Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 5: Skankey Cyrus

Ivy’s POV:

“Hey you must be Ivy and Chelsea. I’m Demi” Demi said happily

“I’m Selena” added as they stood up and gave Chelsea hugs then gave me hugs.

“Frankie dude you ready for the next show?” Demi asked Frankie

he nodded and said “Ivy has to hang out with us also ok?”

Demi grinned and said “Of course Selena too” I must have looked very confused because Demi said “I’m the boys opening act” my lips formed and ‘o’ as she continued “Frankie and me hang out during the boy’s set but now you and Selena must join us. Selena finished filming early and is spending the last 3 weeks of tour with me” Demi and Selena smiled happily.

Then Selena squealed “We are gonna have so much fun it will be like a 3 week slumber party” I giggled at her outburst and smiled shyly at the best friends.

“Oh lets see if we can all sit together seeing as you guys haven’t started eating yet” Denise said happily as she flagged down a waiter. “May we add these 2 girls” she gesture to Selena and Demi “to our table they are good friends of ours”

“Of course Mrs. Jonas give us a few minutes” then he scampered off to fix our table.

Frankie tugged on my hand and I looked down on my hand “What little man?” I asked sweetly.

“Can I sit next to you, please?” he asked with a puppy pout I heard the girls giggle around me.

I picked him up and set him on my hip “I wouldn’t have it any other way” I said nuzzling his neck causing him to giggle

“Looks like I got some competition for being Frankie’s favorite” Demi said with a pout on her face.

“Demi you can sit by me to there is enough of Frank the Tank to go around” Frankie said rushing his shoulders

“But Frankie I wanted to sit by you” whined Selena

“Me too” added Chelsea.

“I guess you will all have to take turns” Frankie said cockily

“Fine” we all sighed in unison

“How does he do that?” Kevin questioned his brothers. We turned to look at the 3 older
brothers Frankie still in my arms. The were gaping at the 5 of us.

Joe said finally “I don’t know but dude teach my Tank please” he said nearly begging

Frankie just giggled and said “You cant be taught” all the girls laughed as the waiter came back and said

“Your table is ready” he then lead our still giggling party to a large table set up for 12 even though there was only 10 in our group. From left to right one row of seating went Nick, Chelsea, Selena, Joe, Denis, and then Paul. Across from Chelsea was me next to me was Frankie then Demi then Kevin. Leaving an empty seat in front of Nick and Paul. It took all of the kids a good 5 minutes to sit because the girls fought over who got to sit next to Frankie, Demi and I won by far due to being his favorites.

Seating arrangements:
Nick Chelsea Selena Joe Denise Paul
Ivy Frankie Demi Kevin

All the girls were laughing with Joe and Frankie while Kevin was talking quietly with his parents and Nick seemed to be off in his own little world. I nudged Nick with my foot causing him to jerk and look at me I mouthed ‘you ok’ he nodded and I mouthed ‘want to sit be me’ then gestured to the chair next to me. He blushed shook his head and looked down at his menu. I hadn’t picked mine up so that’s what I did. I looked back up and Chelsea to see her giving me a sympathetic glance I shrugged. The same young waiter appeared at the end of the table behind the empty chair beside myself. He set his hand on my chair and looked directly into my eyes. I blushed and turned my head down towards my lap I saw him shake his head before stuttering “I’m E-Eric. What c-can I get you guys to drink?” I looked up and saw his cheeks were bright red as he looked down at his note pad. Kevin and his parents were already sipping on glasses of white whine so Eric looked at Demi.

“Water” Demi

“Coke” Joe

“Coke” Selena

“Sprite” Frankie

“Dr.Pepper” Chelsea

“Water” I said smiling up at Eric causing him to smile back and keep his eyes fixed on me.

For a good moment our stare probably wouldn’t have been broken had it not been for Nick rudely spitting “ And I’ll take a Diet Coke” Eric nodded at Nick then gave me one more bright smile before going back to get our drinks.

Nick’s POV:

I watched Eric walk away and I saw Ivy turn to me and ask quietly “Nick is everything ok you seem upset” what did she want me to say No I’m not ok you are my all time biggest crush after a less than 2 days and I think I’m falling for you and it scares me, and watching that guy flirt with you made me so jealous I was ready to rip his throat out for looking at you that way Yeah that would go well.

“I’m fine Ivy I promise,” I said softly before hiding in my menu

“Oh God that guy has it bad” Selena squealed

“Did you see the way he was flirting with you, Ivy” Demi asked looking behind Frankie to Ivy.

“Oh he doesn’t like me what guy would?” Ivy said flailing her hand at the very idea.

“Umm every guy would like you you’re beyond gorgeous” Chelsea said looking exasperated. I sat back and watched the girl chat finding it interesting how Ivy saw her self.

