Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 15: Does NOT

Ivy’s POV:

Still trembling slightly I smiled as I saw Joe stuffing his face full of food, while Kevin texted on his phone and Nick gazed dreamily off into space. I cleared my throat lightly their heads snapped up within seconds I was wrapped in two strong sets of arms, I knew immediately Nick and Kevin were the two cradling my little body. It was only once in this safe place I let my tears finally pour from my eyes. I whimpered quietly and Kevin asked in a terrifyingly angry voice “What happened?” I buried my face in Nick’s neck not wanting to listen to the answer.

“That bitch of an interviewer harassed her about her parents and her past I almost killed that woman” Demi hissed she didn’t even know about my past and yet she could tell it was a touchy subject for my.

“I will kill her” I heard Nick hiss his voice colder than ice.

“No” I whimpered I clung tighter to him seeing as Kevin had let go of me to pace the floor “Stay with me” I pleaded looking up into his big chocolate brown eyes that searched my own slate gray eyes before agreeing to stay with me

“Ok” he said tightly wrapping my in a protective hug I sighed in relief.

“They are going to find out,” I whispered in despair

“What?” Nick asked confused

“She managed to get my full name only a matter of time before they know some if not all of my past and make it public knowledge” I sobbed into his now soaked shoulder “I have to drag you all down with me I am so sorry”

“What are you talking about?” Selena asked speaking for the first time since the interview

“I’m broken,” I sobbed once more before sniffling. “Get Denise while I explain to Demi and Selena” I said to Nick he looked unwilling to release me but did nonetheless. Kevin’s arms replaced Nick’s as he sat in a chair and cradled me in his arms as I told Selena and Demi my entire history. Chelsea sat somberly next to Kevin and I no emotion showed on her face but pain constantly flickered threw her hazel eyes as I retold my pain filled story. By the end Selena and Demi were crying along with Chelsea and I as Kevin held me tightly “I understand if no longer want to be associated with me,” I whispered once I had finished

Demi and Selena looked shocked before saying and gabbing you in a huge hug “We love you”

Selena giggled and said, “Your stuck with us sorry” They both still had tears in their eyes.

I heard some one clear their throat and there stood a smiling Denise “Glad we are all caught up to speed” she said as she pulled another fold out chair on the other side of Kevin and she sat down once seated she turned to me and said “Ok Ivy tell me what happened” a frown on her beautiful features.

I took a deep breath “They got my full name and the hawk thingie, or Mrs. Daniels or Davidson or whatever, figured out I didn’t want to discuss my parents or past now it is only a matter of time before everything is discovered about me” I whimpered Kevin hugged my tightly “Denise you can fire me and claim you never knew about me don’t let me discredit your amazing family” I pleaded with her tears forming at the mere thought of leaving but I knew what had to be done.

Before Denise could speak Nick got there first “No” He said in a strong voice “I refuse to loose you” He pulled me out of Kevin’s grasp and into his own arms “I refuse to let you get away. I don’t care what happens. You mean more than what the press thinks Ivy. I’m falling for you” He whispered his forehead resting against my own “I refuse to let you walk away that easily out of my life” he dipped his head and lightly kissed my lips with a passion that made my knees wobble. When he released me I turned wide eyed towards Denise”

I was about to start explaining when she grinned like Cheshire cat and cried “FINALLY” she hugged Nick and I as my jaw dropped to the floor.

She released Nick and me from her bone-crushing hug and I gaped and quietly said, “I don’t understand”

“I’ve wanted you to date Nick since I saw the way Nick looked at you, Ivy” Denise said happily “and to clarify Nick’s speech was perfect you cant walk out on this family that easily you are a part of the Jonas clan. Let the press find out your past we will back you up no matter what Ivy. We all love and adore you, you and Chelsea and little CeCe you are all family now.” Denise squeezed me tight before turning to Nick “So when did you ask her out?” She asked a bashful Nick

Nick blushed like a tomato the said “Today” Denis squealed and hugged Nick tightly.

