Status: Incomplete, and no telling if or when will be finished. I would like to completely rewrite this

My Adventures as the Jonas Nanny

Chapter 9: Teary Goodbyes and Calls to Lawyers

<<<Back at the Homeless Shelter>>>

Denise’s POV:

Ivy squeezed my hand as she opened the door she called out “Mrs. Matthews” suddenly a stout older looking black woman came running out.

She threw her arms in the arm and tackled Ivy into a hug “Sugar babe you scared me don’t do that again I thought you were dead I was worried sick” the woman whipped at her eyes murmuring to herself.

“Hello” I said with a smile she looked up and her eyes widened and then she looked and saw everyone standing behind us.

“Ivy” Mrs. Matthews said hesitantly

“Momma M meet Kevin, Chelsea, Frankie” Ivy started and then she squeezed my hand and smiled at me before turning back to Mrs. Matthews “ and Denise. I have been staying with them and they offered my a job as Frankie’s Nanny.”

Mrs. Matthews smiled a teary bittersweet smile as she said “So you are leaving?”

Ivy nodded tears slipping down her face “Yeah Momma I found a home” Ivy said as she let go of my hand to wrap her arms around the older woman who was a good 2 inches shorter than Ivy’s tiny 5’ 2” frame. She hugged Mrs. Matthews before pulling back to sniffle and say “Momma I’m gonna miss you Papa so much I promise to come back some day” another sniffle before she quietly said “You and Papa and the daycare were my first family, but now I have to families. Always know I love you and can never tell you how grateful I am for all you have done for me, but we knew I would have to leave I’m just leaving a bit early” Ivy sniffled and whipped at both her and the older woman’s tears.

Mrs. Matthews sniffled and said “Go shake your little rump upstairs and pack up your room” Ivy nodded and then gestured for us to follow. Mrs. Matthews lightly grabbed my wrist as I was about to walk away. I looked at her and she tapped her nose I some how knew she wanted to talk to me in private.

She brought me into a tiny cozy study “Yes Mrs. Matthews” I asked confused in what she had to say.

She smiled wistfully at me before handing my a folder I peeked inside and noticed it held Ivy’s birth certificate social security card and passport I gaped knowing Ivy had runaway Mrs. Matthews chuckled before saying “Ivy is a bright girl snatched those from her foster parents before running away I keep them for safe keeping not the most trusting of people stop here.”
She sniffled then held my hand and looked into my eyes with her watery ones before starting again “Take care of our Ivy she has been here longer than any other child and we love her like our own, my husband and I. Do everything in your human power to keep the nightmares at bay” I looked at the old woman confused but she said nothing more just smiled at me before guiding me by the hand back into the main entry hall. Kevin carried a single bag and Ivy held in her hands a garment bag.

“Momma M” she said as she raised the bag and held it towards Mrs. Matthews “I want you to have it keep it as a reminder of me” Ivy held tears in her eyes and I looked at the smaller woman beside me only to see tears in her eyes.

Ivy’s POV:

I held one of my 2 prized possessions out toward Momma M. she smiled a teary smile at me and shook her head before saying “I intend to be there the day you wear it darling”

“But Momma-” I said rolling my eyes knowing that there was no way she could be there for such an event even if it happened.

“Hush child I intend to see you in that dress some day even if it is for a different occasion. You fought to keep that dress I will not keep it,” she said in her final tone.

I gave sigh and shook my head while saying “Fine Momma” I folded the dress over my arm. Tears poured down my cheeks as I walked towards Momma M and gave her a great big hug that she returned. “I’ll miss you Momma and I will come see you I promise” I kissed her cheek then pulled away she quickly whipped away my tears.

“Love you baby girl, take care I’m glad you found such wonderful people to take care of you” she smiled holding my face she kissed my fore head then ushered us to the door.

A tiny sob escaped my lips as I said “Bye Momma love you” I turned and opened the door Kevin cradled me in his free arm as we walked out I turned and waved chocking back another sob. I sniffled as I got into the car I waved as threw the open window as the car started I watch as Momma M slowly disappeared. I sobbed once before I heard some one unbuckle a seat before I knew it little arms wrapped around my neck and a weight sat in my lap.

I held tightly onto Frankie and cried onto his shoulder he cooed in my ear “Ivy shhh it will be ok it isn’t goodbye only see you later” then he gently hummed in my ear and stroked my head as my sobs finally stopped I looked up at Frankie red eyes and he smiled seeing no more tears.