Ivy snorted and said “I’m and ugly carrot top dwarf who would want anything to do with me” My jaw went slack along with the girls jaws, I noticed Joe looking stunned and Frankie look horrified. Mom Dad and Kevin were to far into business to hear or consider our faces.

“That’s a lie” came a familiar voice behind us we turned and saw Eric with a tray of drinks. Ivy blushed crimson he quickly passed out the drinks no one dare spoke although I was fuming secretly. Eric set the tray on the floor and knelt down next to Ivy and said taking her hand “You’re one of the most beautiful creatures to grace the world. The people who see you are lucky to be given a chance to experience you. And I’m sure you and amazing person judging by how close these people seem to be to you. Don’t degrade yourself you don’t deserve it at all.” Ivy’s eyes watered along with the other girls. Joe, Frankie and I sat awestruck at how smooth this guy was

“Wow thanks that was beautiful” Ivy smiled with watery eyes looking gorgeous and said “I’m Ivy” she hugged Eric around his neck when she pulled back she said, “We will be good friends”

Eric smiled and said “Good cause I’m gay”

“WHAT??” Selena Demi and Chelsea cried Eric nodded and Demi asked, “Then why were you flirting with Ivy?”

“I wasn’t I saw something in her and I couldn’t place it I knew it was good but I still don’t know quite what it is about her I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her” Eric said smiling at the girls

“Oh” they chorused “Oops”

Ivy giggled and said, “I knew you weren’t into me that way” she wrapped her arms around Eric once again. I’m an obsessive moron was the only thought traveling threw my head.

Eric stood up and said “I have other tables I’ll talk to you girlies later”

“Bye” the girls chorused

“Damn he was cute” Selena mumbled causing the table to giggle.

Ivy’s PoV:

I was laughing at Chelsea as she attempted to tie a cherry stem with her tongue. Eric had just left the table and we had yet to order suddenly a nasally voice filled the air “NICKY!!!!!” I saw Miley Cyrus dressed in a tiny piece of cloth I guessed was a dress hurrying towards us. Nick cowered Selena Joe and Demi groaned and even Frankie said “Crap” under his breath. I must have looked confused but the second she arrived at the table I understood everyone’s reactions “Hi Nicky long time no see” she said while running her hand down his arm trying to be seductive. I don’t think it worked seeing as Nick cringed and leaned away from her touch

Then I noticed Mr. Cyrus walk up behind her and loudly say, “Well lookey here how nice to see y’all mind if we join seeing as there are 2 free seats”

Denise’s eye twitched as she said “Of course” it caused me to giggle.

Miley’s eyes focused on me as her father took a seat at the end of the table and she spat “Who are you?”

I smiled brightly ignoring the venom in her voice and said, “I’m Ivy, Frankie’s new nanny”

“Then why are you eating dinner with the family you are only the help. You should be left in the hotel I mean this is a family event you definitely aren’t family I mean look at you, you look like you belong on the streets” she said while sitting next to me and then she looked at me like I was a bug smashed on her shoe. I knew it shouldn’t have bothered me but it still hurt.

“May I be excused I need to go to the lady’s room?” I asked quietly looking at my hands in my lap.

Denise still heard me though and gave me a concerned look before saying back “Of course dear” I stood up and walked quickly to the restroom where I collapsed against the wall next to the bathroom door and slowly slid down.

Nick’s POV:

“Miley what is your problem?” I hissed as I watched Ivy’s form disappear towards the bathrooms. I wanted nothing more than to get up and follow but that job was taken by Chelsea who shot Miley a glare before she ran off after Ivy no more than 30 seconds after she had stood up.

Before Miley could answer my question Selena and Demi walked up to her. Demi slapped Miley’s Right cheek while Miley was stunned Selena slapped her left cheek and then they said together “you’re a disgusting bitch” before they walked off arm and arm towards the bathrooms to find Ivy.

I laughed at Miley’s stunned face and her now red cheeks “You think this is funny” Miley hissed trying to glare at me it only made me chuckle at how I could see the makeup crease as she glared.

“Yeah actually and you never answered my question. What is your problem Miley?” I hissed back by now Kevin and Joe glared at Miley already seeing what had happened and the parents looked confused as to why most of the girls had left.

“I don’t have a problem” Miley replied haughtily before continuing, “Those four do. I mean I only sated the obvious about that girl and Selena and Demi go and hit me for speaking the truth. They are the ones that have a problem with me. Speaking of which, Daddy” Miley said turning to Mr. Cyrus who now turned his attention to his daughter and no doubt noticed the red hand marks on her face, “Daddy, Selena and Demi hit me for telling the truth. Can we get them fired please?”

“She is lying” Frankie said quietly. No one had noticed but he had been in the middle of it all.

“Hush Frankie I’m not lying” Miley said glaring at Frankie

“Yes you are. Demi and Selena slapped you because you made Ivy cry when she only introduced herself and said she was my nanny” Frankie said glaring back.

