Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 24: Wanted

Nick’s POV:

I leaned against the wall of the dark hallway thinking of my quick make out with Ivy. I had gone all territorial and possessive on her and she didn’t care in fact she was just as possessive. Something in the way she was touching me and the way Lucas had been ogling her in that perfect dress made my blood boil and I growled that out without thinking. We’ve been together for a week and yet I feel more possessive over her than any girl before, and she feels it back. I could still feel her lips dancing on my neck I could still taste her skin on my lips and I could taste her tongue on my own. It was such a turn on to be left with these reminders that this goddess of a girl wanted to be mine and wanted me to be hers.

I laughed and hopped off the wall eager to see my girl again. I walked out of the corridor and into the large gathering area the seating would start very soon because the movie started at 9 and it was around 8:15 as if on cue the attendants began allowing all the celebrities and their guests into the theater first I quickly found my family and smiled as Ivy glanced at me over her shoulder while talking to Chelsea.

“Where are we sitting?” Joe asked excitedly

“With the Cyrus Family so dead Center and on the Center row” Denise said shaking her head we walked in and saw the large chunk of premium seats roped off for the famous people. We also saw Miley and her Family sitting a bit off center on the center row we had the left they had the right we made our way to the seat and noticed little note cards on the seats.

I groaned seeing Ivy between Kevin and Joe and me about 4 seats away from her next to Miley “Hey Kev” I state loudly my back to Miley “switch me seats yeah?” I beg

“Course Baby J” he said I watched as my mom took my seat my dad sat next to her and Kevin next to my dad then it was Frankie.

“Lets switch this up” Chelsea said

“Yeah” Demi and Selena agreed. Demi sat by Frankie, then Selena sat by her, then Ivy sat by Selena, but Ivy sat with a seat between Selena and her self, and I literally jumped into the seat causing Ivy to giggle sweetly. Finally Next to her was Chelsea and next to Chelsea was Joe

“Hey Joe” Kevin called “you ok on the end?”

Ivy’s POV:

“Definately” He said smiling at a blushing Chelsea I giggled and squeezed her hand tightly she sent me a shy smile before I released her hand and a shiver racked threw my body

“Baby are you cold?” Nick whispered in my ear causing more shivers this time for another reason.

I nodded blushing “A little” I whispered turning to look at him our faces mere inches apart. Then he looked me deep in the eyes and I saw his want I wanted the same thing a kiss from his perfect lips, but instead he stood up and shrugged off his jacket. As Nick began sitting back down he stealthily moved the armrest up allowing me to kick off my heels and then curl my legs into the largish movie seat. I smiled brightly at him as he sat then wrapped his jacket around my shoulders it covered most of my bare legs and all my bare shoulders. He secretly brought his arm around my waist under his jacket, but we sat as if we had no contact or relationship I turned and talked a bit with Chelsea she raised her eyebrow seeing Nick’s hand under the jacket and I simply blushed and continued talking.

“Ivy” Demi whisper yelled I leaned over Nick’s lap and looked at Selena who was next to him and Demi who was next to her

“What?” I whispered slightly confused

“Look at Cruella Skank’vil” Selena said I collapsed in her and Nick’s laps laughing hysterically at the new Miley nickname

I quickly sat up blushing seeing I was disturbing those around us “Sorry” I giggled and everyone seemed to smile shake their heads and go a long with their business. I pulled a silly face at Frankie still leaning on Nick and smiled brightly at Denise before looking at Miley she looked ready to blow a gasket. I cocked my head and noticed all the goose bumps on her skin. Her dress was about four inches shorter than my own and about twice of deep of a V-neck it looked like a cheap red fabric that apparently didn’t hold heat well. Her glare hardened even more as I tugged Nick’s jacket closer, but his hands came to my rescue though, making Miley insane, as he helped my close the jacket tighter. I shook my head at her as she mouthed ‘slut’ at me. I sat up in my chair just as the lights went down.

I watched the opening of the movie and I couldn’t help but think of what Miley had said. Am I a slut? I practically throw myself at Nick and I’ve been with him for a week but it feels like so much more. I feel like he has every part of my heart and soul he has stolen them or maybe I’ve finally totally given myself to someone I looked at Nick his face studying my own face as the movie screen illuminated his features I had the sudden urge to touch his face.