He kissed my forehead and I said “Thanks Tank I owe you little man” I kissed his cheek and released my hold on him which allowed him to crawl back into his seat and re-buckle his seat belt.

Chelsea’s POV:

I watched Frankie comfort Ivy from the back where Kevin and I sat quietly I looked at him with concerned eyes and he looked back at me the same way. “Ivy Frankie Lets have a group hug back here yeah?” I asked Frankie’s eyes light up and Ivy cracked a smile she unbuckled and slid into the seat between Kevin and I then Frankie sat on Ivy’s lap. We all wrapped our arms tightly around Ivy and she giggled and hugged us each for a moment or two.

“Feel Better?” Kevin asked her

She nodded and said “A lot better”

“Ok I know curiosity killed the cat but I can’t stand it. What is in the garment bag?” I asked eyeing the black bag suspiciously

“My mother’s wedding dress” Ivy whispered while looking at the bag

“But how you ran away” Kevin asked

“On a different day I might explain” She said her eyes seemed almost pained “Would you like to see it?” her eyes glowing like normal once more

“Yes” I squealed I even saw Mrs. Jonas peek threw the rear view mirror in hopes of seeing the dress. Ivy set Frankie in his seat before sitting back in her own she to the bag of the hook in the ceiling she had hung into from. She smiled at me as she unzipped it and pulled out the most magnificent dress I had ever seen. I gasped along with Mrs. Jonas who was fully turned around now.

“My mother and I intended for me to wear it on my wedding day” Ivy murmured touching the silk to the dress. Tears dripped down her face as she whispered, “It was nearly impossible to keep this for so long”

“It is beautiful” Denise breathed as she gently touched the gown along with Ivy.

“Timeless” I added scanning the dress “What does the back look like?” I heard my voice ask but I was focused on the gown before my eyes. I glance at Ivy to see her slightly smirking

“Backless about as far as you can go the straps are thin strips of the softest silk lace and cross across your bare back it is gorgeous on” Ivy said sweetly as she looked at the dress.

“Have you ever worn it?” Denise asked quietly eyeing Ivy

“Never but I’ve always wanted to it would feel wrong to wear it when she isn’t here to see it on me” Ivy said as the tears returned

“Darling she would want you to wear her gown even if it is for fun because then she would see even more of herself in you even if she is no longer here on earth she is here in spirit. “ Denise said grabbing Ivy’s Hand

“Some day I will wear it and I want you Denise and you Chelsea to be there to help me into it” Ivy said squeezing Denise’s hand and taking a hold of mine.

Denise and I both nodded out heads tears rolling down our faces. “Of course” I choked out. We all sat back up and quickly whipped at our tears causing the boys to giggle.

The driver said in a deep voice “We will be at the day care in 2 minutes” we all nodded and prepared to go to the daycare Ivy worked at.

Ivy’s POV:

We arrived at the Oaks Child Care and I hoped out of the car and sprinted into the building it was small only having about 4 separate classes the ages ranged from 6 months to 7 years old. I had a special class at the end of the hall they were the “difficult” class but they were angels in my eyes. I sprinted down the hall and got to the door I opened it and popped in the Kids eyes bugged and they screamed “IVY” before I knew what was happening I was on the floor half in the classroom half in the hall I looked down the hall and saw Kevin Frankie Chelsea and Denise looking for me. I waved from the floor they smirked/smiled and started walking towards me. I looked down at my body and saw 5 smaller bodies on me. First was the brown heads and green eyes of the triplets 2 boys, Eric and Jason, and their sister Delilah they were all 5 and were known as the trouble makers in their last class but I thought they were just energetic and curious. Then I saw the black straight hair of little 4 year old Melody who was rumored to have made her last teacher cry so now she was in my class I laughed at the thought of her hurting anyone she was perfect you just had to show her respect and treat her like an adult and she loved you.

