Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 25: Am I a Slut?

Ivy’s POV:

“CHELSEA!!!!” I screamed running after her. She was headed to where the boys had changed a sitting room into a temporary Las Vegas music room. It was still only Joe, Nick, Chelsea, Big Rob, and I in the hotel room and Nick had struck gold with a melody for a song while we were in the car and needed Joe’s help in the music room finishing it. Chelsea and I had go to change into PJ’s and shower while the boys worked. When I exited from my shower I saw Chelsea sitting cross-legged on my bed reading my songs book. She immediately took off towards the boys. Now here we are “CHELSEA CASSANDRA MAREZ GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!!” I screamed running after her I lunged on her as she threw open the doors to where the boys were. We began wrestling resulting in her pinning me to the ground and glaring before puffing out her bangs and sitting confidently on my legs holding my arms.

“Read the book” she commanded to the dumbstruck boys “NOW!!” she commanded again

“NOOO!!!” I yelled but it was to late I watched upside down as Nick picked up the book and flipped it open. Joe and him both began devouring my songs flipping faster and faster threw the filled journal. I watched as years of hidden thoughts were displayed for the two boys to see. I lay gaping mouth ready to cry under Chelsea who was watching the boys just as intensely as I was

“These are” Joe said looking at me wide eyed and slacked jaw

“Absolutely incredible” Nick got on the ground, and quickly shoved Chelsea off me she humphed and went and sat with Joe and began reading the rest of the journal. I pouted ready to cry at all my feelings being dumped onto the planet like that. Nick kissed my lips and I melted feeling better “What’s wrong?”

“No on has read those before” I whispered looking down at his chest which was lying brushing my arm. His arm was around my waist and his head rested on his hand.

He moved my head to look at him before rewrapping his arm around my waist “So how recent are the ones in the back?” he asked bashfully not looking me in the eyes

I laughed and turned in his arms we were now pressed chest to chest, hips to hips, thighs to thighs, and most importantly eye to eye “Well” I said biting my lips and throwing my leg over his “Hey Stephen was from the second day I met you and the rest go from there” I smiled at his gaping face

“That’s a third of the book” he said gaping “In about 2 weeks. A third of that journal that’s like a year for us together”

“I had good inspiration” I murmured pressing closer to him and grinding my hips slightly Slut Miley’s voice hissed in my head I quickly stood up leaving Nick looking bewildered and upset. I walked to Chelsea and ripped her away from Joe they both glared, but Chelsea’s softened as she looked at my face. I drug her quickly from the room. I nodded to Big Rob passing him in the living room on the way to our room.

Once in the room I slammed the door shut and threw myself face down on the bed. Chelsea sat by me and rubbed my back comfortingly “What’s wrong sweetie?” she asked sounding concerned

“Amph uph aph sluph?” I my question was muffled in the pillow I was at the moment trying to disappear into

She shoved me onto my back “What?” she asked dumbfounded

“Am I a slut?” I questioned her looking at her wide-eyed

“No” she said laughing “Why would you ever think that?”

“Because Miley said I threw my self at Nick and was a slut” Chelsea was repeatedly shaking her head “But it is true. Take for example in the music room I nearly jumped him and you and Joe were right there I am a total slut!! I don’t deserve Nick I’m just some common whore. I’m no better than Miley” I cried near hysterics

Chelsea gently slapped my cheek to get me out of my fit I couldn’t help but giggle she smiled and said “I’ll be back no more negative thinking” she pointed her finger at me while getting up and leaving me looking at the ceiling. I sat motionless debating my smuttiness or not smuttiness.

Nick’s POV:

I debated if I had done anything wrong still lying on the floor just looking at the ceiling in the music room. Why did Ivy leave? Did I do something wrong? Say something to upset her? Does my breath smell? Is she pissed I read her songs? Who did she write the later ones about. The last songs were incredible they were amazing. Ivy is amazing. Her eyes, her lips, her hair, her legs. Nick, back on topic! I need to make Ivy happy again. I must have done something wrong, but what? Maybe… Just then the doors to the music room flew open. Chelsea stepped in and said “You girlfriend thinks she is a slut because that’s what Miley called her go tell her she is stupid she wont listen to me” She said to me as she stepped over to me and walked to Joe both were smiling crazily at the other.