I looked around no one behind us because of the walk way plus the people about ten feet behind us seemed to be focused on the movie, and same went for the people in front of us. I glanced and saw Chelsea and Joe had disappeared quickly because there was not another soul on our row besides the Cyrus family on the other side. Next I glanced down the other way Selena and Frankie crashed on Demi and Demi’s head was laying on Selena’s as she slept, Kevin was texting most likely Ashlyn, and as for Denise and Paul they were trying to pay attention but kept whispering and slightly rolling their eyes. Miley though seemed totally enthralled with herself on the big screen mouthing the words as her onscreen self delivered them.

I laughed at her and then looked back up at Nick his eyes had never left mine I slouched into the seat bringing him closer to me and hiding us from people behind us and for the most part people in front of us. I caressed his face and his eyes fluttered shut as I sat really close to him “I’m bored” I whispered in his ear

He smiled at how close I was. Our noses were almost brushing together “well you can either fake sick or stay threw the movie” we both looked at Joe and Chelsea as they sat down
I leaned to Chelsea and whispered “Where did you two disappear to?” I raised an eyebrow as she blushed and mouthed ‘later’ I nodded then added “Pretend your sick. I’m going to get Denise to let us go early” I smiled to them and then stood up. Nick’s arm slid away from my body, but I kept his Jacket securely around my shoulders. I maneuvered around the sleeping bodies and Kevin, who barely glanced at me, and then went to Denise and Paul. Miley glared at me as Denise made me share her seat the part closest to Miley

“What is it Ivy?” Denise asked sweetly

“I think Chelsea and I might have a bit of a stomach bug” I winked signaling we were actually fine just wanting to leave before quickly adding “Nick and Joe volunteered to take us home” I heard Miley scoff behind us but ignored her Denise glared a bit behind me before shifting and softening her gaze back to me

She touched my forehead and smiled feeling my normal, even cool, skin and said “ You do feel a bit warm let me text Big Rob and you guys can sneak out the back no use battling photographers when you’re sick right” I nodded and set my head on her shoulder as she got out her phone again Miley scoffed

I turned and looked at her. Her face was red and splotchy, her eyes were twitchy and huge, her nose was crinkled like a pig’s nose, and her mouth was a thin white line. She didn’t look good at all “Have I done something to upset you in anyway?” I whispered my voice clam and almost soothing. Denise patted my back gently and I swear the steam was shooting from Miley’s ears

“Yes you fucking have” I was taken aback and so were most the people within a five-foot radius of us I saw Miley’s mom touch her husband’s shoulder and gesture to Miley and I saw he was about 2 seats down from Miley and I.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t see how I possibly could have effected you in any way. I don’t even know you” I said in a calm voice it was then I noticed the other decently pretty girl next to Miley “I’m sorry we haven’t met I’m Ivy” I said nodding to the girl

Miley was livid as the girl smiled softly at me and said “Mandy” she then turned to her friend and said, “She doesn’t look like a bitch”

“She is” came Miley’s cruel hissed reply to her friend then she turned to me and hissed grabbing tightly a hold of my arm threw Nick’s jacket “This should have been my jacket, that should be MY family, you, you little unloved parentless whore, should not exist” her words and her grip both were hurting me it was then that I whimpered and Denise’s head shot up

“Let go of her Ms. Cyrus” her voice laced with venom and she tried to extract me from the young brat’s steal grip “or we will press charges for assault” Miley only squeezed tighter on my arm causing me to full fledge gasp. Nick rushed smoothly past the sleeping bodies and knelt by us glaring at Miley soon Chelsea and Joe followed as Kevin turned in his seat.

“Miley” Mandy hissed, “You are causing a scene. Let go of the poor girl your hurting her” Mandy yanked on Miley’s other arm Miley just growled and yanked her arm from her friends grip.

Her hand tightened further on my bruised arm as Nick growled, “Release her”

Miley sneered at him and scoffed at whoever would listen “Why so you can go and flaunt your ‘friendship’ with this little skanky hoe all over Las Vegas. I don’t think so”

Billy Ray leaned over Mandy who quickly slid from her seat to give him room he scooted over and grabbed Miley’s free arm in a tight grip she gasp and released me immediately Nick and Denise wrapped my shaking form in their arms Mr. Cyrus looked livid as he shook Miley’s arm and hissed “What are you doing I told you to stay away from that sweet girl not assault her”

“She is far from sweet” Miley hissed glaring at her father then she turned her gaze to me and scoffed “Look at her flaunting Nick’s jacket like she owns him, and did you see her dress she needs to cover up. She is a fat cow” Miley sneered at me a few tears slid from her hurtful comments. I couldn’t help it no matter who said those things as long as they were directed at me it would hurt

“Destiny Hope CYRUS!!!” her father boomed causing a scene
The scene was so large the lights flickered on as Miley screeched “IT IS TRUE!!!” she said pointing at me

