Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 4: Surprise Dinner Guests

“Denise” I called while walking to my and Nick’s shared room

“Yes” she answered from the kitchen

“How should Chelsea and I dress for Dinner” I yelled back

“Nicely it is supposedly a fancy restaurant” she said back

“Ok” I called before shutting the door. I reopened the door and saw Nick sitting on the couch watching TV I called “Nick if you need stuff from in hear grab it now you wont be able to later.”

“Already put it in Joe and Kevin’s room I knew you would take forever” he said with a cheeky grin. I stuck my tongue out at him and closed the door in order to get ready.

Nick’s POV:

I sighed and sunk into the couch while watching the now closed door counting the minutes until I saw Ivy’s beautiful face once more but now I had to wait. I got up and went to take my shower knowing Joe would most likely take longer than the girls.

Ivy’s POV:

I hoped into the shower and showered thoroughly shaving my legs and underarms. I exfoliated my entire body before hoping out of the shower. Chelsea came in wearing only a towel and hopped into the shower not even minding that I stood there also in a towel thoroughly applying lotion to my lightly tanned body. I stepped into the bedroom and went to grab underwear but no VS bag. “Shit” I hissed.

I pocked my head and saw the VS bags sitting on the couch I ran over and grabbed them as I turned the corner I slammed into a chest I looked up and saw Nick’s Milk chocolate eyes staring down a me. “We have got to quit meeting like this” he chuckled looking at my towel, which I tightened around my tiny body.

I poked my tongue out at him before I passed him and went back towards the bedroom I still felt his eyes on me giving me pleasurable chills and tingles so I spun around half way down the hallway and saw he had been staring at my smooth bare legs and ass. “Nicky don’t ogle me it is unbecoming for a pure Christian boy” I said sweetly with a wicked edge to my voice causing Nick to severely blush and for me to giggle at his face. For some reason having his eyes linger on my body made me feel good because I knew he appreciated me didn’t just want me like other guys. I added an extra swing to my hips still feeling his eyes at the end of the hall I looked over my shoulder and our eyes connected I blew him a kiss and watched him audibly gulp. I smirked then stepped into the room to finish getting ready.

Nick’s POV:

The second time I’ve seen her barely clothed and I get caught ogling her I’m a moron, but she did put on a show at the end. I wonder if she noticed what she was doing to me. It was very obvious to me why do I have to like tight pants so much.

Ivy’s POV:

I saw Chelsea exit the bathroom right as I closed the door to the bedroom. “Look what we forgot” I said holding up the VS bags

“OMG” she giggled and added “By far the most important of all.” She smiled as she walked to her deserted clothes and slipped her own underwear on as I rummaged through the bag until I found a strapless bra and a pair of hipsters. I slid them on and saw that Chelsea was dressed in just as little as me.

“Ok pick out outfits first do, do hair, do makeup and then put clothes on” I said ticking off my fingers.

“Perfect” Chelsea said happily

<<<20 minutes later>>>

Chelsea and I looked at our outfits I would be wearing this and she would be wearing this. “Yours is really rocker” I said taking in her turquoise and black outfit

“yeah but yours is like vintage meets modern” she said scoping my purple silver and black outfit.

“We are gonna look good” we said at the same time we giggled

“Ok you do your make up I’ll do my hair. Curly or straight?” I said thoughtfully

Chelsea looked at me then said “Straight. Glitter or no glitter?”

“No it is supposedly really nice” I said thinking “Ok lets go”

<<<1 hour later>>>

Chelsea and I were finishing up each other’s hair and makeup. I looked like this. My long strawberry blonde locks were perfectly straight and hung down my back almost to my hips, and my slate gray eyes looked more violet with violet makeup. She looked like this. Chelsea’s long blond locks were curled and hung just a bit past her shoulders, her hazel green eyes popped in the dark make up she wore and her lips looked extremely full with their red coating. We smiled at each other and did a quick once over of each other. “Your perfect” I said as I checked her eyeliner for smudges.