I shook my head at the couple then got up. I frowned as I walked to my room knowing Ivy would no doubt be lying in the bed. How could she possibly think she is a slut? She is perfect.

Ivy’s POV:

I listened to the door open and brush against the carpet as it did so. I chose to keep my eyes closed. When I felt the bed dip I felt it was time to talk “Chelsea I still think I’m a slut” I sighed keeping my eyes closed and not moving. I jumped when I felt soft lips caress my own. My eyes popped open and I gasped letting Nick’s tongue accidentally snake into my mouth. I moaned feeling his body heat and weight pressing me into the bed I bent my knees and he settled between them. Not once breaking the kiss.

I broke the kiss and whimpered feeling his lips caress my neck. His lips never left my neck as he mumbled into my skin “Now what is this about you thinking you are a slut because of something Miley told you?”

“Well” I licked my dry lips and whimpered as Nick sucked below my ear before continuing with my train of thought “I throw my self at you and I’m not exactly modest about it” I said my fingers threading in his hair gently

“That doesn’t make you a slut” he laughed looking me in the eyes. I frowned then moaned feeling Nick’s hands caress my hips “You’re not a slut. You’re not even close to a slut” he said his free hand caressed my cheek softly

Nick’s POV:

“But I constantly want to jump you” she mumbled her bottom lip pouting out a bit “You’re all I think about. I constantly want physical contact with you and will do almost anything to get it. Doesn’t that make me a slut?” she said her hand touching my chest softly and gripping my dress shirt tightly

“You think I don’t feel the same way. It only makes us human teenagers” I chuckled kissing her gently.

“So if I do this?” she said flipping me over and pressing her body close to mine her knees on either sides of my hips “I’m still not a slut?” I shook my head and smiled softly seeing the mischief fill her eyes slowly “Even if I do this?” she asked before dipping her mouth to mine and kissing me her tongue tangling in an electrifying way with mine

“No” I whispered when she broke the kiss

“This?” she questioned unbuttoning my shirt and quickly pushing it off my chest I sat up slightly getting rid of the useless shirt completely. I smirked and shook my head. “Or this” she touched her finger to her lips and let it slid down my collarbone down the middle of my chest her fingers fanned out and caressed my abs before only her pointer finger caressed right above my dress pants.

“Still not a slut” I groaned feeling her so close to my growing bulge

She dropped her hips fully on mine pressing my clothed member against her clothed core. She moaned while moving slightly before she laid her chest on mine our eyes locked as she slowly moved “Am I a slut now?”

“Never” I moaned one of my hands bringing her down for a kiss the other finding her lower back and pressing her closer to me heating body. Our kiss was slow and exploring it sent chills and sparks all over my body. I groaned into her mouth and savored every new sensation this one perfect girl was giving me. She broke the kiss and got off me I resisted the urge to beg her to get back on my over heated body.

“I need to calm down” she whispered I watched as her legs clenched together

“You know that’s the closest I’ve ever come to breaking my promise” I said still feeling my hard on I sat on my side watching her bit her lips as I let my free hand caress her bare hips and stomach she reclosed her legs

“You aren’t helping” she whimpered as my touch lowered slightly

“That’s the point” I said kissing her neck. I stopped looking closer at the situation “Do you want me to stop?” I questioned afraid to move to fast for her and upset her

“No” I continued caressing “But” she grabbed my hand lacing her fingers with mine and turned on her side facing me. My hand now sat on her ass and her hands caressed my bare chest as her head rested on a pillow. She licked her lips before continuing “I know I’m not your first girlfriend, so how far have you gone with other girls?”

Looked deep into her eyes seeing the fear there and it broke my heart. I leaned down and kissed her longingly, but in a soft loving way. I pulled away and began “First let me say that kiss does more things to me than anything else any other girl or woman has tried. One look from you is enough to bring me to the edge no other girl has done that. No other girl has brought me even close to where your simple scent does. You, Ivy Christabelle Andrews, are my entire world, soul, heart, and existence rolled into one sexy red headed bombshell. I’ve kissed maybe a handful girls and my last girlfriend was Miley. What I ever saw in her I will never know, but she pressured me. I know weird for the girl to pressure the boy. I’ve seen her topless but that was as far as I would go without yelling at her and storming out. I swear” I pleaded with Ivy seeing her skeptical face

“You never once wanted to sleep with her?” she asked looking up at me her eyes capturing my own.