“Mom” Kevin’s voice suddenly asked

“Yes?” Denise said looking at her eldest

“What is the schedule tomorrow?” Kevin asked I could practically see the gears turning in his head”

“The girl’s have and interview at noon before the sound check then we have lock down and a 6 o’clock show and a 2 hour meet and greet from 9 to 11 and then we drive all night and the next day. Why, Kevin?” Denise asked sounding puzzled

“Slumber party on the Music bus?” Kevin asked

“Of course” Denise said happily “You will need to change and gather everything that you will need for today and tomorrow before you load up tonight. You all can do that after Jeffery gives the girls their suprises and we see all the photos” denise smirked as our eyes widened at the word ‘surprise’

“JEFFERY!!!!” Chelsea screamed at the top of her lungs

Jeffery appeared a smirk on his handsome face “Yes?”

“Surprise” was all Chelsea said as she crossed her arms

“Pictures first” He said as he lead us over to a projection screen and a nice Mac home computer set up. He clicked a button and suddenly the entire day unfolded before our eyes. Occasionally secretly taken pictures would show up of us eating or talking or laughing all together sometimes, just one or 2 people would appear on the wall. At each secret picture of me I would pout at Jeffrey who only smirked back this happened over 2 dozen times at least. The final photo of the 45-minute slideshow was a secretly taken picture of Frankie and I; Frankie’s head was in my lap his eyes closed as he held one of my hands, my other hand played with a curl on his head as I watched his sleeping face a smiled gracing my lips, my back was against the willow tree and you could see the colors of the sunset in the back ground as the tendrils swirled in the background.
Denise gasped as she looked at the photo and said “ I must have that picture” I blushed as she smiled at me

“Nick wrapped his arms around my middle and said “And I want the picture of Ivy and I on the swing right before we kissed, please” I blushed again as he chuckled and kissed my cheek giving me a tight squeeze.

“I gave you copies of them all” Jeffery said giving a CD to Denise who smiled and happily took the CD

“Jeffery” I asked still locked in Nick’s arms

“Yes?” He smiled seeing us together

“Why was I in more pictures than the others?” I asked as I stepped forward away from a now slightly pouting Nick and towards a smirking Jeffery.

“Because” He whispered while hugging me tight he held me out by my shoulders before continuing quietly “You’re a natural the camera loves you. I gave Denis my card for you. Once you arrive in L.A. I want you to call my main office and studio and arrange to come and see me I will leave them your mane so they know I want to see you. I want you to model for me you could be incredible Ivy I would love to have you work with me but only if you want to of course. Even if you decide not to be a model call me I want to hear how you are and how things go with you and Nick especially. Call me soon I left my cell number on the back of the card” he gave me one last hug before saying loudly “Girls there are surprises for you in the make up and hair room” our ears perked at the word surprise and we took off running leaving behind a chuckling Denise and Jeffery and some dumbfounded boys.

Inside the make up room each girl ran to their assigned chair to be greeted with a set of 2 large canvas bags with her name embroidered along with a design on her bags. Each girls back and embroidery were different Demi’s were Black with Red in scratchy and heart designs, Selena’s was Navy with White in water droplets and water drop circle patterns, Chelsea’s were Hot Pink with Black in lightning and stars designs, Mine were Lime Green with Purple in swirl and skull designs. We squealed and tore apart our bags I noticed in one bag were all the clothes I had worn today including the Miley outfit and Eve’s dress.

The other bag though was overflowing with bran new never before worn designer clothes. I heard all the other girls gasp and squeal I guessed they had found their new goodies as well. I gasped as I fingered a gorgeous gold mini dress and a leather jacket in the bottom of the bag I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from the pocket of the jacket. I pulled it out and found my name written in cursive I smiled and unfolded the note it read:

Dear Ivy,

Don’t tell the other girls, but I hand picked out your entire bag and it also costs the most due to the 2 special items I threw in when I shouldn’t have. The gold dress is my own design and no I wont tell you the cost and the leather jacket in your bag is also very expensive but I thought they fit your personality and looks perfectly I couldn’t help but spoil you. Tell the girls you each have a Betsy Johnson dress and your bags are tailored to each of our guys’ styles.