“You too time to get dressed YAY!!!” she said overly hyper. Then she ran over to the clothes and began bouncing waiting for me to walk the 5 feet to the bed before she would start getting dressed. I arrived and she immediately grabbed her dress and carefully slipped it on. “Will you zip me?” she asked delicately holding her curls up

“Yeah” I stepped forward and zipped her up. Then I picked up my own dress unzipped it and stepped into it before zipping up the side zipper once again. I watch as Chelsea latched her gladiator sandals. I grabbed my ankle boots and quickly buttoned them up only to see Chelsea bouncing in all her gorgeous glory in front of me.

“We have to look together” she said exasperatedly “HURRY!!!” she kept bouncing in her flats as I stood up in my heels. My 5’ 2” frame was almost her height in my 4-inch heels but not quite. She was a gorgeous model styled girl I was an ugly dwarf compared to her and it sucked. I sighed before slipping on the Jonas’s gift, my locket, and a vintage ring. I grabbed my purse and put some lip-gloss and my ipod in there but that was it. “Ready?” Chelsea questioned

“Yeah Chels lets go” she took my hand and lead me towards the mirror. She carefully covered my eyes and then revealed myself to me. I gasped the girl in front of me was pretty she looked nothing like the lanky bland girl I was. I touched the mirror and smiled happily “I look…”

“Amazing” Chelsea said placing her hands on my shoulders.

“Thanks” I whispered

“Lets go stun those rock stars” Chelsea giggled as she pulled me towards the door.

“K” I said happily excited to see Nick once more and I needed Kevin’s opinion. We walked into the room to see Kevin and Frankie ready to go. “Where are the other 2” I asked as we turned the corner. Frankie and Kevin both gaped causing Chelsea to giggle and me to blush “What?” I asked afraid I looked bad

“You look…” Kevin started

“Incredible” Frankie finished running up and giving me a hug.

“Careful little man I’m in heals I can topple over easier now” I said hugging him back. “Kevin do you like it?” I asked nervous

“You look beautiful” he said sweetly getting up to come give me and hug he carefully wrapped his arms and hugged me tightly I sensed something was wrong and hugged him back tightly. He let go and went and sat on the couch while Chelsea went to chat with Frankie I walked over and sat on Kevin’s lap. His arms immediately snaked around my waist and held me tightly to him.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered quietly while stroking his cheek.

He bit his lip and said “Danielle and I are officially over” I saw the hurt behind his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he buried his face in my neck. I felt a single tear drop onto my shoulder but only one.

I sat him up and discreetly wiped his cheek by stroking it he thanked me with his eyes and then I whispered our foreheads almost touching “She isn’t worth it you will find your girl some day give it time, but I have a friend you might like if you want me to get her number for you. She is a 21 year-old I work well worked with. Would you like that her name is Ashlyn?” I said honestly now our foreheads were touching and our eyes focused on one another. I still stroked his cheek afraid he would cry.

A large smile broke across his face and he said “I love the name Ashlyn and yes I may even get to meet her I convinced mom to let me help you out tomorrow” I squealed happily and hugged him tightly. There was a cough and I looked behind Kevin to see and emotionless Nick and a bashful Joe.

“sorry I took so long” Joe said just then Chelsea came around the corner giggling as Frankie
drug her around telling her about all the different toys he brought with him on tour. Joe looked at her and then walked up and said “Hey I’m Joe the funny one” and then he smirked

“Is that supposed to impress me?” Chelsea said back then she looked at Frankie and said
“Come on Frankie lets go find your mom and dad and ask how long till we leave” she smiled excitedly

“Ok” he said happily back as they ran off giggling. Once she was out of ear shot Kevin and I burst out laughing.

“Shut up” Joe whined

“Smooth Joe, Real Smooth” I said standing up I went over and inspected his outfit Each of the boys looked good, but I glance back over at a statue Nick and couldn’t help but think he looked the best. Nick hadn’t moved and his face hadn’t changed since he entered the room. I walked over to him and place my hand on his forearm he tensed then his entire body and face relaxed. “What’s wrong?” I asked gently.

