Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 17: Interviews Take 2

Chapter 17: Interviews Take 2

Ivy’s POV:

I smiled as Nick interlaced his fingers with my own as we made our way towards the front of the bus I smiled at the sight before me Joe was laying on the couch with all 3 girls sitting on him as they happily chatted and ate there food. Joe pouted and tried to reach for his food but had no luck as it sat in the bag by Kevin who was chuckling at his little brother as he sat on the other side of the bus in the floor his back against the wall. Nick chuckled and led me towards Kevin who opened his arms and invited me into a hug a McMuffin in his right hand. I sat on his lap and gave him a big hug. I watched Nick sit down next to us and switched so I was snuggled between my 2 boys. Nick’s arm around my waist and Kevin’s around my shoulders I felt safe and loved. I laid my head on Nick’s shoulder as Kevin set pancakes on my lap my stomach growled and I dug in.

Nick’s POV:

I watched as Ivy finished up her pancakes I had already eaten my food so now I was watching her. I thought back to this morning when I heard her scream I was so worried it was terrifying. She smiled up at me and I grinned back kissing her nose. Then Chelsea Demi and Selena leapt off Joe and said “We need to get ready”

Chelsea looked at Ivy and said “Wanna share a shower?”

Ivy shrugged and said “sure” Ivy stood up and left towards the back with the girls. I felt my eyes glaze and saw Joe had the same look as we imagined our girls or in his case crush naked in the shower. I felt drool drip down my chin and heard Kevin’s large chuckle that’s what broke my from my trance.

Ivy’s POV:

Chelsea and I went into the small bathroom and I started the shower and stripped before hopping in I heard her start the sink and Chelsea yell “I’m gonna wash my face and teeth then I’ll get in”

“K” I said rinsing the shampoo from my hair. I smeared conditioner in my hair then rubbed body wash all over my body I shaved my legs then rinsed my body Chelsea turned off the water as I once more rinsed my hair I hopped out dripping wet and naked I wrapped a towel around my body before saying “It is all yours” She smiled and hopped into the shower. I grabbed a bottle of lotion and began to rub it all over my skin, next I began brushing my teeth then I just shook my hair and slid on my undergarments. Chelsea hopped out of the shower and laughed at me as I repeatedly flipped my hair to shake all the water out of my hair I stuck my tongue out and spread some anti-frizz in my hair before scrunching to get my natural curls. I slid on my shorts and tank from last night before opening the door and slipping out. I walked into the back lounge to see Selena running a straightener threw Demi’s hair and laughing about something. They were both still in PJ’s. They smiled noticing me I sat on the couch next to Selena and grabbed my big bag and then grabbed my makeup bag out of that.

Just as I finished my eyeliner Chelsea pranced in and took a hold of my make up bag and started putting some of my makeup on. I giggled then stood up and pulled off my dirty PJ’s. I slid into my shorts tank and then pulled on my super light sweater I saw Chelsea almost done. We both looked really cute. I turned and saw Demi and Selena looked cute too. I tied my shoes and smiled when I noticed all the girls waiting on my I puffed up my bangs and pined them in place letting my natural curls hang loosely. I smiled to the girls and said “All done” we walked out of the back lounge ad into the living room but the boys were gone it was then we noticed the bus had stopped we opened the door and saw a huge arena before I eyes. “Come on we have tons of stuff to do”

Nick’s POV:

I sat spinning in a spinning chair only half listening to Dad as he told us the schedule today. It was 11:15 when we got off the bus and left the girls to get ready now it was now 20 till 12 the two interviewers for the girls were sitting at the table I was currently spinning by. Kevin was paying attention to Dad and Frankie and Joe were making funny faces at one another while Mom looked to be in her own world doing something on a black iPhone identical to mine, but obviously wasn’t her blackberry. I was confused but didn’t think much about it. Suddenly the door opened and all the girls walked in accompanied by Big Rob. The girls were laughing hysterically as Big Rob closed the door shaking his head. I scanned over Ivy she looked amazing her eyes glowed happily as she clung to Chelsea, her hair was in its natural waves, she wore a loose dove grey sweater over a tight silky purple lace tank top that showed off her full breasts and a sliver of her creamy skin above the waist of her shorts, and those shorts she had on short shorts that showed off her smooth creamy legs I wanted nothing more then to run my hands up her long legs, on her feet she had a pair of Black high top converse that said ‘this is not a shoe’ in white, I noticed on her right hand she had a cute hello kitty ring and on her left she had her purity ring, then finally I noticed around her neck rested the key to my heart and her locket. I smiled brightly at her and watched as she bit her lip and smiled softly back at me. By now the girls had quit laughing and they all turned to my parents. Ivy was the first to notice the interviewers and she squealed walking over and saying “Abbie Ducky how are you guys?” she hugged each and I felt the green-eyed monster begin to eat away at my stomach.

