Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 16: Movies and Giovanni

Ivy’s POV:

We arrived in the back and I saw 2 large air mattresses blown up on the floor surrounded by a U shaped over stuffed dark brown leather couch and pillows were every where and on one spot in the couch was a mountain of food. I cracked up and said “Think you guys got enough food?”

“No” Was Joes completely serious answer as he jumped on an air mattress

I just laughed and chucked my blankets on the couch then tossed my bag in the far corner I turned and saw a huge plasma screen with built in DVD player I also noticed the clock on the wall that read 11:30 PM. I unzipped my jacket and threw it over by the blankets. Nick’s eyes took in my now exposed arms and he smiled but slightly frowned as I flopped next to Joe and said “Movie choices?” the girls threw their blankets next to mine. Then sat on either side of Joe and I the order now went Selena, Me, Joe, Chelsea, Demi.

Joe smirked and threw his arms around Chelsea and I and said “I feel like a pimp” we all scoffed and slapped him “Ow no hitting the pimp” he said rubbing his chest where Chelsea and I hit him then rubbing his thighs where Selena and Demi had hit him. Chelsea and I rolled our eyes as we pushed him forward and filed the space where he had been.

Joe pouted now at our feet as Demi said “Movie choices I brought scary and chick flicks this time?”
“Scary!!!” the boys called alarmed at the thought of a chick flick

The girls and I all looked at each other and smirked at our larger numbers “Chick flick” we stated simply the boys groaned knowing they were out numbered. Kevin crawled over the blankets and laid on the back of the couch where he could still see the plasma and talk to us. Demi stood up and Selena followed as the browsed threw movies picking out a few. Nick sat in the corner of the pallet closest to the couch side with the blankets and closets to Kevin’s head I crawled over Chelsea and sat next to him. He casually put he arm on the couch and my shoulders I rolled my eyes and threw my legs into his lap while kissing his cheek.

“Nick you’re oblivious” Kevin scoffed from above us

I giggled as Nick confusedly said “What?”

Kevin played with my hair and I smiled at him as he said “She is your girlfriend you don’t have to be sneaky about being affectionate to her know” he shot Nick a duh look.

Nick blushed and I leaned into his ear and kissed right below it before whispering “It was cute” I laid my hand flat on his chest before saying “He is right though. I like when you hold me don’t feel afraid to ever touch or hold me I love it when it is coming from you” I kissed his ear again and felt him shiver I giggled and sat back up straight to see everyone smirking at us.

I blushed and hid in Nick’s next.

Nick’s POV:

I felt Ivy’s warm breath on my neck I wanted to shiver and pull her body closer to my own but I didn’t. I decided I would wait till the movie had started to full wrap her in my arms. “OK” I heard Demi say

“John Tucker Must Die” Selena said holding up a DVD

“She is the Man” Demi said displaying the Case

“Or Mean Girls” Selena said holding up the third choice

Chelsea smirked and said “She is the Man” as Joe crawled back onto the mattress and sat next to her “The guy is so hot” I saw Joe frown at her words

“Boys?” Demi asked

I thought while I heard Joe say “John Tucker I’ve never seen that one”

“It is actually pretty good but I vote Mean Girls the stupid one is so funny” Kevin said chuckling

“She is the Man” I said softly I still felt Ivy’s breath on my neck and it was slowly driving me insane.

Finally her head lifted and she said “She is the Man I love that movie but I love all of those” she said chuckling

Selena smiled happily and said “She is the Man it is”

Demi pouted “I wanted John Tucker” and knocked the blankets on the floor before sitting on the couch Kevin put his head in her lap and she just shook her head and watched her best friend put the DVD. Selena switched off the light before she came and laid on her stomach between Chelsea and Ivy. I passed out all the blankets as the movie turned on.

Ivy’s POV:

The opening scene on the beach showed on the large screen I couldn’t help but smile I loved this movie. Nick handed me a blanket and I threw it over the both of us and brought my legs and torso closer to his I saw him blush even in the darkness and I felt Nick drop his arm so it was wrapped tightly around my waist. I turned to look at him and he smiled down at me still slightly blushing. I just chuckled before laying my head on his shoulder and watching the movie. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joe place his arm around Chelsea and she moved slightly closer to him. I smiled and snuggled closer to Nick to enjoy the movie.
<<< End of the movie 1ish in the Morning >>>

Ivy’s POV:

The credits were rolling and I looked around Nick had my pulled tight to his body I was hugging him back as I felt his chest breath deeply in and out he was sleeping. Joe and Chelsea had wound up laying on the mattresses and Joe had Chelsea around her waist her back to his chest their fingers intertwined. Selena was curled in a ball between Chelsea and I, Kevin was asleep on Demi’s stomach and she was halfway stretched on the couch half sitting up. On top of all of us were numerous empty boxes of candy and empty chip bags I smoothly moved out of Nick’s arms I turned off the T.V. but was thirsty I crept out the door and towards where I had seen the refrigerator I marveled at the sound proof booth for singing and recording table, the drum sets, but most importantly I marveled at the guitars I got to the fridge and noticed a black acoustic guitar in the corner after I had grabbed my water bottle. I slowly walked towards the guitar and picked it up. I strummed the chords once and shivered as I finally felt at home once more I sat on the couch and strummer the chords that had floated threw my head for the past 11 years.

