Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 7: Facing the ‘Mean Girl’ and Tough ?’s

Ivy’s POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I picked my head up. I gasped as I saw I was half on top of Nick and he had a steel grip around my waist. My arm was laying loosely across his stomach, my head had been happily on his chest and one of my legs was in between his. I blushed at how close we were I tried to wiggle out of his hold but he only groaned and held me more closely and tightly one of his hand was on my bare back from where my tank had ridden up and the other was half way on my ass half way on my back. I bit my lip as electric shocks ran threw my body. I leaned up on my free arm and took the arm off his stomach I gently shook his shoulder while saying “Nicky, Hun, time to wake up” he groaned and tightened his hold on me and tightened his legs around mine causing me to blush. His eyes slowly opened and he took in his surroundings.

“Shit sorry Ivy” he said quickly unwrapping his arms from me and releasing his grip on my leg. I held in a whimper at the lose of electricity and reluctantly pulled my body off his and out of the bed.

I shrugged and looked over at him while saying “No prob” I glanced at the clock and saw it read 10 o’clock “Shit Nick you have to leave to go to the your radio interview in 30 minutes. I’m sorry for keeping you up last night I said looking at the ground” Nick chuckled and got up.

He smiled at me and said “It will take me 15 minutes to get ready I’m not Joe, and don’t apologize I had so much fun” he gave me a quick hug before going into the bathroom. I smiled re-pulled my hair up into a messy bun and made my way towards where I knew Frankie would still be sleeping, his mom’s room. I walked in and there in the middle of the bed was a lump I knew was none other than Frankie. I jumped onto the bed and yelled “Frankie, Love, time to get up!” He groaned but sat up he tried to glare at my but just burst out laughing. I giggled and said “Want me to pick out your clothes or are you gonna do it?”

“You can do it” he yawned and then said “Shower" as he stumbled out of bed towards the bathroom and I giggled at what a cute kid he was I went the suitcase I assumed was his I was right I grabbed a pair of plaid boxers threw those on the bed along with a pair of Dark green cargo shorts and I blue t-shirt onto the bed then I threw a pair of navy flip flops too. I knew it was gonna be hot today so I decided to dress him in shorts and a t-shirt. Frankie came out of the bathroom in a towel and I laughed at how huge it was on him he stuck his tongue out at me and nodded at the outfit I picked before retreating into the bathroom once more this time with clothes.

I giggled and yelled at Frankie “Little Man I’m gonna go change”

“OK” he yelled back.

I skipped to my room not thinking about Nick who I had left in the shower. I opened the door and saw Nick in a towel picking out clothes. “Shit sorry Nick” I said turning around.

He chuckled and said “Ivy no big just consider us even. Give me a quick sec” I heard the bathroom door shut and after a moment reopen he chuckled again as I still had my back to him “I’m decent” he said I sighed and turned around.

You call SHIRTLESS DECENT!!! I bit my lip as I saw his toned tanned chest I swallowed and said “I need to get ready and you are leaving in like 15 minutes” He nodded.

He slipped on a shirt and I let out a sigh of relive he looked at me and his eyes focused on my locket “Ivy do you want me to have Big Rob take your necklace to the jeweler’s and I will bring you it back after my interview?” He asked I gripped my locket and began to tremble slightly.

“Promise to take good care of it?” I questioned softly

“I’ll protect it with my life” he said stepping behind me he lightly touched my neck making me shiver and said in my ear “We don’t have to take it you know”

I shook my and said “I want it to look as beautiful as it did when I was given it” then I felt his strong fingers unlatch the thin lather strip that held the 1 inch locket suspended around my neck. Nick didn’t let go as he brought the locket out up and over my head. I turned and whispered “Feels weird not having it”

“Only for a day” he whispered back “I need to go and tell Big Rob about the necklace and then go to the interview. I’ll see you in a few hours” He kissed my forehead ,it sent tingles all over my body and I could still feel his lips against my skin, before he vanished out the door. Just then I saw a smirking Kevin in the doorway I blushed as he entered the room.

“You like him” Kevin stated he didn’t ask because eh knew it was true. I nodded and blushed at my big brother figure. A huge smiled broke upon his face and he swooped me into a huge hug. “He like you too” he said happily my mouth dropped open.