“Is this true Miley?” Mom asked in a cold voice I knew then and there that Ivy was officially my mother’s daughter that voice was only used on those who threatened her children.

“Of course not Denise” Miley said pleadingly

“That’s Mrs. Jonas to you Miss Cyrus” Mom hissed as she stood and walked towards the bathrooms.

“I swear Daddy I did nothing” Miley lied threw her teeth.

Just then the girls and my mother returned and Chelsea chose that moment to become vocal “Nothing” she hissed as she cradled and tear streaked Ivy to her chest. Ivy looked about to collapse and chose to sit in the seat next to me.
Immediately without thinking I wrapped my arms tightly around her frail body and drug her chair over so our sides were pressed tightly together. Her arms wrapped around me and she buried her face in my neck where she whispered against my skin “Thank you Nicky” That nick name coming from Ivy’s lips caused pleasurable shivers to rake threw my body unlike when Miley Used it that made me sick to my stomach. I kissed Ivy’s hair lightly and held her tightly.
Miley’s eyes were fixed on use as she hissed, “I did absolutely nothing but tell the truth”

“That was anything but the truth,” Demi said as she held back a livid Selena who
wanted nothing more than to beat Miley to a pulp for hurting her new friend.

“You said to Ivy and I quote ‘Then why are you eating dinner with the family you are only the help. You should be left in the hotel I mean this is a family event you definitely aren’t family I mean look at you, you look like you belong on the streets’. Those words, you deceitful little bitch, are burned into my mind because that is the opposite of everything My Ivy is.” Chelsea said standing behind Ivy and mine’s chairs she leaned forward and hugged Ivy from the back. I felt Ivy hiccup and giggle slightly her face still in the crook of my neck.

“It was the truth” Miley hissed shooting up in the chair she had just been occupying.

I felt Ivy tense in my arms and I hissed quietly at Miley no one at the table dared to speak “No it isn’t. Ivy is beautiful inside and out she is more than worthy to be considered a part of this family, and she is far more loved by every member of the my family after only a day then you ever were Miley. She is a part of this family and if you have a problem with Ivy get out because you have no pull here what so ever. Ivy is amazing and you just disgust us with how you could hurt someone as beautiful as Ivy” Ivy raised her head after my speech I saw all the make up was gone from her face and she had happy tears making her eyes glossy as she leaned forward and kissed me cheek before holding me closer to her body as she hid her tears from everyone else. By now she was half way in my lap. “Get out Miley not a soul wants you here” I whispered as I kissed the back of Ivy’s Neck threw her hair causing her to shiver.

Miley huffed stomped her foot like a 3 year old and rushed out of the restaurant. Mr. Cyrus looked horrified by what had occupied he turned to my parents and said softly “I’m so sorry that was so horrific I will punish her I can promise you that.” He then turned to Ivy and I and he softly said “Ivy” she looked up at him her face still tear stained and if possible his face looked even more horrified then before “Ivy I’m beyond apologetic for how horrid my daughter has been, but know this every word she spoke to you is a lie. You are a wonderful beautiful person or these amazing people wouldn’t have stood up for you the way they did.” Mr. Cyrus looked at his shoes as he said; “I can never apologize enough for what my daughter has done” Ivy silently stood up and walked up to the broken man.

She wrapped her arms around him and said, “I forgive you Mr. Cyrus. You’re a good man who has done nothing wrong Miley makes her own decisions don’t beat your self up for her hurtful words towards me.” He wrapped his arms around Ivy and gave her a gentle squeeze before leaving with out another word. Ivy walked towards Mom and asked her in a whisper “Denise can Big Rob take me back to the hotel please?”

“Of course just let me get the check” Mom started

“Oh no y’all stay eat dinner I’ll go back by myself no reason to ruin all of y’all’s night” Ivy said quickly

“I suppose it is ok, but please take someone with you” Mom begged afraid for her new daughter

“No Denise I—“ Ivy started but I cut her off

“Ill go let’s go Ivy” I stood up and lightly took her hand. Ivy nodded and everyone at the table smirked or smiled knowingly at me as I carefully took the girl of my drams out of a horrible place that caused her pain. I gestured to Big Rob and he came forward I slipped the aviators out of my pocket and onto my face as I saw the paparazzi threw the window. Ivy must have noticed to because the slipped her Ray Bans on to. Big Rob opened the doors and started battling our way threw the crowd. I wrapped my arm around Ivy’s waist knowing the headlines that would come from this picture, but a secret part of me prayed for it.

Once we were in the car Big Rob drove quickly off and Ivy nestled her self in the same position we had been in the restaurant. Her lips pressed against my neck in a light kiss as she said “Thank you Nicky”

I murmured “Any time beautiful”

(Other Girls outfits)
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I have no problem with Miley but i needed a bad guy and she was a very easy target

ok i don't like her all that much but normally i wouldn't portray her this way but i kinda have to