Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 6: Realizations and invitations

Ivy's POV:

Some one was gently shaking me so I opened my eyes only to see Nick smiling softly down at me. I noticed my head was on his chest and my arms were tight around his waist and he had angled his body funny to accommodate my lying on him. I shot up letting go of him and said “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to cuddle with you like that and I know you must have been uncomfortable and” I gasped for breath and Nick covered my lips with his soft hand

“Ivy it is fine I was perfectly content to hold you. Now we are at the hotel you will need these” he said as he handed me my (Joe’s) black and white Ray Bans. I smiled and slid them onto my face.
Nick climbed out of the SUV and offered me his hand. As I took his hand flashes began going off like it was the end of the world. Nick helped me to the ground and securely wrapped his arm around my waist and I gripped his arm and chest as we pushed and hurried threw the crowd. The only thing that could be heard was random words being shouted including ‘Miley’, ‘slapped’, ‘girl’, ‘mystery’, ‘girlfriend’, ‘dating’, and ‘secret’. As soon as Nick and I were safely threw the door I wrapped my arms around his neck and murmured, “They are bound to find out my past”

“If they do my family and I are still here for you no matter what” he kissed the top of my head before taking me by the hand and heading towards the elevators he gave Big Rob a nod as we passed him.

The ride to the suite was silent I was exhausted by the horrible night I had had and just wanted a shower and to climb into bed, but I had a bad feeling for no reason. Just a twist in the pit of my stomach I prayed it wouldn’t be a nightmare but I knew all to well the feeling. As I clung more closely to Nick the feeling dimmed and diminished slowly. Nick and I finally arrived at our door and he quickly slid the card into the slot. I went straight to our room and he followed I immediately sat on nicks bed and removed me ankle boots when I stood back up I pouted a nick took off his tie. Nick noticed and asked “What’s wrong?” as he shrugged off his jacket and kick off his dress shoes.

“In heels you’re about 2 inches taller than me in nothing you have a good 6 inches on me it isn’t fair” I pouted and crossed my arms.

“You’re the perfect height for a girl. Short enough that when you were heels you are still shorter but tall enough that I don't have to hurt my neck to see you” he gave me a hug and set his head on top of mine “This is a plus too” he added.

I laughed and said “I’m gonna change”

“Ok” Nick replied.

I stepped up to the VS bags and grabbed some sleep clothes before I walked into the bathroom to change brush my teeth and wash my face.

Nick’s POV:

I gulped as I watched Ivy emerge from the bathroom. I had already changed. Ivy outfit was doing things to me they shouldn’t have done but I quickly got over it and took in her makeup less face and the messy bun she had put her hair up into. She hadn’t removed her locket and my key and for some reason that made me extremely happy. “Nick” Ivy whispered as I pulled back the covers on my bed

“Yeah” I said looking up at her

“May I sleep in your bed?” she asked looking at me innocently threw her bangs. The mere thought f Ivy in the same bed as me made my heart pound in my ears my hands began to shake and sweat I also felt weak at the knees think of her barely clothed body in such close proximity to mine.

I swallowed and said “Y-yeah Ivy that’s fine”

She looked upset and said “Never mind I’m just scared- oh never mind I’ll sleep in my own” I had walked up to her and pressed my hand gently to her mouth.

“Ivy, babe, come on lay down in my bed I know you said you were scared about something come lay down I don’t mind I promise” I said softly as I took my hand from her mouth and held her hand instead I lead her to the bed and pulled back her covers before walking around and hoping into bed wit her.

“Thank you Nicky I can really count on you and your family” she murmured as she set her head on my chest. Her necklace and locket fell forward onto my chest right over my heart, and I knew then why I had picked that necklace out for her.

<<< Flashback >>>

After Mom Frankie, Kevin and Ivy had left. Dad took Joe and I to a jewelry story to be precise a Tiffany’s CO. We walked in and a 21ish woman stepped forward and smiled brightly before saying “How may I help you?” then her eyes fixed on my and they scanned my body I shuddered and hid slightly from the overly perky and very indiscreet woman.

Dad turned towards Joe and I and said “ We need to find Ivy something like a present for becoming part of the family. Got it?” We nodded and he turned towards the woman and said “We wont be needing any help” Her smile faltered but after one quick glance my way she went back to help others.

I shuddered and Joe said “Looks like she had the hotts for our little Nicky” he ruffled my curs and I smacked his hand hating when he did that. Joe and I began out hunt for the perfect gift. After 30 minutes Joe shouted “I think I found it DAD NICK” we walked over to him and he pointed towards a silver and diamond bow necklace it didn’t quite fit Ivy.

Then I saw it a key that was silver and diamonds it was about and inch and a half long and was perfect “No I found it” I said walking towards the necklace that was in a case in the back corner of the store “This is perfect” I said pointing to the necklace.

“No offense Joe but I like Nick’s pick better it fits Ivy” Dad said looking afraid of Joe

“Totally agree” Joe said looking at the necklace then he turned towards me and said “Good job Baby J” I groaned at the annoying nickname. I turned back to the necklace as dad and Joe went off to find someone to help us buy it. I pictured the necklace suspended around Ivy’s delicate throat and the image mad my heart swell for some unknown reason.