Love always,

P.S. Call me or I will be sad ☹

I giggled and slid the note back into the pocket of the jacket I went to the other girls and said “Lets look at each others new stuff”

They nodded and giggled. We happily showed off all of our new stuff I giggled and pointed out “Hey we each got a Betsy Johnson mini cupcake-ish dress” they all giggled along and we kept showing our stuff off. I noticed I had gobs of sunglasses, Selena had the only hats, Chelsea had lots of dresses, and Demi had the most jewelry. We each received our favorites and the girls would yell that we had to share this or that as we showed our stuff. When I pulled out the gold dress the girls gasped and said “Wow” I smiled and placed it back into the bag. Each of us were very happy and thankful with what we had been given

We left the makeup room laughing and lugging our overstuffed bags with us. The boys saw us coming and Nick walked up to me and took my bags while wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. I turned and noticed a blushing Joe carrying a now blushing Chelsea’s bags as she smiled and bit her lip bashfully I giggled then glanced at Selena and Demi to see Kevin carrying one of Selena’s bags and one of Demi’s bags as the trio giggled at the blushing duo. I turned my eyes back to Nick and his chocolate brown eyes locked with mine as he pecked my lips lightly.

Nick mover his arm to my shoulders and I wrapped both my arms round his waist then I pecked his neck and set my head on his shoulder were it fit perfectly. I lifted my head after a moment, to bumpy with the walking, we neared the exit of the warehouse Nick pulled my head towards his and kissed my temple before smiling at me. I smiled back just as we exited the ware house the moment we stepped out I heard screaming I turned and saw barricades behind the barricades though were screaming fans. It was then I noticed the policemen and the security guards around the barricades “Smile and wave but walk fast” He whispered as I slipped from his grasp. I smiled and waved as I took Chelsea’s hand and we quickly made our way towards the huge black bus with Demi’s name written in red across it.

They boys handed back the bags and Kevin said “Change Demi grab the usual and then hurry to the recording bus for the movie night.” We all nodded and Kevin lightly tugged Nick and Joe away from us so they could go change.

The girls and I giggled as Demi punched the code into the bus once inside the bus she told Chelsea and I “The code to the bus is 3344” She set her bags on the black leather couch Chelsea, Selena, and I followed all setting our things down.

“Nick has it bad” Demi said flinging herself into the black leather spinning lazy boy that matched her couch. In the living room the carpet was dark gray and the walls were white with Red designs the room had a dark wood and red accents.

“And Joe is falling hard too” Selena said walking to the fridge in the state of the art chrome and black kitchen with red table top appliances. She took out a bottle of water and began to sip it.

Chelsea and I both blushed and I said “We need our pajamas” trying to change the subject .

Demi smiled amused and hopped out of the chair she took Chelsea and my hands and lead us past the kitchen we went into a little hallway and she pointed to the only door and murmured “Bathroom” we kept walking we saw another lounge that was black white red and silver colors coordinated. We walked threw one more door and were at the end of the bus inside this room were 2 queen size beds laying next to one another on the opposite side of the room were 4 doors the wall across from the beds held a huge plasma screen tv and 2 large windows on either side of the tv had thick black blinds on them. The walls in the room were red and the beds were mainly black with white red and silver pillows. Lastly a small silver chandelier hung between the two beds.

Demi pointed to the closest bed and said “Mine and Selena’s” the furthest she said “Yours” then she pointed to the door from left to right she said “Me Selena Ivy Chelsea. You can thank Denise she apparently got bored to day” she pointed to a door with each name. She did nothing else but I slowly walked to the third door my door and opened the door. I was shocked I saw all my clothes organized into a decently sixed mini walk-in closet.

I squealed and Chelsea ran to hers she slid open the door and I gasped there ad to be 5 times as many clothes in her closet then in mine. She looked frazzled as she threw open drawers on the third drawer she let out a sigh I peeked into her closet and chuckled the drawer was filled with dozens of pairs of colorful printed and solid long socks. I giggled and pointed and said “Can I steal?”

She smiled and said “You’re my sister of course. Just bring my crap back” she pointed a finger at me and I laughed and grabbed a pair of gray docks and a matching big gray hoodie off the rack. I went back into my closet and looked at what I had already I grabbed new underwear and a tank top and shorts that would match everything. I also noticed my essentials bag sitting on top of the drawers I grabbed a bag and chucked that and an outfit for tomorrow into the bigger bag. I smiled as I emerged from my closet Chelsea had thrown her outfit on the bed and set a large tote on the floor by the bed. Selena walked in carrying a blue tote bag and looking inside of it she set in on her bed and walked into her closet after smiling at Chelsea and I.

Demi came out carrying a bag and said “Do you guys mind changing together” as she set her outfit on the bed

“Nope” Chelsea and I said at the same time we giggled and I pulled my top off. I quickly changed and watched as each of the girls changed I slid my hoodie on and let out a giggle realizing something.

