Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 3: Paparazzi and Shopping

Ivy’s POV:

We stepped off the elevator and started walking towards the main doors. Kevin wrapped his arm tightly around me while handing me a pair of white Ray Bans he said “I stole these from Joe put them on you are gonna need them”

I didn’t understand but I did as I was told as we neared the doors I felt Frankie take my hand i looked down and saw him wearing his own sunglasses. Once we reached the doors Big Rob showed up and smiled warmly at me. “They are swarming today the caught wind of Ivy” Big Rob said to Denise.

“Well we have to move quickly then” Denise said with a nod.

Frankie said “Ivy can you carry me to the car please?” just before Big Rob opened the doors. I nodded and quickly pulled him up to my hip he was heavy but not overly. Kevin smiled at me and lead me threw the doors flashing and voices were everywhere screaming the Jonas’ names and asking whom the ‘mystery girl’ was. It took me a minute but I figured out I was the ‘mystery girl’.

Right as we arrived at the SUV a paparazzi yelled “Kevin is this your new girlfriend? Are you and Danielle officially over?”

Kevin looked frustrated as he slammed the door and the SUV sped off. “how do y’all deal with that? I mean wow... Paparazzi SUCK!!!” I said falling back into the seat. Causing the entire car to giggle then I set Frankie down and buckled him up before buckling my self up.
“I’m sorry” I whispered so only Kevin could hear “That was out of line for them to assume in your girlfriend”

Then I touched his arm and he smiled back at me before saying “It is fine Danielle and I are very rocky I get asked that question all the time” he patted my arm before turning to look out the window.

“Ok” Denise turned around in the front seat to look at Kevin me and Frankie “We got lucky and the Galleria closed down for us today we have” she looked at her watch then back us and said “we have 5 hours to shop for ONLY” looking at a blushing Kevin “Ivy then we have to go back to the hotel and get ready for dinner that will be at 7 o’clock. Ok now Ivy tomorrow the boys have a interview with a radio session so tomorrow you and I will go to the homeless shelter and the daycare. Does that sound ok?”

I nodded and said “perfect” Just then the car came to a stop and you stepped out to see a HUGE mall that you had been to occasionally but never bought anything at due to the lack of money. Paparazzi swarmed the car but it took only about a minute to fight threw the crowd and reach the heavy secured entrance to the mall.

“Mommy can we go ice skating?” Frankie asked eyeing the indoor rink with not a single person on it.

“at the end Kevin will take you” Denise said dismissively as she guided us towards Nordstrom’s

“Denise no. that is to expensive.” I said still following

“The boys wear designer everything Disney pays for it. Disney also pays for you to be with us a few thousand dollars worth of clothing for a deserving girl wont bankrupt them darling I promise you” Denise said looping arms with me as she guided me into the store immediately a young blonde could-be-model woman came forward.

“Hello I’m Chelsea I will help you today. Who are we shopping for?” she said cheerfully I liked her attitude Denise did to apparently as she happily shoved me forward.

I stumbled but didn’t fall then said quietly “um that would be me”

“Ok well you're tiny I’d say lets start with a size one. Any styles you like a lot?” she asked eyeing me up and down.

“girly but not overly, lots of skinnie jeans, bright colors, I adore shoes and accessories, and I do love dresses, but no frills sequins or feathers please,”

“Perfect your style sounds like mine” Chelsea said dragging me towards the women’s section the Jonas trailing behind.

“How Old are you?” I asked Chelsea as she piled clothing in her arms.

“19” she said as she held a shirt up to my face she grimaced and threw it behind herself not caring where it landed.

I looked over and found and entire brand that I had to have almost everything in “I’m in love” I said drifting into the expensive clothes.

Chelsea came over and giggled into my ear “Welcome to Free People clothing”

<<<30 minutes later>>>

Chelsea and I had been running around giggling and laughing the entire time we were picking out clothing. We had the same sense of humor and style, but she was much more bouncy then I was. We quickly became best friends and now she was in the dressing room with me stripping me of my clothes. I laughed and said “Some one is hyper”

“Always” Chelsea said smiling at me as she finally got me down to my underwear.

“Chels do you only like me because I’m the Jonas nanny?” I said fiddling with a lock of my hair.

She looked up at me with hurt eyes but then scanned my eyes that probably showed so much fear and past hurt she smiled sadly and said “At first I thought you would be spoiled and rude, but then we started chatting and we just clicked. I don’t make friends easily in fact you, Ivy, were officially my only best friend, and after only 30 minutes, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are the only person I have ever felt like myself with a you mean the world to me even if we just met. I mean this strictly as friends not romantically” she said seriously and then we burst out laugh once we calmed down she smiled her gorgeous smile at me.

I happily sighed and smiled back at her “Thank you” I opened my arms and we had a huge giggling hug that made me feel truly loved. “OK where do we start” she handed me an outfit.