Nick’s POV:

I awoke startled from feeling no Ivy next to me. I frantically looked around and saw her nowhere in the lounge but I heard a faint noise from the front of the bus. I stood up and walked slowly towards it as I listened I heard Ivy’s voice sing and the melody of a song I had never before heard.

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

I watched as Ivy swayed my acoustic guitar perched in her hands as the beautiful song flowed seamlessly from her lips and fingers. It was like she was born to play guitar. I watched as a tear slid down her cheek as she strummed the finally note. I slowly and quietly clapped my hands causing her head to snap up she smiled lightly as one more tear slid down her cheek. She smiled softly and said laughingly “I’m a bit rusty”

Ivy’s POV:

I watched Nick’s jaw drop and he gasped “Rusty? Are you kidding?” I scrunched my brow in confusion and shook my head “It looked like you were born to play guitar I swear you make one of the hardest things look beyond easy.” He sat down next to me and took the guitar from my hands “Why did you pick this one?” his voice was soft as he gazed at the guitar and then me.

“My daddy had the same Gibson it was identical to this on” I said my fingers caressing the smooth body of the guitar

“I love this guitar so much I refuse to let it go on stage ever but I have it on every tour this is my favorite guitar” he said strumming it once “Did you write that?”

I nodded and said “I’ve written several not many are good though” I smiled at him then yawned.

“Time for bed” he said as he got up and place the guitar on its stand he held out his hand to me I took it and he lead me back to the lounge he laid down quietly next to Selena who was still in a ball and held his arms open. I laid down close to the couch and pulled him close to me before laying my head on his chest. He wrapped me tightly in his arms and I let his heart beat lull me to sleep I was almost asleep as I whispered “Night Nicky” and moved closer to him placing my leg on his waist. Then I tumbled into a world of darkness and terror.

Ivy’s Dream:

I was in a white dress late looked a lot like my mother wedding dress but it wasn’t me. It was Eve I could tell because she was much more beautiful then I could wish to be she looked like me but more angelic more perfect and refined also her shorter hair gave it away that it couldn’t be me. In her hair she had her diamond pins along with a white veil, around her neck was a locket identical to mine, on her finger a large sparkling diamond ring, and around her frail wrist a silver and diamond bracelet was latched. The veil covered her face and I saw that she had rivers of tears flowing silently down her cheeks and a frown was etched into her beautiful features. Suddenly a loud banging on the door was heard. Eve turned silently to the door and in walked a rather fat man who looked to be about 40 or so his dark hair was slicked back and a cigar hung from his lips. “Your mother” he started “would be so proud of you darling” he walked forward and took Eve into his arms. He set her on the ground and flipped up her veil before holding her face and whispering “This must be done it is this my beautiful baby girl or your death. I had no choice” I watched a tear slip down his cheek.

“I know Papa” Eve murmured her tear never slowing she sniffled slightly “But you know he wont be kind to me. He will hate that I am not truly his” she murmured holding her locket to her chest “Know this Papa I will never love Giovanni I will only ever love Nico”

“I know my love and I’m finally ok with that but The Brothers will not have you marry outside the family. My power will be passed to you and then to your husband they want control to stay within The Brothers I’m sorry my love it was this or your death. Call me selfish but I couldn’t stand to see you killed you’re my world”

“I know Papa I know” I watch Eve grab a bouquet of Lilies and Lilac. Her father and Eve walked silently to a set of large wooden doors and music started. Eve walked down the isle with her father towards a man who looked identical to Josh his green eyes and dark hair made me want to break down and cry just looking at him made me feel repulsed and used all over again.

Suddenly the scene melted away and I was now in a bedroom suddenly the door burst open and Josh or Giovanni dragged a struggling Eve into the room. He threw her onto the bed and hissed “You’re mine bitch, and no one can change that”

I watched Eve smirk and hiss “I’ll never be your physically you may own me but I can never truly be owned unless I give you my heart and mind”

Giovanni stepped forward and slapped Eve across the face so hard her lip began to bleed “Strip” he snarled. I watched Eve sneer and remove her beautiful dress and expose her body in nothing but a slip I heard Giovanni cackle and lunge at Eve. I turned away wanting to block this out she shouldn’t have to feel the pain I had no one should. Suddenly an scream broke from both of our throats as we both cried "NO!!!!!" Eve and I together.

I sat up shaking and sweating I looked around I was sitting on the air mattress the bus was moving and no one was around but suddenly the door burst open and a terrified Nick appeared “Nightmare” I whispered shaking and slightly crying. He fell to the ground and pulled me into his arms whispering things like ‘my fault’, ‘I’m so stupid’, ‘idiot’, and ‘never again.’ I looked up at him and said “it isn’t your fault”

“I’m never leaving you sleeping alone ever again I refuse I will stay with you anytime you want to sleep no matter what” he held me tightly I just chuckled and nodded feeling comforted but knowing Nick couldn’t do that always. “Are you hungry?” Nick asked suddenly and just as suddenly my stomach growled at the thought of food “I’ll take that as a yes let get you some food we got McDonalds pancakes” and with that we stood up and walked out of the back lounge.
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Comment or i will cry and never write again!!!!! totally serious :'(