Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 27:I have those too

Nick’s dream:

I watched as Nico stripped Eve her body looking identical to Ivy’s tantalizing form. Eve smiled over her shoulder before turning and quickly stripping Nico the next part was a sexual blur of skin and moans. I saw thin legs wrap tightly around flecking tanned hips as Nico plunged into his beloved. I sow his curly head delve into the crook of Eve’s neck devouring all the skin he touched. Next I saw Eve’s slender back bouncing slowly up and down her head lulled back and I saw the look of ecstasy on her face as she laid her chest on Nico’s who’s hands gripped her back tightly helping her move. Nico released and moan as Eve began whimpering and moving faster “ti amo il mio amore” Nico said slowly letting his tongue sensually explore Eve’s willing mouth.

“I love you too darling” she whispered in English threading her fingers tightly in his hair as the moved together more quickly. Soon their moaning became intense and Eve shuttered saying “Oh god Nico” before she fell onto his chest breathing deeply.

The scene changed slightly I was now further from the bed right in between the bed and the door. Eve laid tracing patterns on Nico’s bare chest she was laughing softly and smiling brightly. Suddenly the door slammed open “Boss is looking for …” the goon stopped his eyes widening. He swiftly pulled out a gun and pointed it at Nico then switched to Eve before going back to Nico.

“Toni honey put the gun down” Eve’s voice coaxed as she held a sheet tightly to her chest. Nico stood defensively in front of Eve who coaxed him slowly off the bed. Nico stood next to the side of the bed in his boxers as Ivy sat next to him still clinging to her sheet for dear life “Toni” her voice still soft she quit talking as the boy stepped into the room. He walked till he was about even from where I stood. I took a long look at him he was young maybe 16 and had classic dark Italian looks.

“Why ma’am?” Toni asked his hands trembling around the gun

“Why what?” Eve asked stalling and slowly pressing her body closer to the edge of the bed

“Why did you sleep with him? He is the boss’ enemy? He is your family’s enemy?” the boy asked looking deeply troubled

“Toni” Eve’s voice was soft a near whisper “I’ve loved Nico since I was your age darling I could never unlove him. He is my one and only. Toni you don’t have to hurt us you know” Eve leaned forward still holding the sheet to her chest “Just let me grabbed Izzie and we will disappear. Remember Izzie the baby you love to play with while they talk business. Toni, honey, don’t do this. Don’t take us from Izzie” her voice pleaded with the young boy both men looked at her and hadn’t noticed her shift she was nearly off the edge of the bed and now positioned slightly in front of Nico, but I noticed.

“Sorry” was all the boy said as his shaky hand squeezed. A bang was heard and both Nico and Toni’s eyes shut tight, but I watched as Eve leapt in front of Nico. I gasped imagining her as Ivy not Eve I fought against the choking sorrow at the thought and continued to watch. Eve’s body thudded to the ground a small red rose quickly spreading over her chest. Nico collapsed to the ground cradling her dying body as Toni gasped before turning and running as fast as possible out of there.

“Nico” Eve’ voice whispered as she grasped his neck softly clinging to his hair with her weak fingers

“Yes my love?” Nico asked his hands covered in his blood I stepped forward and saw the tears dripping down his face and onto her face and body.

She smiled a slowly dimming smile and said “My sweet Nico, My love protect my Isabella and we will be together in another life” and with that she kissed him lightly before her body went limp and lifeless.

Nico sobbed into her neck and cried for a moment whispering “My Eve my beautiful and perfect Eve” With red eyes he laid her down and he quickly dressed no longer crying only glancing at her still on the floor. Next grabbed a bag he tucked away her gorgeous gown and grabbed the masks he leaned down and lightly kissed Eve whispering “You will always hold the key to my yearning heart” he slowly slid on her mask tracing her lips with his thumb. Those words were the same words I told Ivy the first night we fell asleep together I gasped but continued to watch fascinated. He stood and swiftly walked to the door. He stopped replaced his mask and gave on more glance behind and whispered “Always” and with that he disappeared out the door.

The scene melted away there was lot of noise and running and I stood in a dark room with a small crib and a young blonde woman running around the room packing what appeared to be fore a small child. Nico suddenly slipped silently into the room “shh” he whispered to the startled nurse who had stopped she gave him a sad smile and continued packing

“There is a side door out Isabella’s patio you will need to move quickly” the blonde said shoving a small bag into Nico’s hands “It is only a matter of time before they check on Izzie” she walked to the baby’s crib and caressed the beautiful dark haired infant. The baby stirred and stood up sleepily. Her nanny smiled and picked up the small child quickly she kissed the curly haired girl’s forehead before handing her to Nico “Get her out of here” was all she said as she shoved open a glass door letting the cool summer’s night air gush into the room.

“Thank you Sasha” Nico said to the nanny as she slipped out the main doors with a content smile on her face.

Nico swiftly moved out the door hiding the tiny child under his coat he made his way towards the back of the house. Walking swiftly his head on a constant swivel I let out a sigh when he safely made it to the running car idling among the large group of parked cars. He jumped in quickly still cradling the two bags and Izzie. “Drive brother drive” he commanded before shifting his gaze down to the wide-awake but silent child in his arms.

“Papa” she sighed before cuddling close and falling into a deep slumber on his chest.

