Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 18: Pizza and... Digits?

Nick’s POV:

Ivy’s angelic laughter filled my ears as I held her tighter. “But baby” she coed “I was gone for an hour” I felt her fingers play will my longer curls.

I groaned quietly having no control and whispered “To long not to hold you” I once again buried my face in her neck and kissed her neck up and down I heard her make a tiny noise in her throat and I smirked I could feel my pants tightening and I knew that could be a problem, so I took a deep breath and set Ivy next to me leaving her legs in my lap and buckled her in before buckling myself up. I drug her legs closer to my hips and she laid her head on my shoulder. Her fingers traced on my toned chest and we rode in blissful silence all the way to the restaurant.

Ivy’s POV:

Big Rob’s voice finally broke our silence and he softly said “We are here” then the car stopped my eyes fluttered open and Nick petted my hair as I noticed Rob slyly smiling at us in the rear view mirror. Nick set my legs on the floorboard and unbuckled the both of us. I leaned forward and caught his lips in a short soft love filled kiss knowing it would probably be the only for quite some time. Nick pulled an away smiling like a mad man. Big Rob opened the door and Nick squeezed my hand before climbing out of the SUV: Nick threw his arm causally around my shoulders as we made our way to the little restaurant.

Suddenly an ear-piercing scream broke the air and 2seprate voices called “OH MY JONAS IT IS NICK!!!” at the same time followed by a distinctly male groan. Nick and I turned just in time to see 2 twins about our age bounding towards us. Nick’s arm slid away from my body and I saw him tense slightly I followed his gaze and saw a cute 18ish boy he had dark hair and big baby blues he had a mysterious aura and was cute but nothing comparing to Nick. I took in the girls they were so pretty tan dark skin black as night hair big blue eyes that matched their I’m assuming brother’s. I swallowed scared Nick would choose one of these gorgeous twins if not both over me. They arrived at us and squealed, “It is you” the one with a messy bun cried “I’m Jessica but you can call my Jessie”

“And I’m Jennifer but you can call me Jen” The one with a headband smiled sexily at Nick, my Nick, I felt my stomach tighten.

“You’re Ivy the mystery girl right we read about you on the Internet” Thing 1 said eyeing me skeptically

“So this is the girl you 2 have been ranting about for the past 3 days” their brother said eyeing my up and down I felt Nick tense and saw him glare at the guy out of the corner of my eye “You 2 are crazy this girl is amazingly gorgeous she is not a hag” He stated bluntly making the 2 girls fume and me blush “I’m Lance just call my LJ” He said smiling at me, so I scooted slightly closer to Nick not liking this guy hitting on my with my secret boyfriend standing next to me.
“We are late we must get going” nick said tightly having a staring contest with LJ

“Really?” Thing 2 asked

“Stay for a bit longer” Thing 1 begged latching onto Nick’s right arm

“Please” Thing 2 begged following her sister’s lead

“Sorry we’ve got to go” Nick said trying to shake the 2 beautiful twins off.
Suddenly LJ took my hand and whipped out a pen he scribbled down 10 numbers on my hand and said “Call me” then he grabbed his sisters and Nick threw his are around me casually then shot LJ a glare and we walked into the restaurant.
“Could have helped us out” I scoffed at Big Rob once we were inside seeing as he was 10 feet away during the whole attack.

He just shook his head the waitress lead us to a large booth in the back of the little pizza place that was deserted besides 2 college looking guys in the opposite corner booth who glanced at us as we walked by then went back to their conversations. We sat down and Nick didn’t say a word he just glared at my hand and refused to look at me. The waitress brought my water and I immediately dunked a paper napkin in it and began scrubbing at my palm I saw Nick smile finally and relax as Selena chuckled and asked “Ivy sweetie what are you doing?”

“Some guy hit on my and wrote his number on my hand when we got stopped outside” I said still scrubbing the ink from my pale skin then I felt Nick’s arm slide around my waist and drag me closer as I continued to scrub.

“Was he cute?” Chelsea asked glancing up from the menu I heard and the boys groan and Nick tense noticeably

“Some would call him hot but he wasn’t my taste” I said setting the destroyed napkin down and glancing at Nick. He relaxed once again and kissed my ear affectionately. “I still didn’t like those girls throwing themselves at you” I whispered in Nick’s ears as the others returned to their original conversations.

