Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 2: Breakfast+One Pretty Girl+4 Brothers

Joe’s POV:

I heard a girls laughter and saw Frankie practically drag one of the hottest girls I have ever seen into the kitchen area the fork I was using clattered to my plate as I took in her still damp red some what blonde hair her large gray blue eyes she didn’t wear a stitch of make up and she didn’t need it, the shorts she wore nearly disappeared beneath her tank top with each step and the girl filled the tank top out nicely but not overly. You gasped and said breathlessly “Wow” then you shook your head and said “Frankie who is your friend?” then smiled at the girl who was to preoccupied with Frankie to notice

“Ok hunny do you want French toast with eggs and fruit or regular toast eggs and a fruit smoothie?” she said as she took in the kitchen and the spread of food offered “Well little guy?” she said tickling Frankie’s sides

“Nick’s favorite is fruit smoothies can we make breakfast for him too?” Frank said adoringly to the gorgeous girl looking at him.

“Of course Hun” she said laughing and picking him up she finally noticed I as she stood up and propped Frankie on her hip. She looked so frail but I saw her muscles flex as she supported Frankie.

“Who is you friend Frankie?” I asked again looking a the girl

“Babysitter. Isn’t she pretty?” your little brother said dreamily playing with the tips of the girl’s hair.

“ Smooth little man now lets make breakfast, and I am not pretty” the girl giggled as she still carried Frankie into the kitchen to make theirs and Nick’s breakfast

“Yes you are” I stared at the spot where she was before getting up to go take a quick shower.

Ivy’s POV:

I set Frankie down on the counter and walked over to the freezer and fridge and took in the frozen fruit fresh fruit and juice available. “Ok Frankster do we want strawberry banana, banana berry, or strawberry pineapple orange smoothies?” you saw him glance at you and blush. “What is it Hun?”

“I dot know your name” he whispered before saying “Strawberry banana”

“My name is Ivy,” I said as I took out frozen strawberries, vanilla yogurt, Oj, and two bananas “Mmk scrambled eggs with cheese or no cheese?” I asked looking at Frankie

“Cheese” he said sweetly as I pulled the cheese out of the fridge.

“Ok buddy can I trust you?” I asked looking him in the eyes

“Of course” he scoffed

“Ok you stir the eggs while I start on smoothies then I will cook the eggs while you set the table sound good?”

“You can’t blend until after I set the table,” Frankie said sternly

“Of course now lets get to work crack 5 eggs and get to work,” I said pouring a bit of milk into the bowl sitting on Frankie’s lap. I got out a pan set in on the burner but I made sure to position myself in between Frankie ad the heating pan. You place 3 cups or so of frozen strawberries with about 3 cups of OJ the two bananas cut up and a cup and a half of yogurt or so into the blender. I never was one for measuring cups they seemed silly. I took the eggs from Frankie and smiled “Perfect job. Hey can I call you Frank the Tank.”

“People already do that and Tank” he said giggling as I poured the egg mixture into the hot pan and he leapt from the counter.

“Ok Tank” I handed the little boy 3 plates then set 3 napkins, 3 cups, and and 3 forks on the counter away from the hot burner and said “How about u set the table then we will finish the smoothies together?” then I began stirring the eggs and gradually adding cheese and seasonings to the mixture. Frankie nodded and ran back and forth between the kitchen and the dining area. Just as I finished the eggs Frankie came back and happily said “I’m done” I set him on the counter as I placed the eggs in a bowl then placed the bowl into the microwave to stay warm.

“Smoothie time?” I questioned the happy boy who was bouncing and nodding his head. Then Frankie pounded the blender causing it to roar to life and me to giggle at his goofy smile.

Nick’s POV:

I hadn’t moved since the girl had left but at the sound of the blender I quickly pulled on THIS hoping Mom was making smoothies again. I turned the corner into the little kitchen and heard Frankie say

“You are so pretty”

I then heard a cute giggle and then heard that heavenly voice say, “No I’m not Hun” I finally turned the corner and saw her take the blender off the stand and set it on the counter.

“He isn’t lying you’re very pretty” I said leaning on the doorframe.
The girl jumped and spun around “You scared the crap out of me” she said taking a quick glance I chuckled knowing she was about to cuss.

“Yum smoothies” I said stepping forward “what kind?” I questioned

“Strawberry Banana” Frankie said happily

“Your fav huh Tank” I said chuckling I couldn’t help glancing at the girl.

“Frank you and Nick go sit I’ll bring the food out k?” the girl said smiling down at Frankie

“Ok” Frankie said dreamily taking my hand and dragging me to a set table no doubt done by Frankie. It was cute that Frankie had a crush on his babysitter.

“Frank the Tank has a crush,” I whispered as we sat down.

“Shut up” he said grouchily back

“It is ok little man she is so pretty I think we all will have crushes on her real soon” you said ruffling his curls I just thought Hope Joe doesn’t get to her first I really like her

“But I’m gonna in her over” Frankie said smugly

“Ok I’m sure you will you always were the ladies man of us all” just the girl came in and set a large bowl of scrambled eggs on the table and next came a plate of toast with a jar of strawberry, peach, and grape jelly along with butter. When she walked in with the smoothies and started to pour them I remembered I needed to check my blood sugar. “I’ll be back,” I said walking into the kitchen where I had set my stuff earlier that night. I checked and I was a bit high so I got out a shot and just before I gave it to my self the girl walked into the kitchen and set the now empty pitcher in the sink.