Abbie chuckled and said, “I’m fine”

“Same and Darling you look incredible” Ducky said twirling Ivy around she smiled softly and he continued, “You all do”

“Ivy dear” Mom called Ivy turned and looked at my mother “May I speak to you in the hall for a moment?”

“Of Course Denise” Ivy smiled and made for the door as she passed my seat she caressed my chest and shoulder while throwing me a sly wink. I sighed happily and sat back in my seat. The door closed and a few seconds later we heard a squeal and Ivy burst back into the room and leapt at Kevin. She pecked kisses all over his face and said ‘thank you’ ‘I love it’ and ‘Ashlyn and CeCe will freak’ over and over again. I stood up and quickly left the room closing the door a bit to loudly I turned the door and pressed my back to the wall. I knew it didn’t mean anything but seeing Ivy having her lips pressed against my brother’s face made me so enraged and jealous I didn’t feel like my self at all, but when those delicate fingers caressed my angry face smoothing out all the lines and that angelic voice wrapped around me I felt whole once more. “Are you ok?” Ivy whispered her hand still on my cheek.

I pulled her close and buried my face in her silky red locks and mumbled, “I am now, love”

Ivy’s POV:

Nick stormed from the room. I was so sad to see him upset I quickly let go of Kevin and mumbled “I’m gonna go get him” I left the room just as quickly no doubt leaving some confused people behind. I turned a corner and saw Nick. I let every detail of him fill my vision his back was against the wall. His fists were tight at his sides his face was creased and slightly red it hurt me to see him so angry and I didn’t know why. He was a magnet I was drawn to him I caressed his cheek and watched as all the tension in his body melted away at my touch. A tiny smiled graced my lips as I whispered, “Are you ok?”

In the blink of an eye I was wrapped tightly in his arms with Nick’s face buried in my
curls I heard him mumble, “I am now, love” I smiled and squeezed him tightly while kissing
his neck.

I whispered, “We’ve got to go before people get suspicious” I felt him nod and reluctantly unwind his arms from my body. I smiled and walked a bit ahead after 2 steps Nick grabbed my waist from behind he kissed my neck and then let me go once more. I shook my head and continued walking like nothing had happened. At the door I held my hand behind my back and felt Nick’s fingers caress my own as I opened the door and said “Found him” I let his hand slip from mine as I walked into the room and sat in Chelsea’s lap. She smiled at me and whispered in me ear “Have a fun make out session” I rolled my eyes and slightly shook my head before saying to the girls “Look” I took out the shiny bran new black iPhone Denise had given me “Denise got it for me she said it was Kevin’s idea. You all will have to add your numbers I only have like 5” I smiled and handed Demi the phone.

“Who all do you have so far?” Joe asked looking up from the tabloid he had been thumbing threw I saw a blurry picture of Nick and me and then another of Miley all from the night at dinner.

I grimaced at the magazine and Joe threw it to me as I said “Uh I don’t know” I looked at Demi.

She shook her head and began reciting “Ashlyn, Big Rob, CeCe’s Mom, Demi, Denise, Jeffery, Joe, Kevin, Nick, Paul. That’s it” She shrugged

I smiled and said, “That’s all I need”

“Girls” Ducky called we turned and he said, “Why don’t we start the interview”

“Ok” we chorused I noticed now Selena had my phone

“Frankie are you staying?” I asked setting the tabloid on the table for later

“Nah I’m gonna go play catch with my brothers. Is that ok Ivy?” he said looking at me wide eyed

“Of course sugar. Have fun” I said getting up and giving him a hug and kissed his forehead he wiped at it and I stuck my tongue out at his which he recuperated. Kevin laughed and picked him up. I shook my head and sat down in the spinning chair Nick had once sat in. I pocked Chelsea and she giggled then stuck her tongue out at me.