<<< End of Flashback >>>

Nick’s POV Still:

My fingers danced over the key lying above my beating heart, and then I looked at the girl wearing the key. My fingers never leaving the key, and my eyes never leaving Ivy’s face the thought occurred to me She holds the key to my yearning Heart but she doesn’t even know. I smiled a soft smile and whispered even more softly “You will be the death of me Ivy, My Ivy, My Love.” I kissed her forehead and then drifted into a dreamland centered on the girl who was at that moment wrapped around my body.

<<< Back at the Restaurant >>>

Chelsea’s POV:

“Chelsea” Denise called during dessert after the whole Miley incident we had all eventually calmed down enough to have a meal, but I couldn’t help missing my best friend. I knew that Nick would be taking care of her though so I didn’t overly worried.

“Yes” Denise I answered

“I was wondering since you live on your own would you like to come on tour with the boys, our family, Demi, Selena and Ivy” Her eyes sparkled already knowing the answer

“Yes I jumped up and hugged her tightly of course you are amazing Denise Thank you. Ivy will be so happy, I’M so happy I don’t have to say goodbye to her. She is my sister even if it has only been 8 hours” I giggled with tears in my eyes

“I know that’s why I asked it would break my heart to separate my new daughters” Denise smiled brightly as I squealed and hugged her once more

“Denise you are to good of a woman you know that” I said full fledge crying happy tears along with Denise.

<<< 45 minutes later back at the hotel >>>

Chelsea’s POV Still:

I popped into the hotel hyper to see my best friend. I grabbed Joe’s Hand and said
“Come on” His family laughed as I dragged him to the elevators and bounced waiting for it to go. When It did I didn’t quit bouncing

“Why are you so hyper?” Joe asked confused “And why did you drag me with you?”

“1: I need to tell Ivy about me going on tour 2: I have no key to the suite” the door dinged and I took off once again dragging Joe with me after 1 minute of running we arrived at the door and I ordered “OPEN” Joe did s I asked and I took off into the suite went straight to Ivy’s room I opened the door and saw Ivy snuggled up to Nick in the same room I cooed and quietly closed the door.

“Why didn’t you tell her?” Joe asked puzzled

“She was sleeping” I shrugged and he made and “O” with his lips. Just then Denise Frankie Paul and Kevin came in the door smiling. “I’m gonna head home ill be back tomorrow at 11 o’clock OK” I said to Denise. She nodded and everyone said goodbye to me as I left the suite I giggled to myself knowing none of them would check on the sleeping couple seeing as I had told Joe they were sleeping.

Kevin’s POV:

I looked at the clock it said 11:20 “Time to crash” I told Frankie and he nodded half asleep. “Come on Joe lets head to bed you have to get up early for that radio thing”

Dad scoffed and said “9 o’clock isn’t early”

“It is for Joe” I said smirking Joe glared as we headed to our shared room.

<<< 1 o’clock AM >>>

Ivy’s POV:

I awoke to growling and I noticed it was Nick’s stomach and my stomach “Nicky” I whispered shaking him awake.

“What?” he said groggily “Are you ok?” he said with a yawn

“I’m fine but I’m insanely hungry” and cue his stomach rumbled loudly “And so are you. What can we do?”

He reached around my body to the nightstand where his phone was he typed for a bit then said “Get dressed. Big Rob will take us to get food he is hungry too.”

“YAY” I sprung from the bed and grabbed Nick’s white button up from dinner and slipped on a pair of purple high tops. Nick giggled. “What?” I asked hands on my hips as I buttons 3 buttons that were around my belly button. The shirt hung past my shorts and was huge but it smelled like Nick and I loved it.

“You look really good in my clothes and everyone we see will assume I mean… uh it looks like we have just… you know” He blushed at the end.

I giggled and walked up to him I took his hand and said “Good thing hardly anyone will see us” he shook his head. We crept silently out of the suite only to find Big Rob waiting outside the door. He turned and lead us a different way to a maintenance elevator.

He mumbled ‘stupid hotel not telling us about the under ground car park’ I giggled and shivered from the AC. Nick wrapped his arm around me to keep me a little bit warmer. I smiled up at him. After five or so minutes we were in the car and driving down the road w pulled into a Taco Bell and walked inside. We got a few odd looks but not to bad seeing as only 3 people were in taco bell at 1:15 in the morning.

<<< 30 minutes later >>>

“I’m so full” I moaned

“Me too” Nick moaned back

“Are you wearing your pod?” I questioned suddenly afraid for him.

“Yeah I forgot about it when we fell asleep” he said sheepishly

“Good” I said nodding “Let’s go before they figure out we are gone”

<<< 20 minutes later back in Ivy and Nick’s room>>>

Nick’s POV:

“Night Nicky” Ivy mumbled sleepily into my chest as she quickly fell back asleep. She still was wearing my shirt and it had to be the sexiest thing I had ever seen. Her tiny body swallowed in my shirt made me want to have her so much more. It looked like she was made to wear my close hw it hugged her breasts but only skimmed her hips it looked beyond perfect on her. I sighed happily before mumbling half asleep myself “Night my love.” Then I fell into a deep slumber holding onto the girl who had a hold of my heart.
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kinda boring sorry