<<< 1 hour later >>>

Several thousand dollars later we had sent Big Rob with 5 bags of clothing to the store I had bought these along with 4 more bags of clothing. Now Denise clapped her hands and said “Ok to Juicy Couture”

“Um Denise can Chelsea come with us?” I asked quietly while eyeing my new friend who seemed shocked by my question.

“Of course dear” Denise said patting my arm. I screamed and bound over to Chelsea and wrapped her in a hug, which only commenced more giggles and happy screaming.

“Ok to Juicy” I said happily to excited to even complain about prices. We arrived at the store and a woman came over and smiled.

Before she could speak Denise said “We don’t need any help” the lady nodded and walked into the back of the store. “You need at least 1 sweat suit for the bus”

I nodded and said “sounds good”

Chelsea and Denise smirked and began grabbing everything within a 20-foot radius
then tossed me and the clothing into a dressing room before yelling “TRY IT ALL ON” I groaned and heard Kevin laugh at me before answering his phone.

<<< 45 minutes later >>>

I groaned as I finished up in the dressing room I told Denise I only needed 1 sweat suit but did she listen, no, she got me 5 jackets and 3 pants. We walked out of the store with only 2 bags this time. “Kevin will you and Frankie go to Journey’s and get me a few pairs of tennis shoes in size 7 please?” I asked sweetly.

Kevin smirked and took Frankie towards Journey’s. “You will have a dozen pairs of shoes you know that right?” Denise asked I raised and eyebrow and she said “Kevin loves shoes”

“Crap” was all I said as we walked by Pac Sun. “Please” I said pointing towards Pac Sun. Denise shrugged and Chelsea and I erupted into giggles as we sprinted into the store.

“AHHH!!!” Chelsea and I screamed once in the store.

<<< an hour later>>

I left the store holding 4 bags and saw Kevin coming this way with 2 huge bags full of shoeboxes. “I said a few not the store. How many did you get?” I said glaring at Kevin.

“21” he said shielding himself with the bags

“OMG KEVIN!!!!! I ONLY NEED A FEW!!!!!” I hollered

“Ha-ha Ivy it is fine you can give some to Chelsea she looks to be a 7 or so too” Denise said sweetly. I nodded and turned to Chelsea who giggled at the look on my face.

“I’m a seven too and I love converse” Chelsea said sweetly as Big Rob came to take our bags along with a mall security cop.

“Thanks Big Rob” I said pecking his cheek “Thanks Security guard” I said doing the same to the kinda cute young security guard he looked about 23ish. He blushed and nodded causing everyone to giggle.

Big Rob smiled as I blushed too and hide by Chelsea “You have an hour left” Big Rob said to Denise.

Denise nodded and said “Kevin please take Frankie ice-skating while the girls and I go buy girl necessities” Kevin nodded and lead Frankie away.

“Ok to Victoria Secret” Chelsea said Happily.

Denise’s POV:

I looked around the store at all the skimpy underwear and silently chuckled as Ivy made a beeline for the PINK section that had much less revealing clothing. “Ok” I said catching the girls’ attention along with the lady rounding the corner who was going to help us out “You need to get a swimsuit while we are here and we need to get you measured. Is that ok Ivy?”

“Ok course” she smiled then eyes a bikini that was quite cute. Ivy walked over to the woman and asked politely “would you mind measuring me?”

“Of course” the woman said radiating with a smile for Ivy. The woman quickly measured Ivy before gasping and saying “you are a very full 34C.” Ivy blushed and nodded then I watched contently as Ivy and Chelsea ran around gathering dozens of bras underwear and swimsuits for Ivy to try on.

When they were done Ivy came over and asked “I can do bras by my self but can you comment on my swimsuits please?”

“Of course sweetheart” I said smiling at her she was probably the sweetest girl I had ever met. She nodded and headed to the dressing room.

<<<30 minutes later>>>

“Ok” Ivy’s voice called “I picked out 6 bras and about 2 dozen pairs of underwear and several sleep outfits is that ok?” she sounded some what nervous

“Of course” I yelled back

“Bikini time” Chelsea called excitedly. They had become best friends in so little of time it had got me thinking that maybe Chelsea would be good for Ivy. Ivy stepped out and I scanned her body in the swimsuit it showed skin but not overly she was quite pretty. She looked a little malnourished but nothing a few weeks with my boys wouldn’t fix, but then I noticed the set of 3 perfectly straight, perfectly parallel, about an inch apart, and about 3 inch long scars across each of her hip bones.

She noticed me looking at them and set her hands over the scars, but stood as still as a deer caught in the headlights. I stood up slowly walked towards her and softly removed her hands to examine the scars. “How did you get these?” I whispered softly on the brink of tears already knowing the answer.

“I did them myself. My life was hard before and after I was on my own” she said looking at the floor and looking ashamed.

I stood up sniffled away my tears and wrapped my arms tightly around this almost daughter of mine. I whispered into her hair and she hugged me back “We all go threw difficulties but now you have me and my family and Chelsea so never do this to yourself again please it would break my heart.”