“I didn’t even notice them” he cooed looking at me I gave him a skeptical look he sighed frustrated and began slowly in a soft whisper his fingers spread cupping my cheek “Ivy since I meat you for some reason I cant even imagine liking let alone being with another girl I’ve never felt this way and I’m scared you’ll find some one older hotter and better than me and leave me in the dust” his forehead rested on mine

“I feel the same” I mumbled leaning into his touch suddenly the smell of food hit my nose and Nick and I ripped apart just in time for the 21ish waitress not to see us nose-to-nose deep in conversation, but the family had definitely noticed and smirked at us as the waitress set 4 large pizzas on the table. I blushed and grabbed a slice of Canadian bacon.

<<< An Hour and a Half Later >>>

Ivy’s POV:

Nick’s arm was fixed around my shoulders casually because we were in public, but I could feel his possessive and caring energy radiating from him. Some of you might think that when I say possessive it is a bad thing but it isn’t I swear Nick was just as possessive as I was of him maybe a little less than me. The pizza had long ago disappeared but all of us lingered at the restaurant not ready to get back to the venue. Suddenly a flash came from the front of the restaurant I turned and saw a Pap his camera poised and rapidly snapping pictures. I heard Nick growl and we got up with the others. Kevin came towards me and took my waist while Nick kept me shoulders. I smiled and squeezed each of my boys before pulling from then and taking Chelsea’s arm. Both boys pouted and crossed their arms making me laugh hard. Selena and Demi pushed past the paparazzi as he shot questions at them they smiled sweetly and said no comment before continuing their conversation on what Demi should wear on stage tonight. Denise said “No comment” and with the help of Big Rob got us all out of the restaurant the Pap following.

“Ivy” the man called I turned my head towards him my face emotionless. “Are the rumors true?” he questioned

“No comment” I said in a monotone before getting ready to climb into the car with Nick and Chelsea.

“So the rumors about you being With Nick and Kevin are incorrect? What about the rumors of you slapping Miley?” I heard him ask I growled

“No comment” My voice hissed rudely I saw Nick’s worried face as I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut. Big Rob took off before I even had the door closed. Nick gently grabbed my waist and cradled my close as I quietly cried and whispered ‘I’m a horrible girlfriend’. Chelsea sat in the middle seats turned around and she stroked my back, while Nick cooed ‘No you’re perfect’ in my ear.

Nick’s POV:

“Ivy, love” I whispered in her ear making her raise her beautiful face even crying she was gorgeous “We need to get out but there are Paps I cant carry you in” I whispered stroking her long red locks.

“Ok” she sniffled and wiped her eyes. Her eyes were slightly red and her nose was barely pink, but not noticeably. Chelsea handed her a large pair of dark sunglasses and she smiled softly. “Lets go quickly” Chelsea smiled and opened the door as Ivy slid on her sunglasses. I climbed out and wrapped my arm around Chelsea’s shoulders Ivy hopped out and I placed her on my other side farthest from the photographers as we huddled and rushed into the venue. One inside I held Ivy tightly as she whispered “Thanks”

“Any time” I whispered my fingers dancing threw her silk locks.

Ivy’s POV:

We walked into the room and Denise gave me a hug as she ranted about how nosy tabloids were and how they should just leave them alone. I giggled and sat in Kevin’s lap I noticed Nick pout as Frankie climbed into my lap. “Ivy” I heard Joe say quietly. I looked at him and he eyed the magazine on the table “You should read that” he said his eyes never leaving the magazine.

I nodded and mumbled “I will later though” Joe nodded and he turned to a slightly blushing Chelsea and said “Let’s play 20 questions” she blushed more and nodded. They began their game while Chelsea and Demi had disappeared to the later’s dressing room. Nick sat with his head on the table watching Frankie as he twirled pieces of my hair fighting fatigue. Kevin hummed lightly in my ear and took out his phone and began texting.

I caught the name and squealed “I need to call Ashlyn I miss her” I said happily. I stood up and set Frankie on the ground.