I rubbed away my tears and then held my head high as I said “Miley”

She glared and said “Why are you talking you little tramp I don’t want to listen to you, you’re a slut” she shrieked and hissed

“No you will listen to me” I said shaking off the arms confining me. I looked Miley dead in the eyes and said “I feel sorry for you”

“What?” she questioned near hysterics

“I. Feel. Sorry. For. You.” I said slowly as if talking to a dumb child “I pity you” I said looking at her with a disgusted face

By now a ten-row radius had turned to watch and that was slowly growing I hated crowds and Miley laughed and looked around attracting attention as she said “And why in god’s name would you pity me?”

“Because” me voice was clam and soft “you live a dream the dream of millions, you have a wonderful family, you have love from all of your friends family and fans you could be pretty, you are famous, you are talented enough, and are loved, and yet you are so cold and cruel. Miley you’re pathetic” I said looking at her like she were some injured creature

“Pathetic!?!?!” she screeched

“Don’t interrupt” I scolded and then nodded my head “Yes pathetic. You have no self-respect”I scoffed and gestured to her dress “Look at you’re clothes. You are dressed like a five-dollar hooker. You obviously have no respect for others what so ever. Look at the way you treat your best friend and father. They aren’t employees you can fire when you are pissy and displeased. They are human beings and they are supposed to be the human beings you are closets to in the world. Worst of all though you hurt others to feel good or maybe you get pleasure out of it nonetheless you are a cruel hurtful almost twisted person. Now that someone has finally told you the truth work on it” I turned my back on Miley ignoring all the people around me to Denise “Denise I still don’t feel well”

She laughed softly and kissed my forehead and said “Go home Nick please escort her. Chelsea you weren’t feeling well either” Chelsea nodded solemnly glaring a little at an open mouthed Miley “you can go too then.” Joe Nick Chelsea and I quickly left the row. I waved good-bye to Mr. Cyrus and giggled at the three still sleeping bodies in our old row. The second we were outside the doors Big Rob grab Chelsea and I and hugged us before guiding us towards the back door some citizens giggled and pointed as we swiftly made our way out of the theater and towards the back door

“I cant believe she harassed you again” Chelsea scoffed climbing into the back seat of the expedition Big Rob had driven before she yanked me back there with her too “I mean does she have no self control or respect at all” Chelsea giggled as Joe and Nick got into the front seat they both looked more than a little upset. I cuddled into Nick’s jacket and secretly brought it to my nose smelling his warm spicy cologne and his scent. we made eye contact and I smiled shyly still cuddling in his jacket he beamed a bright knee wobbling smile back to me.

Suddenly Wanted by Jesse James came on the country station Big rob changed it and Chelsea and I screamed “No change it BACK!!!” he quickly clicked it back and Chelsea and I looked at one another and began belting the lyrics. Chelsea and I danced together giggling as we swayed I turned and saw Nick and Joe staring wide mouthed. I’ll admit Chelsea wasn’t the best at singing but she made up with it in dance moves and energy.

I wanna lie in my bed
And do nothing
I don’t care what anyone says
I got you on my mind
Thinking about one thing
Gonna show you how I do it best

Put my lips on your mouth
Keep you comin around
Cus I like it
Put your hands on my hips
Take me down
Sink this ship
Boy I can’t resist

We Messed up Chelsea’s hair hear seeing as mine was still pinned

I wanna wear my hair wild in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And its hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Those other guys when they call
I might answer
But you’re the one I’m thinking bout
So baby don’t disappoint
Just move faster
And show me what you’re feeling now

We each pointed at our guy before leaning in close and singing the last few lines close to them. Nivk smiled softly and his eyes fluttered down towards my lips ant the perfect time. I pressed forward more now only centimeters between our lips and began to sing the next part

Put your lips on my mouth
Keep it comin around
Cus I like it
Nothings wrong
It’s so right
Got permission from me tonight
So turn off the lights

I nodded my head and sat back up singing the rest with Chelsea gesturning and being silly

I wanna wear my hair wild in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And it’s hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Now I’m going crazy
I’m tired of waiting
My lips are on fire
I just want you to know
I’m losing my patience
For the time that you’ve wasted

Put your lips on my mouth
Put your lips on my mouth
Put your lips on my..

I wanna wear my hair wild in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And it’s hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Chelsea and I sat back to back smirking at the guys I turned back to Chelsea and she grabbed the jacket bringing our faces closer together and we sang cheek to cheek smiling at the boys.