I gaped at Kevin and then said “No he doesn’t like me end of story”

“but-“ Kevin said frustrated

“End of story” Kevin made a twisty face then sighed in defeat and huffed out of the room I knew he wasn’t angry just frustrated but I didn’t know what about.

Nick’s POV:

I walked out of the room and saw a Smirking Kevin around the corner of the door. He didn’t say a word as I walked past. I got to the door and saw a half asleep Joe, Big Rob and Dad waiting for me. I tightened my grip around the silver locket in my hand I walked up to the small group and before any one could speak I said “Big Rob during our show would you mind taking Ivy’s Locket” I held the locket up on one finger and it twirled in the air “to a jeweler’s tell them money is no object I want it cleaned and the hinge fixed by after our radio and TV interviews today. Would you please do that for me?” I must have looked very nervous the locket swinging from my finger.

Big Rob chuckled and said “Anything for Ivy” he held his large hand out I reluctantly place the treasure in his hand I watched as he pulled out a jewelry box from his jacket pocket I must have looked dumbfound as he snapped the locket securely into the box and slipped it into his pocket. He smirked and said “I have my ways of knowing.”

Dad chuckled and said “Let’s go or we will be late” Just then Chelsea bound threw the door dragging 2 suitcases and what looked like 4 large empty athletic bags. I Gave her a confused look, but didn’t think to hard about it. She left her suitcases in the living room and bound into Ivy’s room without a word. Dad laughed at Joe’s dreamy expression as he stared at the closed door and then the suitcases Joe let out a sigh and Dad said “Come on lover boys you guys have interviews to do” Then he practically drug Joe out by his collar I sighed with one more glance at the room I knew Ivy was in and followed my brother and Dad.

Ivy’s POV:

Chelsea bound into the room wearing this. “Ok Chica” she started “We are getting you dressed then I will tell you my news and you will tell me yours” she said raising an eyebrow. I looked at her confused then caught on and blushed.

“What’s with the empty bags?” I asked walking over to the shopping bags that held all my clothes

“I’m gonna help you pack for the tour when we get back from your goodbyes” she smirked

“Thanks” I smiled at her. “I don’t know what to wear. Wait” I ran to the door threw it opened and screamed “FRANKIE I NEED YOU!!!!”

He appeared out of breath and said “What?”

“Wanna Help us pick out my outfit?” I smirked he looked thought full but nodded then shoved into the room.

“Hey Frank” Chelsea said as she threw clothes all over the beds.

“Hey Chels” Frankie said as he scanned the clothes is eyes seemed to light up and he pointed to a lime green pair of shorts causing me to smile to.

<<< 15 minutes later >>>

I was now dressed in this . I was putting on a few layers of eyeliners, some shimmery white eye shadow, a touch pink lip-gloss, a bit of blush, and tons of mascara my favorite. I took my hair down and brushed into out before pulling it into a curly side ponytail. “Well?” I asked Chels and Frankie who sat on my clothes strewn across bed.

“We rock” Frankie said

“Totally” Chelsea said as they knuckle punched
I rolled my eyes and said “lets go. I’m sure Denise and Kevin are waiting” They hopped off the bed and I told Chelsea “You better help me pick up that mess”

“I will” She said in a duh voice

We walked into the living room and I saw Denise and Kevin chatting on the couch while sipping Starbucks. “Y’all ready?” I asked

“Yep” Kevin said standing. I turned to leave and noticed 2 LARGE suitcases sitting in the middle of the living room

“whose suitcases?” I asked completely confused

“Mine” Chelsea said and bit her lip

“What why do you…” I trailed off and looked at a radiant Denise who nodded her head.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” an ear splitting scream ripped from my throat as I catapulted myself on a laughing Chelsea “YOU”RE COMING WITH US!!!!!!!” I screamed and did a happy dance. I ran to Denise and hugged her tightly while repeating “Thank you” over and over again.
Denise pulled me back and said “No problem you and Chelsea are like sisters I would ever purposely separate you guys. You both are like my daughters” She smiled and gave me another hug.