“What is so funny?” Selena said as she slid her uggs on her feet.

“Yeah tell us” Demi added sliding in her head band.

“2 things” I started I ticked off my fingers as I added “We are all wearing uggs” they looked at their feet “And we all have a cartoon character on our chests” they all looked at each other’s chest and we burst into laughter.

“Great minds think alike” Chelsea choked out in between giggles. After a while we sat up and finally quit laughing I giggled once again as Chelsea parted her wavy hair into low ponytails and tied them off with smile face hair bands. She heard my giggles and asked “What?”

“You’re hair bands are so cute” I got out between giggles finally I controlled myself and watched Chelsea roll her eyes.

“What was Kevin talking about the usual?” Selena asked a smile on her face

Demi smiled back and said “I bring the movies and the blankets and the boys bring the food and pillows and the drinks are already on the bus” Demi said “Speaking of I’ve already got the movies but we need to grab the blankets” we all stood up and grabbed out bags before walking into the living room Demi walked further up and opened the door that lead I assumed to the drivers seat. I walked threw and figure out I was right she opened another door and I noticed towels and blankets and such in a tiny closet we each grabbed 3 blankets and we walked back to the living room only stumbling a bit. Demi opened the door and Chelsea and I stepped our followed by Selena and Demi and our ears were met with more screams.

“The codes to all the buses are the same” Selena told Chelsea as we smiled and nearly ran to the all black with no writing bus that was next to the huge black bus that had Jonas brothers and their symbol on it in white. We got to the blank bus and Demi managed to punch in the code and we tumbled into the bus. We landed in a pile of blankets and limbs and giggled our heads off alerting the boys of our arrival.

The boys walked into the living room and began laughing hysterically. Joe was on the floor nick and Kevin had to grab onto one another and when we tried to stand up Nick and Kevin collapsed to the floor in hysterics tears now poured from all the boys’ eyes. “Nicky” I whined sounding very young and little

He tried to control himelf but did a terrible job at it “Yes” he asked still laughing

“Help me up” I started sugary sweet “Or I wont kiss you for the rest of the tour” the moment those words left my mouth he was silent and tumbling towards me to help. Within the minute I was untangled and in his arms bridal style the entire group laughed at how he behave the girls were untangled now from his quick untangling of my body.

“Do I still get kisses?” He asked sounding terrified he wouldn’t get the answer he wanted

I leaned in and whispered “Maybe” my lips just brushing his he shivered uncontrollably and pouted his perfect lips. My lips brushed his as I whispered “Now how do I say no to that face” our breaths mixed as him became slightly shallow his eyes locked with mine and his eyes pleaded for a kiss. I slammed my lips to his in a short brief but hot and fiery as hell kiss. I pulled back and he let out a true whimper. I smiled and pulled myself out of his arms I went and sat on the couch the girls jaws were slack along with Kevin’s while Joe just stared at Nick.

“Dude you’re totally whipped” Joe shouted at his brother

Nick’s eyes had never left my body as I walked to sit on the couch. I glanced at him and shot him a smile I watched as a goofy smile spread across his face and he dreamily said “Yeah” his eyes never leaving me. He walked over and picked up my little body he sat down and placed me in his lap.

“You have total control of him” Selena said her eyes big

Nick huffed and said “She does not”

“Does too” Chelsea scoffed

“Does not” he snapped back. I was still sitting on his lap watching amused as he fought hard to claim he wasn’t whipped.

The girls all rolled their eyes and chorused “Does too”

“Does NOT” He hissed completely ignoring I snickered thinking of a plan as I saw Kevin and Joe shake their heads

“Does too” All the others beside Nick and I chorused

“Does” Nicks words stopped as my hand touched his arm

“Nicky I’m bored” I softly said a pout slightly on my lips he shivered slightly

His eyes glazed a bit before he softly said “Too” he looked into my eyes as I smirked he shook his head and pouted while saying “She does not” the entire group laughed at him.

“Where are we sleeping?" Chelsea asked looking at the sparce living room there was one large couch and a fridge.

“There are 4 beds in the back by the lounge” Kevin said gesturing back towards the back of the bus there was a hallway with no door “Lets go” we all got up grabbed the blankets and made our way to the back lounge.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry blame my lazy parents no computer + writers block= late updates