Just as I fished my phone out of my pocket a techie bound threw the door and said “Time for sound check”

Everyone got up and looked at me phone still in hand “I’m gonna stay here I’ll come find y’all when I’m done” Everyone nodded and Nick shot me a look that said ‘hurry’ I nodded and made a secret heart with my fingers.

Every one exited the room and I clicked Ashlyn’s name it rang three time before answering to an annoyed “Hello?” Just then I heard Angie’s distinct scream and Ashlyn trying to comfort the baby.

“Ashlyn is that anyway to talk to your little sister” I giggled I heard Ashlyn audibly gasp.

“Ivy we miss you so much will you sing to Angie she won’t go to sleep?” Ashlyn nearly begged.

I giggled and began “The wind blow away your tears, The trees will dance and sing with you, the river rush threw the years, but know momma is here, here for you” I softly cooed into the phone it was my lullaby when I was little.

“Ivy you saved me you know that” Ashlyn whispered I heard rustling and knew she was laying Angie to bed. “Hey can I put you on speaker so everyone can say ‘hi’?” Ashlyn asked.

“Do you even need to ask?” I answered back Ashlyn clicked me to speaker I heard Ashlyn call ‘Everyone guess who called’ the kids asked ‘who?’ I could practically hear Ashlyn smirk as she said ‘Ivy’.

Suddenly there was lots of yelling and commotion then I heard three perfectly synchronized voices call “Ivy we miss you” the triplets screeched.

“Miss you too me terrible threes” I joked

“Ivy” I heard a whiney Melody call

“Yes Mel” I chuckled

“Ms. Ashlyn wont let me go into the other classrooms” I could hear the pout on her lips

“Mel, you know you aren’t allowed” I heard a huff and some giggling and playing in the background.

Them I heard a little voice say clearly into the phone as the background noise disappeared “Hi Sissy. I miss you” It was CeCe

“I miss you too, Cupcake. Have you been taking your shots and tests like a good girl?” I asked my voice slightly shaking

“Yeah” I heard CeCe sniffle “Monster says she will give me up to you and Momma, but she wants money so Momma’s lawyers are always calling the house and Monster is always mean to them. I probably wont see you for a while Sissy.” CeCe sobbed into the phone.

I cooed into the phone as I curled up into the lush twirling chair Nick had sat in earlier. It smelt like him. “I will have you soon CeCe Monster wont get you I promise” I sniffled back my tears as I heard CeCe sniffle and give a light sob “So Cupcake are you excited to come live by the beach we can go all the time now or that’s what I assume” I said excitedly

I heard CeCe gasp she loved the ocean, but had only been twice in her life “Really? Like the ocean with crabs and seashells?”

“Course silly girl” I laughed

She squealed happily and said “I can’t wait” I knew she was happy again “Ashlyn says I have to give her back the phone” CeCe said sounding a little sad “I love you CeCe and will see you soon Love you bye”

“Ok Dolly, we all love and miss you and you must text me every minute and call every other day or so” Ashlyn said sternly

“Course love you sis” I laughed

“Love you too bye” Ashlyn said quickly as I heard Melody yell ‘I’m going to Ms. Lillian’s room’ I laughed and slid my phone into my pocket but not before texting Chelsea to come and get me please or I would get lost trying to find them. I looked at the table and picked up the magazine and scowled.

I flipped into open to see in bold letters “Looks Like Nicky has a New Leading Lady, and Miley isn’t Happy!!” I scowled and read the article. It was accurate for the most part except for on witness said it looked rehearsed and another said I hit Miley, but both of those were torn apart by the magazine saying they were hilarious accusations. The magazine apparently had talked to several eye witnesses and had a few pictures from various windows that caught most of the night including the entire fight they were fuzzy yes but they were clear enough. All the dating accusations flared up more when they saw Nick cradle me during Miley’s fuss and when he and Big Rob rushed me out of the restaurant surprisingly they were now true I chuckled at the thought. The part that truly stunned me was what happened to Miley when her father caught up with her.