“Ok let’s go and get the tears over with.” I said taking Kevin’s hand needing reassurance that I would be ok. “Unfortunately we will have to go to the school too”

“No one will be there” Chelsea said like it was no big deal

“I went to a school with lots of problematic kids my last day was May 22 because in on the honor role most kids last day was well is June 5 they aren’t out of class yet it is only May 25. Kevin won’t be able to go in the school he will get attacked.” I said playing with my fingers

“No” Kevin said taking my hand “We as in you and me will go to the school first and alone while my mom Frankie and Chelsea go to the restaurant we are eating lunch at we will meet you there in and hour or so mom” Kevin squeezed my hand and guided me out the door. A body guard came and flanked us as we walked he wasn’t Big Rob but he seemed ok. We went the same way Nick and I did last nightbodyguardinutes we were flying down the high way. I swallowed and Kevin cuddled my body closer to his telling me it would all be fine in the end. I knew it would be but at that moment I was afraid Kevin would find someone in that school better than me.

We arrived at the high school my personal hell from the last few months all the teasing and occasional beatings had torn me up inside the constant fear had changed me made me skittish and traumatized right when I had finally started getting over my past they tore me down once more. “Kevin” I whimpered

“Shh Babe it will be fine there are no paparazzi we weren’t followed I swear” he said stroking my cheek.

“Promise” My voice quivered I hated being venerable but with the Jonas family and Chelsea I was ok.

“Promise what?” he said in a soft soothing voice

I took a deep breath and said “Promise not to replace me with another girl” my voice was soft and sounded troubled

Kevin chuckled and said “No one could replace you Ivy. Now lets go Hun” I nodded I gulped seeing it was lunchtime which meant more kids would be milling around. We opened the
High school main door and I started leading the way towards the office when I heard some
one scream ‘oh my Jonas it is Kevin!!!’ I turned and saw one of Sasha’s, the girl who messed up my wrist, minions. I stiffened and Kevin wrapped an arm around me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked but it was to late Sasha and her 4 minions had already arrived

“Ivy darling ho are you I’ve missed you so much” Sasha grit out threw her teeth “Who’s this?”
Sasha said while eyes Kevin and twirling her hair

“This is Kevin” He squeezed me “the older brother of the little boy I now babysit. I’m finishing up the last month on tour with them and will probably live with them in L.A. after the tour. Frankie, the little boy I babysit, really likes me and so does his family they also like my best friend Chelsea so she is coming on tour too. Isn’t that great? And I owe it all to you if you hadn’t of dislocated my wrist and then left me stranded in the arena I would have never met Big Rob or Denise and Paul or Kevin or Frankie or Joe or Nick. So thank you Sasha I owe It all to you. Ok Kev lets hurry up we still have to meet you mom and Chelsea for lunch” I pushed threw the crowd of girls that had formed and lead Kevin by the hand to the office
“Bye Sasha have a nice life” I called over my shoulder

“SLUT” She yelled before stalking off. I giggled and Kevin just stood there stunned then he hugged me tight and said I handled the situation well. We walked into the office and started all the paperwork to take me officially out of that school.

Nick’s POV:

We arrived at the radio station I had spent the entire car ride staring out the window in my own little world I didn’t even notice we had stopped until Joe smacked the back of my head. I glared at him and he chuckled and said “Hey it finally got you out of dream land I said your name 6 times. By the way we are here.” Then he got out of the SUV to be bombarded by questions and camera flashes this was what Joe lived for, attention. I on the other hand could live without it that’s for sure.

I leaned up to Big Rob and said “Promise to take good care of Ivy’s locket?” I was so worried it would be destroyed.

Big Rob chuckled and said “Nick I will use all my body guard skills to protect it now go ill be back her in about half an hour”

I nodded slipped my sunglasses down onto my eyes put on a fake smile and stepped out into the chaos. I quickly rushed past the cameras and crazy fans screaming ‘I love you Nick’, ‘Nicky be mine’, ‘marry me Nicky’ and my personal favorite ‘I wanna have your babies Nicky.’ Not gonna lie some of our fans are insane, but we love the true fans. I slammed the doors behind me and let out a huge sigh of relief once I was inside the studio. Dad and Joe chuckled at me n I pulled a face at them. “Let’s go boys” Dad said and then added very quietly “Remember don’t say much about Ivy, only say her first name, and don’t talk about her past she wants it secret” Joe and I nodded as we were lead back to the Radio broadcasting center where we would have the interview. We sat down and shook hands with a decently chill woman and man and then sat down.

