls' interviews" Blondie said catching herself and sporting a very fake smile

"Frankie baby it is time to get up I need to go" I said lightly shaking his little frame.

"Let me come with you" he pleaded clinging to me.

"Sure baby pie" I saw the yapper dog cringe "but I refuse to carry you" i said while pointing my finger at him

He frowned lightly nodded then got up i followed and the boys noticed us leaving Nick and Joe screamed "WAIT!!!" they ran to us while a chuckling Kevin walked slowly behind his insane brothers

"No hugs" Joe whined mainly at Chelsea

We laughed and Demi aisd "Sorry guys" she then hugged Kevin then quickly hugged the other 2. Selena followed in the same fashion. Chelsea was next but seemed to pause for longer on Joe. I gave Joe a tight squeeze then Kevin picked me up earning a giggle from me. I kissed his cheek when my feet hit the ground once more

Nick was next and last he gently yanked meinto a tight embrace. i kissed his cheek dangerously close to his mouth i pulled back and softly said "See y'all soon" Nick gave me one more squeeze before reluctantly releasing me from his strong arms.

I smiled and picke dup a frowning Frankie "You'll always be my favorite Jonas Tank" I Heard the yapper dog scoff "Do you have a problem? Maybe I could help you out?" I said with fake sweetness only for Frankie's sake, but venom secretly dripped from every word.

"No not at all" she gritted out between her teeth. I smiled sickly sweet and saw her glance at Nick then scowl at me.

I smirked I touched Nick's arm and leaned into whisper in his ear after I had set Frankie back on the ground "Yapper Dog has the hots for you should I be afraid of getting replace?" I looked at him an eyebrow raised

He scanned the dog with his eyes causing her chest to poof out more and her clumpy overly mascaraed eyelashes to flutter stupidly. he scoffed and said out loud "Not at all" he looked deep into my eyes I knew he wanted a kiss so did I but not in front of the Blonde Bimbo or Frankie. I retouched his arm feeling goose bumps erupt from my touch I raised and eye brow and he blushed bright crimson.

The yapper dog scowled and loudly cleared her throat before saying "Once again you are holding everyone up" her tone was icy and Frankie scowled at her. Frankie wiggled his hand out of my grasp and walked towards the yapper dog he circled her and she s;lightly scowled at him. I fought the urge to attack her he was my baby NO ONE scowls at my babies.

Frankie stopped circling and simply said "I don't like you" we all tried to stifle our laughter as the girl turned red and glared at Frankie as he came and re grasped my out reached hand.

She was about to start talking when I cut her off by guiding Frankie and the girls past her while saying "Let's go" I could see the steam coming from her ears I simply smirked and continued walking.

She finally lead us to a small sitting area and rudely said "Stay here don't brake anything and I'll be back to take you to the interviewers" she slammed the door as she left the small cozy room we all burst out into giggles at her dramatics.

"She is very hateful she reminds me of Miley" Frankie said thoughtfully causing us all to bust into giggles once again

"Do you want to gp to the interview with us Frankster?" I said as I plopped onto the couch

"Duh" was his answer as he pulled himself into my lap. the girls giggled as he gave me a hug.

"OK" Demi said sitting next to me "We have no idea about these reporters so we have no idea on how they will behave" she said with a sigh

"SO just stay strong don't let them drag answers out that you don't want them to give" Selena added sitting on my other side

"I'll try" i said as Frankie hugged me and I giggled just as the door flew open revealing the blonde yapper dog. Chelsea stuck her tongue out at the Bimbo and made faces behind her back causing us all to giggle at the oblivious blonde bimbo. "Come on" She hissed no longer around the boys so no more fake nice voice she stomped out of the room not even waiting for us.

Chelsea took Frankie's hand and lead him off my lap and out the door as he chatted happily about day and how well it had gone and what not. Demi and Selena looped their arms with mine "You'll do fine" Demi said giving you a squeeze as we neared the door. I swallowed as we walked threw the door.

We walked in and I saw 2 women and one man sitting around chatting "Mrs. Daniels the girls are here " the bimbo said in a formal tone looking at the short haired brunette in the black suit

"Oh good" the woman stood along with the other 2 "I'm Vivianne Daniels from People and Teen People magazines" she had a predatory look on her face as she eyed my tiny frame in between Selena and Demi. Frankie whispered to Chelsea and she released his hand he came towards me and hugged my waist. i hugged him close keeping his body near my own not fully trusting this hawk like woman.

the other woman stepped forward and said "I'm Abigail Williams from Teen Cosmo but call me Abbie" she smiled and shook each of our hands. She was quite pretty curly black hair dark naturally tan skin and shining olive green eyes she wasn't very curvy more of and athletic build she seemed quite fit.

The man stepped forward he wore a pink shirt and black slacks he had stylish glasses and grayish black hair. was gay and so cute with his baby blue eyes. "Hi I'm from Teen Vogue and I'm Derek McCoy but just call me Ducky every one does" he chuckled and I smiled liking him and Abbie the hawk lady not so much.

The bimbo stood nest to her boss like the pathetic puppy she was "OK we know Selena and Demi and of course Frankie" Abbie said

"Now we have heard of Ivy and Chelsea but..." Ducky started

"We don't know you" The hawk enede her dark beady eyes boring into me. i shivered and everyone looked between the two of us. Even Ducky and Abbie looked afraid for me. I swallowed as she started once again "Come girls sit and lets begin Frankie is welcome to sty" her voice sounded cold which only made me even more on edge and skittish. The girls and i all squished onto a couch Demi was on my right Chelsea on my left and Selena on her left. Frankie sat in my lap his arms protectively wrapped around my neck. the interviews sat down in their chairs across from us.