I read the passage again ‘Apparently Mr. Cyrus wasn’t happy at his starlet daughter’s actions. He is photographed he yelling at Miley in the parking lot saying “That girl was an angel. Destiny Hope Cyrus what you did to that poor girl was horrible I’m so disappointed in you” Miley retorted with “But Daddy she deserved it plus They hit me” the imprints on Miley’s cheeks were now flaming red and looked to be female because they were so little. Mr. Cyrus looked livid now at his daughter and continued to yell “You deserved it Miley and you know what your grounded and you lost all privileges give me your cell phone you’ll loose your computer, TV, and every thing else when we get home” Billy Ray out stretched his hand and scowled at his daughter. Miley was shocked and said “But Dad” “No buts” Was Billy’s only reply as he yanked the young Miley’s purse from her hands pulled out her cell phone and what appeared to be several credit card before sticking it all in his pocket and shoving the purse back into Miley’s stunned hands “Don’t even think of buying another one you’re cut off until you turn 18” were Mr. Cyrus’s last words as he stormed into the SUV waiting for the 2. Miley screamed before stomping into the awaiting car.’ I was stunned and thankful for Mr. Cyrus I needed to thank him even if it would sound weird.

Chelsea burst threw the door and said “Come on girly” She said bounding over to me she sneered at the picture of Miley.

I hoped up and said “Kay” we excited the room and she lead the way down the long hallway taking 2 lefts turns and a right on the way there I learned that Demi was halfway finished with her set when Chelsea left but was probably done seeing as Chelsea got slightly lost. When we arrived the boys were in the middle of “Year 3000” I loved the boys older stuff so I goofily jumped around and danced with Frankie as everyone stared bewildered. They ended a bit early cause the boys were laughing so hard they could breath let alone sing after a few minutes they caught their breath and continued the sound check and played my all time favorite song of theirs “When You Look Me In The Eyes” I stood on the side belting the lyrics and swaying with Chelsea. Demi and Selena smiled at us knowing this was one of our dreams standing here with some of our idols hearing them sing their hearts out. Nick would stare at me and sing directly at me sending shivers up and down my spin. The boys finished and came off stag they were a touch sweaty but not bad Nick took my hand and drug me down a corridor before anyone could even notice we were missing he lead me to an empty room and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“I’m sorry” he whispered into my hair “I needed to hold you I was slowly going insane from with drawls”

I squeezed him them shoved him away towards the now closed door at first he looked beyond hurt them he saw the predatory look on my face and smirked. I pressed him flush to the door my body barley touching his my lips whispering against his “And I needed your lips.” Then I slammed our lips together in our fiercest kiss yet. It was fueled with want and desire and knowing we only had moments for this our bodies were smashed so close together as Nick’s tongue finally snuck out and slid along my bottom lip. I smirked and barely opened my lips letting my tongue exit not his enter. My fingers tangled in his slightly damp curls as I won dominance and explored his mouth suddenly Nick flipped us around causing me to jump up and wrap my legs around his hips. I could feel him blush as I noticed the problem in his pants but our kiss never stopped our lost intensity in fact feeling all of Nick made me moan into his mouth and break away to gasp for air. Nick to this chance to kiss all along me neck he slid me sweater off my shoulder and left a hickie where it could easily be hidden. He was always thinking ahead I thought rolling my eyes slightly as I gripped his curls a little tighter causing him to moan I brought his lips to mine and kissed him deeply but slower before pulling away fully I pecked his lips before finally pressing our foreheads together. Our breathin was erratic and Nick wasn’t the only one experiencing troubles in his lower area. Nick set me down and I whimpered at the lose of contact I needed him he was a drug a very addictive one at that.

“Hush” he cooed speaking for the first time. I nodded and watched as he took deep breaths I noticed the bugle in his jeans shrink but not disappear I wondered slightly what he had thought about. “Ok” he sighed and opened his arms for me he held me close like before our intense make out session and murmured “Just say I was showing you to the bathroom if anyone asks”

I giggled and said “Ok Nicky” I felt his entire body shiver as I called him that
♠ ♠ ♠

I know every one hates me i havent update anything i know you may throw stones at me blame school and the evil people i go to school with rumors have been spread about me all over the school and i think one of my best friends well exbest friend started the rumors so my head has been on the fritz i really want to pump out a chapter for all my stories keep you fingers crossed