<<< After 15 Minutes of Basic Music/Carrier Questions>>>

“Ok here is the Jonas brothers hit “When You Look Me in the Eyes” then we will be back
with the 2/3 of the Jonas Brothers. Only on KISS FM” then then Ron the guy clicked a button
and said “Ok now we are gonna ask more about the tabloid stuff is that ok”

“Fine with us” I said with a shrug. I took a sip of my water bottle and then the son ended and ron aid into the mic “Hey this is Ron and Casey for Kiss FM and we have the one and only Nick and Joe Jonas with us today and we’ve been asking them some easy questions so now onto the harder stuff”

Casey took over “SO boys who is this ‘Mystery Girl’ that has been seen running around with you guys for the last 2 days”

“Casey you need to be specific from what I heard there are now 2 ‘mystery girls’. SO
boys care to enlighten our viewers.” Ron said with a light smirk

“Well they are Frankie’s new Nanny and her best friend” Joe said

“Can we have a bit more detail if you don’t mind?” Casey asked with a laugh

“The strawberry blonde is Ivy, Frakie’s new nanny, and the blonde is her best friend Chelsea they will both be going on our last month of tour with Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez, who is coming since they finished filming Wizards early and Demi is her best friend”

“Well, Well looks like the Jo Bros are being Dominated by little girls” Ron chuckled and we laughed along

“He worst part is the girls fight over Frankie on a daily basis it is really bad for my self esteem” Joe said with a chuckle

“HaHa Now Nick, you said the offical nanny is the reddish head, Ivy, is that correct?” Casey asked

“Yes that is correct” I said nodding my head gently

“What about the rumors?” Casey asked

“What rumors?” I asked although I had a pretty good idea

“You don’t know. Well there are rumors floating around that Ivy is dating You or Kevin and Chelsea may infact be dating Joe. apparently both you, Nick, and Kevin have been photographed several times with little Ivy, and Joe was seen being drug around the hotel your family is staying at by none other then Chelsea. So are Kevin and Ivy together?” Casey asked over excitedly

“Kevin and Ivy?” Joe said

“Together?” I finished and then we burst out laughing Ron and Casey looked confused after a good lugh I calmed down first and said “Ivy is 16 Kevin acts like her big brother he is overprotective and has been know to give daggers at anyone who dares to even look at Ivy. We asked them about that an they looked repulsed at the idea of dating one another Kevin even gagged they are strictly Brother and sister.”

“What about you and Chelsea, Joe?” Casey asked curiousity filling her voice

“We are strictly friends” He said nonchalantly then whispered so no one but me heard “for now”

“And you Nick?” Ron asked he must have noticed my dreamy face I had been thinking about last night I had woken up at about 4 and just stared at ivy and stroked her hair for about 15 minutes before falling back asleep. She was gorgeous when she slept.

“Hmm? I didn’t catch that” I said shaking my head to wake up a bit

“You and Ivy any Romance there?” Casey asked this time her eyebrow raised

“Just friends” I said simply I saw then what I did that simple phrase showed I wanted more from our current realationship.

“You hear that ladies just friends isn’t that one of y’all’s songs?” Casey asked with a smirk

I gulped and said “Yep”

“Well looks like we have run out of time, so here is “Just Friends” by the Jonas brothers. Guys want to say a quick goodbye”

“Yeah” I said “I’m Nick Jonas”

“And I’m Joe Jonas”

“And we are 2/3 of the Jonas Brothers Bye and have a good day” Joe and I said.

We got up and dad said “That was great but we are gonna have a lot more interviews and photo shoots now all these different magazines want Ivy and some even want both girl to join you boy in interviews and photo shoots” he kept rambaling to him self as we walked to the door.

Big Rob was there and he shook his head and whispered “we are picking it up after this next interview”

“Who is this interview with Dad?” Joe asked as he took out his phone no doubt to play a game on.

“E!” Dad said back as he answered his phone. We pushed threw the entrance doors and heard lots of shouts of ‘why can’t I be frankie’s Nanny’ and ‘I babysat for 12 years take me on tour.’ We just rolled our eyes got in the car and drove to our next destination.
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