Nick’s POV:

“Are you with Kevin?” I blurted out I couldn’t help it watching then snuggle and giggle and watching Ivy comfort Kevin tore me apart inside this girl had my heart and she had not even the slightest idea it was infuriating. I was shaking with anger ready to explode had Joe not gotten me out of my jealous daze I might have acted on my feelings. Now normally I wasn’t an angry person, but seeing Ivy perched on Kevin’s lap whispering and giggling ignited a fire within me.

Kevin and Joe’s jaws dropped at the bluntness of my blurb. Ivy looked shocked then giggled and said “Me and Kevin?” she shook her hair tussling her now straight locks “No way he is my big brother. I would NEVER date him. No offense Kev” she said looking at his stunned form on the couch.

He regained his composure and smirked at me surly knowing I liked Ivy then said back to her “Same thing babe. You beautiful especially tonight but never that would be like incest or something” Ivy giggled at the grimace on his face as he imagined dating her.

“Never” she said looking into my eyes. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to press my lips to hers and take her back to our bedroom and break my promise.

“Good” I whispered then my eyes caught the necklace swinging around her thin neck “You’re wearing our gift.” I then lightly fingered the key and then the locket suspended around her neck. “This locket is special isn’t it?” I asked not letting go of it but looking now into Ivy’s slate grey eyes.

She smiled and nodded “Only thing my parents left me but it wont open sadly and has faded it used to shine just like the key y’all gave me” she sighed sadly.

“We will take it to a jeweler’s they can fix the latch and clean it for you” I smiled as her face lit up and she hugged me tightly

“THANK YOU” she said happily

“You and I can take it tomorrow morning and then you will have it back that night” I smiled and she let go of me.

She smiled and said “I have to tell Chelsea” then she ran off towards mom’s room. I chuckled at her she ran very fast seeing as she wore heels. I looked at my brothers and saw then smirking.

“What?” I asked faking innocence

“Joe our baby brother is in love” Kevin said his smirk never fading

“I know big bro finally he has found someone. I mean yes I thought Ivy was hot but I kinda like her friend Chelsea better now” Joe said thoughtfully.

I rolled my eyes and said “I like her yes but I’ve got no chance with her so drop it”

“But—“ Kevin started

“Drop It” I said forcefully and walked into the kitchen I needed to check my levels.

Ivy’s POV:

Chelsea and I walked out of Denise’s room giggling with Frankie as Paul and Denise followed close behind. When we entered we saw Joe and Kevin lounging on the couch and Nick walked in from the kitchen. “I’m good” he said seeing the concern in my eyes I just smiled and nodded my head.

“Ok lets go” Denise said clapping her hands. I went and grabbed my purse from where I left it on the coffee table. Chelsea walked up behind me and linked arms with me on one side Frankie came up on my other side and Kevin stood next to Frankie. I giggled as the four of us walked out of the hotel room Frankie grabbed a hold of my hand when we got on the elevator. As we turned I was a pouty Joe get on the elevator, then came and amused Nick, and finally Denise and Paul got onto the elevator and we went down stairs. We all got off the elevator and Frankie gave me puppy eyes I immediately propped him up on my hip.

I fumbled with my purse trying to open it and get my sunglasses seeing as everyone had theirs on already but me. “Kev help me” I whined and he took my purse opened it with ease and handed me my glasses “Thanks” I mumbled and slid them one handed onto my face. Then Big Rob smiled and held the door open for us. We walked out and Chelsea and Frankie clung to me. I took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd eventually we reached on of the 2 SUVs and jumped in. Big Rob was driving Kevin was in shotgun and Chelsea Frankie and I sat in back. Meaning Denise, Paul, Joe and Nick were in the other car. I sighed as we drove off.

<<<30 minutes later>>>

we arrived at a nice 4 star restaurant the car ride there was filled with Chelsea Frankie and I belting the lyrics to every song we knew that came onto the radio. Kevin keep silent but looked thoughtful the entire ride. Walking into the restaurant was surprisingly easy there wasn’t a single photographer. As we entered the restaurant I spotted Joe, Nick, Denise, and Paul standing around a table laughing and it seemed they were having a good time. After a minute they turned and saw us and signaled us over. We walked over and I was stunned at who I saw sitting at the table… Demi Lavato and Selena Gomez.
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COMMENTS!!!!! I may stop this story