“Ok I have a question for Ivy” I looked at Abbie and nodded she continued “Demi said 2 names that I didn’t know when she went threw your cell phone. One was Ashlyn and the second was CeCe’s mom but you said yesterday CeCe was you best friend mind explaining?” She said pulling a pencil out if her messy up do and crossing her legs to set her pad of paper there

“Oh yeah sure um Ashlyn is a coworker of mine who was practically my older sister, and CeCe she is a little girl I babysat for the last 3 almost 4 years and she is my angel she calls me sissy and I love here” I said smiling happily thinking about both of my sisters now I had 3 almost 5 I laughed at the thought Demi and Selena were becoming so close to Chelsea and I and Chelsea would always be like my sister.

Abbie smiled happily and wrote on her pad. Ducky had been writing too before he even finished he asked “Do you girls have siblings?”

“I’m an only child I have tons of cousins though” Chelsea said giggling

“Only child too” I said a slight edge to me voice but it went unnoticed by all thank god.

“So how do you like touring so far?” Ducky said over excitedly

I laughed and said “We have spent one night on the bus and this will be our first show”

Everyone laughed and Chelsea added “Tour hasn’t even started yet”

“I suppose not” Abbie giggled “So this is for all you girls are you dating anyone?” she waggled her eyebrows and smirked

Selena and Demi chuckled while shaking their heads. “Nope” Chelsea said with a pop of her lips.

I shrugged and said “Nah” Ducky and Abbie just slyly smiled and nodded

<<< 45 minutes later >>>

“Well we are all done” Abbie said flipping her notebook closed

“Really?” I asked time flew the interview was more laughing and just talking then asking questions really.

“Oh yeah we have tons of stuff for you girls you’ll each have a page in Teen Cosmo” Abbie giggle clearly excited

Ducky chuckled and said “And there will be a 30 page spread for all of you in teen vogue” Chelsea and I gaped then squealed happily. “One more question though” Ducky said

We nodded he turned to me and said “Ivy that long blue dress you wore at the shoot who designed it?”

“It was hand made vintage from the 20’s it belonged to a woman named Eve D’Angelo she had it custom made for herself.”

“Really?” I simply nodded “It looked made for you I wanted to do an article on the designer it was incredible but now I know why it was probably hand made. I was sublime on you by the way. Well I suppose we will be on our way now nice to see you girls again” and with that the stood and left.

“Ok so tell us what happened with Nick?” Selena asked the moment the door closed and now the girls circled around me.
I smiled and shook me head softly “Nothing happened I simply calmed him down and he held me it wasn’t a big deal”

“So is a big deal” Chelsea scoffed I shook my head.

“Yes it is he is crazy bout you” Demi said

“If he can simply hold you and want absolutely nothing from it he is totally crazy about you and also an amazing guy” Selena said

“Didn’t y’all date?” I asked playing with me fingers

I heard Demi make a noise close to a snort while Selena giggled “No” I looked up confused “I said we were dating to cover up for me dating this non celeb guy at the time Nick was a good enough guy to agree he is simply my best guy friend I promise” she said smiling brightly

I sighed and suddenly there was pounding on the door. We turned and looked at the door only to hear Kevin yell from the other side “We are getting Lunch lets go girls” we stood up giggling and made our way to Find Kevin waiting. He smiled brightly and slung his arm around my shoulders he chuckled and said “Glad to see this interview went better” I blushed and nodded he guided us to the exit to the building where the rest of the family and Big Rob were waiting.

“Were are we eating I’m starved?” Selena moaned while Chelsea nodded in agreement.

Nick walked forward and coiled his arm around my waist and held me close Kevin smiled and slid away from my body smirking at me as he stepped away. “We are eating at some tiny pizza place” Denise said picking up Frankie and making her way out the door followed closely by everyone but Nick Kevin and I

“I know you don’t like sharing but we can’t afford suspicions” Kevin said re wrapping his are around my shoulders

Nick sighed and mumbled “I know, I know” he gripped my hip as we walked out the door suddenly screaming and flashes filled my vision I just smiled and hid my face in Kevin’s chest then switched over to Nick’s chest. Suddenly Kevin let go of me and when I opened my eyes Nick and I had stepped into an SUV I looked around and noticed we were alone in the SUV with Big Rob. Rob smiled threw the rearview mirror and nodded I smiled back. Nick dragged me into his lap and whispered into my hair “I missed you”
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i'm sorry school just started in busy dont hate me comment tell me if you hate it i know it is short