I wanna wear my hair wild in a mess
Cut off jeans, can you get with that?
Give you something like you’ve never had
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you
I wanna tease you till you’re begging me
And you’re on your knees
And it’s hard to breathe
And every other time is just a memory
Cus I only wanna be wanted by you

Nick looked entranced as I prowled a bit closer to him and sang dangerously close to his lips his eyes began to dart from my lips to my eyes looking so longing for something I wanted just as bad. I reluctantly pulled away from the back of the seat and went back to Chelsea smiling silly and laughing as we moved with hand gestures and other thing to the rest of the song both boys looked ready to jump the seat to get to us as we slowly leaned back into finished the song. I finished singing and held Nick’s face close to my own we both looked into each others eyes as our breath mingling, lips tingling, eyes half lidded. Finally to both our relives he caved in on our little staring contest our lips caressed one another’s for a few seconds before I pulled away blushing to Chelsea who was giggling like crazy at my face and Joe looked frustrated

I giggled and laid on the seat back Nick’s jacket around my elbows and asked Joe “So where did you and me lovely best friend disappear to earlier?”

‘Well I uh we kinda I needed to well uhh….” He stuttered

“OH MY GOD!!!! HE ASKED!?!?!?!” I squealed jumping on Chelsea

“Asked what?” nick asked obliviously

“Her out duh” I said grasping his face. His eyes immediately caught the still forming teen aged hand print sized bruise on my right bicep

“I should kill her” he mumbled holding my elbow and caressing my bruise softly

“Not if I beat you to it” Chelsea grumbled before adding “you guessed right by the way”

I frowned before letting a grin grace my lips “Tell me everything” I cooed scooting closer to Chelsea and Joe

Chelsea blushed and mumbled “Well you tell her Joe”

She then hid in her face in her hands before diving into my lap I played with her soft straightened locks as Joe smiled at her embarrassment.

Joe smiled then said “Well the movie was a bore so I asked her to go get some candy with me” his grin widened as he continued his eyes locked on Chelsea’s blonde head burried in my lap “I had paid a guy at the counter to wrap a note around a box of sour watermelons” his eye twinkled “Her favorites” I felt Chelsea blush threw my dress and patted her head “The note said Be My G-Friend on it. She looked at me wide eyed before attacking me in a hug. When she lifted her head from my neck I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t want to move to fast. She blew that thought out of the water when she slammed her lips on mine” he laughed looking at Chelsea longingly I saw Chelsea peek at him threw her hair and his smile intensified seeing her laughing hazel orbs.

“So Joe you do know Chelsea here will be in her room all by her self, Right?” I wiggled my eyebrows and Chelsea shot up and slapped my arm

“IVY!!” she yelled laughing hysterically

I shrugged nonchalantly “It is true” I smiled seeing Joe look at Chelsea and her blush but smile back I laughed knowing Chelsea wouldn’t be sleeping alone tonight. I smiled brightly and sat forward fully wrapping my arms around Nick’s neck “So Joe you wouldn’t mind then I is slept with Nick tonight would you?” I kissed Nick’s cheek
And Joe smiled cheekily “for space saving reasons Ivy I think you and I should trade beds for this trip” he said smiling at Chelsea brightly. Chelsea blushed and shook her head Nick kissed my temple and smiled brightly at me “told you” I whispered my lips caressing his skin and our noses brushing softly. I smiled brushing our noses harder together and looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes as he searched my own dove grey orbs.

“Ok love birds we are here” Big Rob said smiling at us threw the rearview mirror we saw the few photographers milling around, but there were only four most were at the premire. The boys got out of the car and Chelsea and I followed slowly. We made our faces into uncomfortable masks as we walked towards the entrance.

“Please no pictures I don’t feel well” I begged as the four men came our way cameras poised

“Please” Chelsea and I begged. They lowered they cameras and we sighed in relief leaning on one another “We have a stomach bug” Chelsea said to the paparazzi

I nodded setting my head on Chelsea’s shoulder “I don’t feel good” I whined like a three year-old. Everyone laughed and the paparazzi separated letting Chelsea and I threw “thank you. Chels and I will pose just for y’all tomorrow when we don’t feel the need to puke” I smiled sweetly walking threw the entrance the boys and Big Rob close behind

“The second you were threw the door, they started throwing questions and snapping it was scary” Joe said looping his arm threw Chelsea’s

“We make some pretty damn good actresses” I said standing straight and looping my arm with Nick’s as we walked to the elevator. He nodded and nuzzled my neck as the doors dinged open and we all stepped in.
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Comment the song made it kinda long sorry