She looked up at me and smiled happily before saying “That is my past you and your family are my now and future I have no plans of going back to darker times” her smile was radiant as I smiled back.

“Hurry we only have 20 or so more minutes” I said pushing her towards the dressing room she nodded and hurried. I walked back to a smiling Chelsea who looked at me with such awe. “Chelsea would you like to com to dinner with us tonight.” She smiled and nodded happily.

Ivy’s POV:

I walked out of VS with 2 bags. Chelsea had told me she was going to dinner with us and I was ecstatic. Luckily she wore the exact same size of EVERYTHING as me so she didn’t need to go home at all. We were talking and joking as we walked to pick up the boys whom were still ice-skating. We arrived right as they finished taking their skates off. Frankie saw me and ran barefoot to give me a hug, I swung him around and propped him on my hip while saying “Hey little man how was skating?”

“AWESOME!!” he said happily. I set him on the ground where he finished putting on his shoes then grabbed my hand as we walked towards the entrance where a security guard was waiting.

“Ready to go” He nodded happily “Did you and Kevin have lunch?” he once again nodded his head “I didn’t I’m starving”

“Me too” piped Chelsea who linked arms with me as we exited the doors only to be flooded with flashes I quickly pushed my glasses off my head and grabbed Chelsea and Frankie closer fighting to the car. After a minute or two we were in the car buckling up. Kevin was texting in the very back seat and Denise was chatting with Big Rob.

<<<30 minutes later>>>

We finally arrived at the hotel and we all hoped out t be ambushed once again, but we made it into the hotel in a matter of seconds with the help of hotel security of course. I sighed as we entered the hotel “Denise” I said softly

“Yes” she said turning to me

“Will you guys tell the press I’m Frankie’s nanny?” I asked softly

“Yes” she said radiantly

“Will you tell them my background?” I asked even softer afraid I would be ridiculed for being so unloved.

“Not if you don’t want us to” she said touching my cheek.
Both Frankie and Chelsea wrapped their arms around you and chorused “WE LOVE YOU”
I giggled happily and hugged back before catapulting myself on Kevin and asking “What no love?”

He grunted before saying “Warn a guy and yes I love you like the little sister I never got want a piggy back ride your as light as Frankie”

“YES PLEASE” I said giddily. Kevin then carried me all the way to the elevators and the all the way to the room. Once in the room I said “Oh I need my clothes and I didn’t get make up or hair stuff.”

I turned to Denise who said “Your clothing will be here in 20 minutes it took 3 bellboys to get it all” she laughed as I blushed “And I have a surprise. I had the boy’s hair and makeup people put this together while we were out. They were pumped to hear we now have a girl around” she opened the doors to the bedroom you had been staying in and there were 2 huge black boxes on there with a medium turquoise bag in between them I stepped forward. I slowly opened the first box to see a hair care box a girl would die for curling iron with exchangeable sized curling rods a top of the line straightener and all the S Factor and Bed Head products I could with for. I gasped and squealed then I went to the other huge box and opened it to find a customized MAC makeup counter within it every brush ever made, every eye color I could imagine, tons of lips gloss and lips stick, and the exact colors of concealer, powder and foundation I needed. By now I was jumping up and down as I squealed I reached down for the turquoise bag it was a normal everyday makeup bag that was empty except for a slim black velvet box. My hands shook as I took out the box and slowly opened it to revel this. Tears poured down my face as I looked at Denise.

“I gasped and said “I don’t deserve any of this you are to kind I cant except these things all the clothes, makeup, and gifts. I don’t deserve this.”

Denise smiled and held my face then kissed my forehead she wiped away my tears as she said “You deserve all of this. You are humble, kind, gentle, beautiful, unique, caring, and now a part of the Jonas family. You deserve every gift we give you because of the beautiful heart and soul the lord gave you.” She hugged me and I hugged her back tightly.

Chelsea came over and said quietly “It is time to start getting ready I’m sorry” I nodded and smiled to Denise as Chelsea drug me to all the clothing bags in the living room there was exactly 15 bags scattered around.

“I’m a bad person” I said sadly as I looked at it all, the cost of everything I had been given today was probably close to 15 thousand dollars.

“No your not” Chelsea said walking towards the Nordstrom’s bags knowing my nicer stuff was in there.

“They spent thousands of dollars on me and I have no way on Earth of paying them back” I said dropping me head in shame.

Suddenly hands were set on the back of my shoulders they softly massaged them as a softly smooth voice said “Be happy, smile, wear the clothes and some of the make up, spend time with us, let us show you we love you even after a day especially Frankie and mom, just be Ivy that’s how you will pay us back” I flipped around and hugged Nick tightly

“your too sweet” I whispered into his shirt “thanks for making me feel better” I added softly. Then I turned and walked over to Chelsea and helped her with our bags as we ran off into my and Nick's room giggling about earlier in the day.
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fillerish and long sorry but there are some key parts in this chapter ive been on a clothes kick so please dont kill me if i went over board with the clothing