“Not once. Not even when she was being a slut and trying to pressure me into doing it with her. She was a slut doing every little dirty trick in the book to get into my pants. Ivy baby you will never be a slut because you don’t need those tricks. I would do anything to make you happy including breaking my promise, but it wouldn’t really be breaking it because” I took a deep breath “I cant see myself without you” I shut my eyes tight we had been together for two weeks but the mere thought of going an hour without her caused me physical pain. I need Ivy forever and always or I would die. It was simple.

I cracked open and eye and saw Ivy smiling softly at me her hands slid up my chest and wrapped around my neck. I opened both eyes and drug her body close to mine. She smiled and took a breath before saying “I know we haven’t been together long, but I feel as though we were physically made for one another. We are destined to be here together in this position and I couldn’t be happier. I love you Nick and couldn’t envision life without you. I’m yours and only yours forever and always” I searched her eyes for lies. Unlike Miley or the girls before her, Ivy was completely sincere another reason I had fallen so hard for her.

“I love you” the words felt right in my mouth

“I love you more” she said smiling cheekily

“Impossible” I said pressing her harder into my body. It was then I heard a knock on the door I groaned and loosened my hold on Ivy “Come in” I released Ivy and turned toward the door. Ivy sat her chin on my arm watching as Frankie and Selena popped their heads in the door

“DANCE PARTY!!!!” They cheered jumping up and down seeing both Ivy and me mostly dressed.

“Be there in a sec” Ivy smiled as I got up from bed and made my way to my suitcase grabbing a t-shirt and shorts. I stripped my pants and heard Ivy giggle “You’re still hard” she giggled eyeing the sizable bulge in my boxers

“Perv” I chuckled chucking my pants at her head as I slid on my shorts and walked to the bed holding my shirt

“You know you love me looking” she purred kissing my collarbone when I arrived in front of her where she sat on her knees on the edge of the bed

“Sadly I want more than looking” I mumbled under my breath before pulling on my shirt.

Ivy pouted and said “I wasn’t done mauling you delicious skin” she laid both hands flat on my chest and I felt my heart speed a her touch “I’m sorry”

“What why?” I said taking her left hand and kissing it. While her right hand still rested on my chest feeling feel my rapidly beating heart

“Because I’m useless sexually. I’ve had no experince and cant please you. I’m sorry I cant please you yet. I’m just not ready” she said drawing shapes on my chest

I laughed lightly taking both of her hands I kissed all over her palms “This” I said kissing her wrist “Brings me more pleasure than anything in this entire world” I kissed up her arms to her shoulders “The only thing in this entire world I need to survive is your happiness. Please don’t EVER feel pressured by me. I don’t need sex yes I want it eventually but as for now all I need is the chance to feel you in my arms, to feel your lips on mine, and to have a chance to feely your touch and skin. That’s all I need I don’t need anything more than your kisses Ivy. Your kisses are my very own heroine so addictive and getting better each time. I can’t stop” I pecked her lips

She smiled sadly at me “I want to be physical with you, but” she trailed off her face twisting in pain

“But what Baby?” I begged holding her face in my hands

“I’m scared. Terrified of anything having to do with sex. All I can think of is Josh hurting me. That’s all I can relate sex to. I don’t want to feel that way. I don’t want to be damaged. I want to be able to give you pleasure the way other girls could, but I can’t. I’m to afraid” her eyes were large and blurry with unshed tears her hands sat on top of my own on her cheeks

“Oh baby” I murmured letting my hands drifted down her neck and then her arms. I relished in the fact that her body shook at my mere touch much like my own body did with her touch. I hugged her tightly cradling her head and playing with her silky dark strawberry locks “Ivy I don’t want to have sex with you baby. I want to make love to you and not until you are ready” I held her face in my hands again and looked into her starry eyes and said “Please baby don’t ever feel pressured. You are all I need and the day I get to make love to you will be the best day of my life. Now” I smiled brightly she smiled back her eyes drying “Dance party time” I led her out of the room and towards the living room where music was blaring.
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