"Chelsea tell us a bit about yourself" Ducky asked his smile warm and inviting

Some how I knew interviews weren't conducted this way with multiple interviewers and the only reason I saw for this break in protocol was for the magazines wanting to be the first to truly know about Chelsea and I. That scared me. Chelsea smiled at the man and said "Well my name is Chelsea Cassandra Marez and I was born in Spain and moved to the states when I was 2 months old. My father is Spanish my mom was American. I speak a touch of Spanish and of course English. I was raised in Houston Texas where I stayed while my parents mover to New York city this last year so i lived on my own which is ok I'm 19. My best friend in the entire world is Ivy" she hugged me tight "I'm lucky to be friends with her and the Jonas family"

"Excuse Me" Demi and Selena exclaimed in unison

"And let's not forget my lovely bus mates Selena and Demi" Chelsea added hugging Selena who still sat on her left.

"What are your favorites?" Abbie asked a huge smile on her pretty face

"Color Turquoise or Hot Pink, Food: Fries dipped in a milkshake, Cartoon: currently Sponge Bob" She high fived Frankie on that one "Subject: Lunch, Hobbies: listening to music, clothes, shopping, makeup, playing pranks, and hanging with my best friends. those are the basics" she said with a shrug

" OK Ivy your turn" the hawk said her eyes once again trained on me

"My name is Ivy I lived in Dallas but moved to Houston when I was 13. I worked at a daycare for the last year or so. I'm best friends with Chelsea and a girl named CeCe. I'm so thankful for the Jonas family and all they have done for me" I smiled at and tightly hugged Frankie he smiled and hugged me back. "My favorites are color: Lime Green and Royal Pruple, Food: anything" I giggled before adding "but specfically Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream, Cartoon: Sailor Moon" I blushed at the looks I got on that one "Subject: Musichands down, Hobbies: reading, writing, playing, singing, coloring, babysitting, clothes, hanging out with my best friend and news friends" I said hugging Demi and squeezing Selena's hand "That's it" I finished with a smile happy no one had interupted but i didnt like the look i was reciving from the hawk lady.

"Ok moving on" Ducky strated before he was cut off by the hawk lady

"Ivy what is your full name?" her voice icy and her stare even colder

I swallowed before answering "Ivy Andrews"

"No middle name?" she smirked

I had and uneasy feeling as I whispered "Christabelle" I sounded very small. I was terrified of where this woman's questions could leave. Chelsea sat ram rod straight and not moving she was just as worried as i was that things would get out about me. while everyone else looked puzzled as to what was going on

"Tell us a bit about you parents" she said a knowing glint in her eyes she must have picked up my reluctance to speak about then during my interview. no i knew what this woman was digging for, what she wanted. She wanted ... my past. The one single thing i didnt want to reveal and she would stop at nothing to get it I could see it in her eyes she was determined to ruin me.

"No comment" my voice was monotone as tears threatened to spill but i refused to release them to let this hawk-like woman win.

"Aww why not?" The synster woman asked malicously "Did they beat you? Desert you? Did die? Give you up for adoption? SImply give up on you? Did they ignore your exsitance? Come on Ivy Darling you can tell us we wont judge" Venom dripped from her words as she triede to provocke me until I snapped Ducky, Abbie, Selena, Chelsea and Demi sat back to stunned to speak as this woman attacked me i didnt blame them I would have been stunned to

"No Comment" My voice low and cold i was close to snapping despite all my will power. I was slowly losing myself in the past losing myselfin the memories memories that nearly killed me to think of let alon relive. Suddenly Frankie was clinging to my neck I hugged him back tightly no tears fell but a tiny sob escaped my lips despite trying to be strong. At that moment in time Frankie was my only anchor to reality her was my life line and I clung to him afraid my past would eat me alive and suffocate me in the darkness I had already survived once

"Oh come on Ivy" the evil hawk thing started I barely heard her she sounded far away.

"Enough She. Said. No. Comment." I heard Demi roar this ripped me out of my daze bringing me fully back to reality I lossened my steel grip on Frankie but didnt let him go. I was stunned Demi had always been the quietest of us the calmest which wasnt saying much but she didnt seem to be the type to have outbursts like that.

"But-" the woman started again looking astonised

"No Buts" Demi hissed "This interview is OVER" SHe glared at the woman before turning to the other 2 she smiled her voice was back to normal when she spoke again "I'm sorry for this talk to Denise we will reschedule perhaps before our concert tomorrow" She shot the giggling blonde bimbo an icy cold glare as she stood in the corner she imediately shut up. "Now we are leaving" she took Frankie off my lap and set him on the ground. then shegrabbed me buy the hands and yanked me to my feet she then hugged me tightly after the hug she handed me off to Selena who hugged me and then gave me off to Chelsea who gave me a tight squeeze before releasing me. I exited the room shaking uncontorably.

I shook uncontrollably as I stepped out of the interview room. I saw the blonde yapper dog smirk at me before her boss screamed for a latte. She sent me one more sneer before before she scampered away tail between her legs. I felt Chelsea and the girls wrap their arms around my trembling form. they tightly hugged me and kept whispering soothing and comforting words into my ears and hair .

Whil still in the girls arms i whimpered "I need the Boys" They nodded and let go of me I felt Frankie's hands slither around my waist he refused to let go and looked up at me as I hugged him tighter to my body. together we made our way towards the food area knowing the boys would be there most likely stuffing their faces.
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Short and y'all can thank my bratty sister for owning a billion laptops the only reason I was able to get this out before Tuesday Iget my computer back tomorrow WOO!!!!!