“Want some help,” she whispered

“Actually yeah it gets old doing this all the time,” I said truthfully
She smiled and stepped forward and took the needle from me “Are you on Omni Pod?” she asked glancing at your bag”

“Yeah but first thing in the morning I usually give my self a shot to even myself out before I put the Pod on” I said blushing slightly

“Makes sense” she said as her smooth hands pushed up my t-shirt. “Where do you normally do shots” she asked looking into my eyes

“The top of my hip” I said touching the slight bruise. I saw the pain and sadness flash threw her eyes as she saw the bruise.
She leaned forward and placed a feather light kiss to the bruise then gave me the shoot. Her mere touch was causing a stirring somewhere it shouldn’t. She took the needle out of my body and kissed the spot once again. “I shouldn’t have kissed you I’m sorry” she said blushing.

“No it is fine it took the normal pain away,” I said blushing also she slid my shirt down and threw away the needle.

When she turned around she said “I was the only way I could get a little girl named CeCe to take her insulin” I saw the unshed tears in her eyes then she said with a large smile “Come on time for breakfast”

“Let me put my pod on then I’ll be out,” I said softly. She nodded and left. I thought about the girl who just did something all other people would shy away from then I shook my head and quickly placed the pod on my back above my pants. Then I walked out to see the girl giggling and laughing with Frankie I sat down and after about 5 minutes of eating the delicious food the girl made Joe came in and sat down next to her.

“MMM Smells good” he said smirking at the girl. I could tell he was flirting but he girl seemed completely oblivious

“It is just eggs and toast speaking of which when y’all”, her accent was so light and so cute it gave you chills, “are done I’ll clean the dishes up. Hey Frankie babe do you want to go with your mom and me shopping later after I go to say goodbye?” she smiled her gorgeous smile at my little brother.

“Can I stay with you all day?” he puppy pouted at the unsuspecting girl

“Sure babe but I’m warning you I will cry to day,” she said pointing a finger at him.

“I will wipe away your tears” Frankie said cheekily

“OOH smooth ladies man I see” the girl giggled “but yeah babe you can stay with me Kevin and your mom all day if you would like to.”

“Kevin?” Joe questioned

“Yeah he is such a good guy he said he would help me go shopping and bring what few possessions I have here” she smiled at him I couldn’t help but feel jealous of my oldest brother and younger brother right now because they both got to spend the entire day with… wait I still don’t know here name.

Just then the door swung open and Kevin walked in with Starbucks in his hand “Kev” the girl squealed and ran to him while wrapping him in a huge hug. He chuckled and spun he around. Joe, Frankie and I all glared at Kevin as he spun the girl around.
He hooked his arm around her waist and said, “How’s the wrist?”

“Fine you and your mother both worry about me to much” she said exasperatedly she looked at the kitchen table and noticed there were no more seats “Mmk either Kevin doesn’t sit down or I sit on someone’s lap or Frankster sits on my lap”
Kevin plopped in her seat and smirked a he opened his arms she giggled and sat her self in his lap he set his Starbucks down and wrapped an arm a round he waist as she began to eat again. “See that was easy” by now the glare focused on Kevin had intensified 10 fold. He looked at each of us and chuckled then whispered in the girl’s ear causing her to choke on her smoothie and him to chuckle again.

Ivy’s POV:

“I think all three of my brothers have a crush on you” Kevin whispered into my ear as I took a sip of smoothie causing me to choke

“They do not especially not Nick or Joe I’m not pretty enough,” I whispered fiercely back to Kevin.

Nick’s POV:

I watched the girl blush and whisper back to Kevin causing him to scoff and say out loud “That is a total lie”

“It isn’t a lie,” the girl said standing up taking her plate and the empty eggs bowl into the kitchen. She came back in and asked Frankie while picking up her cup and the toast plate “Frankster are you done babe?” he nodded happily before carrying his stuff into the kitchen for her. “You done Nick?” I nodded dumbly and she reached for my plate and set that my cup and fork on the toast plate in her hand before re picking up her plate. “Kev come help me with the dishes” she commanded

Causing Kevin to whine “But why I didn’t even eat?”

The girl pouted and said “Cause you love me now up. Please, grab the jams and place them in the fridge” then she turned and left a grumbling Kevin who did exactly as she asked

“You better be happy your pretty” Kevin yelled back to the girl

I heard a scoff then the water started running and then I heard her heavenly voice yell back “AM NOT!!” both my and Joe’s jaws dropped this girl had no clue how gorgeous she was.

<<< Time Lapse 20 Minutes>>>

“All done” the girl said after cleaning the kitchen I had changed into THIS. Mom came around the corner with Kevin after hearing the girl’s voice.

“Ready?” mom asked while smiling at the girl

“Yes” she answered before saying “Tank do you still want to come with me today” she smiled at my little brother and I watched him nearly melt into putty for the gorgeous girl. He happily nodded his head and she giggled taking his hand as they walked to the door. The girl let go of Frankie’s hand and touched her neck. “Hold on” She sprinted back to my Mom’s room looking terrified.

“YOU OK?” Kevin shouted

She remerged and said “yes” as she fastened a small silver heart locket around her neck. (she looked like THIS) Once again she took Frankie’s hand and Kevin wrapped his arm around her before saying “Let’s go Ivy we have a busy day” Ivy that’s this angels name finally a name. and it fit her just as pretty as her but also gentle and caring like her. Internally I sighed as I thought of her name I knew eventually it would plague me like a disease but for now I would just soak in the beauty of the girl in front of me.

She turned and made eye contact with me a smile spread across her face it stunned me with its intense beauty as she said “Bye Nick” then she disappeared out the door.

“Bye Ivy” I whispered helplessly after her