“Papa huh?” I looked up and saw a man identical to Joe

“Shut it James” Nico snapped

“You can’t keep her” James’s voice was somber before he gently added “It isn’t safe. They will kill her”

“I know I know” Nico said clinging to the tiny child his voice so void of hope it shattered my heart

Nick’s POV:

I awoke suddenly and grabbed at Ivy her soft body still lay entwined with mine. I let out a sigh as I felt her heart beat and soft breathing I squeezed her tightly and hear her release a tiny noise and whisper “Nicky, baby what is it?” she crawled up closer to my body laying more fully onto of my

I sighed and shook my head “Nothing darling just a nightmare a horrible nightmare”

“Go back to sleep baby she said her lips gently caressing my neck in light sleepy kisses before I felt her breath even back out against my skin

“Only a dream” I murmured still clinging to Ivy and drifting into a deep this time peaceful sleep.

<<< Time Lapse 9:30 AM >>>

My lips instinctually moved in perfect sync against the person above me. My arms wrapped themselves around their tiny waist and allowed their tongue to twine itself with my own. I moaned against Ivy’s lips and whimpered when she released my own. My eyes opened slowly and I was greeted with the near silver eyes of my one true love “Morning love” my voice was scratchy and deeper than normal “Nice wake up call” I murmured digging my face into the crook of her neck. “Don’t you think it is a bit early especially after last night”

She scoffed and said “No your mother came knocking we have 15 minutes to get ready and we both are still covered in unmentionables” she mumble seductively her lips some how finding my own “I need a shower” she stood and I noticed her ass peeking out of my shirt with her every step I moaned feeling the need for a cold shower “I’ll be quick Nicky” she smirked pulling up her shirt right there and walking into the bathroom. I heard the shower click on and groaned tumbling back on the bed

<<< 15 minutes later >>>

Ivy’s POV:
I pranced out of our room Nick groaning behind me no doubt watching my ass in my short red shorts. We were both dressed now. Albeit him in bummy clothes and me in his clothes, but still we were dressed. Frankie attacked my legs when I entered the kitchen living dining area screaming “M&M WORLD!!!!!!!!”

“Yay!!” I said pulling him onto my hip and walking to where all the breakfast had been sat. I grabbed a pancake and some strawberries and rolled it up before eating it. Frankie scrunched his nose at me while smothering his waffles in syrup. I made a funny face and continued eating.

Nick sat down by us and smiled softly jostling Frankie’s curls before his eyes met mine he stopped and I saw the fear and pain flash in his eyes before he looked down at his empty plate and grabbed some juice “Pass the pancakes” he said softly

Joe handed him the cakes before turning back to a blushing Chelsea. Nick took his food and slowly began to eat. I set Frankie in the chair and he smiled before turning to Demi and Selena. I slunk easily into Nick’s lap his hand immediately putting down his fork and pressing my body closer to his “Baby what scared you so bad?” I asked petting his curls

“I dreamt I had lost you” he mumbled into my neck “well I didn’t but I kinda did” he rambled

“What?” I asked comfortingly stroking his hair

“There was you and I but they were called Eve and Nico and Eve died an I imagined you dying and it was the most horrible feeling I’ve ever felt” Nick clung tighter to me kissing my neck like a dying man as m head spun

“Nico and Eve?” I questioned he nodded into my neck clinging tighter to me “I’ve had those too” I mumbled just as Denise barges into the room with Kevin and Paul. Nick looked at me stunned as Frankie yanked my hand “Yeah babe” I said smiling at him glancing sneakily at Nick

“Time to go” he said cheerfully I nodded

Denise smiled big and said “Ivy Chelsea we are going to M&M world with Frankie while everyone else goes to interviews. Then girls we will go shopping while the boys have a photo shoot. Now break” she said grasping Frankie’s hand and her large tote bag. I looked deep into nick’s eyes still perched on his lap. He looked back at me desperately as Chelsea grabbed my hand and pulled me out of his lap rambling about colors. ‘talk later’ I mouthed as I disappeared out the door away from Nick.

Nick’s POV:

I trailed behind my brothers and father as we went into yet another interview. I pouted wanting Ivy here and sat down at the interview with a small blonde woman whose name I didn’t catch. I sat in a trance never answering just drifting threw my thoughts until suddenly Joe shook my harshly “I’m so sorry” I said immediately my eyes focusing back on the now

“No problem” the woman said shifting uncomfortably “As I was asking Nick are you seeing anyone?”

“Not at the moment” I said slowly my words sounding wrong to my own ears

“Pity a girl would be lucky to snare any of you boys” she smiled fakely and sat forward asking more pointedly “So no romance with the two new comers to the tour?” she seemed to perk up in her set watching Joe and I shift slightly

“None” Joe said with his charming smiled turned on mega

the woman flushed crimson and stammered “T-t-thank you boys”

Ivy’s POV:

A tiny blonde girl ran into my legs a little brunette running into her back “S’cuse me ma’am” they said scurrying away giggling they reminded me so much of CeCe soon she would be with me again and I wouldn’t have to worry anymore about her. I sighed glancing around the crowded store searching for Chelsea and Frankie or Denise. My eyes lingered across the people stopping nowhere in particular. Suddenly a boy around my age walked up to me and smiled “Well hello there beautiful do you need help finding anyone” his smile was overly bleached just like his hair

“I’m fine just looking for my friend” I said looking around him scrunching my nose in annoyance as he stepped in front of me

“Your boyfriend?” he asked still smiling cockily

I frowned and shook my head my hair stirring as I smiled and said “no” the boy perked noticeably he was about to speak when I frowned and said “I’m looking for my boyfriend’s mother” the boy’s eyes were huge as he spluttered and stumbled over his words. I shook my head and shoved past him seeing Denise’s curly head of hair.
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