Finally I saw the tight white blond curls and Deep violet colored eyes of my little CeCe I almost broke down she was 7. I had been with her since I arrived at the shelter she was my baby. They place her in my class from the very first day we arrived together because she was to “Different” and would fit in better with the special mixed group but only because of her condition but that was fine with me she would have thrown a fit and wound up in my class anyways. I had been assigned to the bad class since no one could handle them and the day care though to throw the newbie at them only to have me be the best thing for my angels. Back to my little CeCe I’ve watched her since she was 3 for almost 4 years I had taken care of her I babysat her and her older brother when I first arrived in Houston. He brother was 12 and didn’t need me but he had refused to watch his baby sister claiming her had better things to do then take care of her problems. She was Diabetic like Nick. That’s where her troubles began she was terrified of the needles because her mother would stick her with her insulin without warning, terrifying Baby CeCe, and her mother didn’t give a shit about her tiny baby girl. Many times CeCe would stay with me at the shelter all weekend I would bring her back on Monday morning her day time sitter would just glance at us and then say “Her mother wandered what had happened to her she just assumed you were together once more” Then go on ignoring little CeCe. CeCe was tiny, looking more like 4 or 5 year-old then 7 year-old the others had gotten up but little CeCe still clung to me tears pouring out of her eyes.

“Never ever leave me again,” She sobbed just as Denise and the others arrived that made the eyes pour from my eyes I hushed her and stood up with her cradled in my arms.

“Shh CeCe baby hush I need you to meet some people” I turned little CeCe towards the others her tears had stopped along with mine.

“Will they make fun of me?” she whimpered thinking they would ridicule her for her condition

“No darling they wont I promise” I kissed her hair then turned my head to the others before saying “Guys this is CeCe. CeCe” her head didn’t raise from my neck “Celina” I said in a stronger voice she sighed and looked up “CeCe this is Kevin, Frankie, Denise, and Chelsea they are my new friends and part of my new family” hey each gave a little wave with their names.

CeCe gasped and said, “Do you not love me any more?”

“Oh god CeCe no my family has grown you Momma M and Papa M are still my family but now I have a bigger family” I groaned and held her closer

She sighed and gripped her heart “Good you scared me sissy” Denise raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I set CeCe on the ground and Frankie took in her lightly tanned skin, which was about the color of mine skin, her white blonde curls and her deep purple eyes.

“Lets go play” she ran off before he could answer he gaped before he took off after little CeCe.

“How old is she?” Kevin asked as he watched CeCe openly tease Frankie and Frankie appeared to be acting like a little love struck puppy always coming back for more.

“7” I said giggling as I watched CeCe throw a fit and Frankie scrambled to make it better for her he made it all better in moments. Suddenly a baby’s scream echoed from around the corner of the wall where the 2 baby cribs and the storage closet for all the toys were. It was Angelica’s cry I walked around the corner with open arms.

Ashlyn gasped and said “Thank god she wont stop” then she pounded her foot and handed me a screaming Angelica who was 8 months once in my arms she quit fussing and buried her face and hands in my hair. “I swear that kid only likes you” Ashlyn said sighing and leaning on the crib not occupied by Robert or Bert as we called him seeing as his favorite toy was a plush Ernie toy from sesame street. He was 19 months or so. Ashlyn gasped when the other 3 walked around the corner “Am I missing something?” she said
gesturing to the small group.

I laughed and said, “Ashlyn meet Denise Kevin Chelsea and Frankie ran off with my CeCe”

“huh” was all Ashlyn said she smiled and Kevin before turning back to me “You are
never allowed to leave me again only you can control this class the Triplets got into the chocolate pudding in the kitchen again” she said causing me to giggle she narrowed her eyes and continued “ Angelica has been screaming for 2 hours STRAIGHT” just then Angie giggled and looked at Ashlyn then turned back to my hair and fell back asleep Ashlyn glared at the baby then continued “ Melody don’t even get me started she started terroeizing the other classes and made 2 little boys and 3 little girls cry how she did it I don’t know and finally CeCe is refusing her shots again” Ashlyn sighed before handing me CeCe’s Bright teal and Purple insulin kit. I laid Angelica down and she fell right back to sleep making Ashlyn glare at her once more. “Celina” I called

“Yes” she said smiling innocently with her face painted I glanced and saw Frankie had his done too. I held up her kit with a disappointed look her eyes widened and she stuttered “I d-don’t let any one but y-y-you please don’t be mad at me” she looked near tears.

“Have you eaten anything?” I questioned knowing the answer she shook her head “Celina Rose” I groaned.

“Sorry” she said looking at her bare feet we would have to hunt down her shoes.

“Come her we need to do this” I took her hand and set her on the counter in the back of the classroom the kids used the sink in the counter to wash up before lunch and snack. “First we check” I pricked her finger and saw it was dangerously high. I sighed “no more you must let Ashlyn give you your shot and you must eat ok baby” she nodded and looked at the needle afraid. “Shh” I whispered as she whimpered. I lifted her shirt and kissed just below her belly button I touched the needle to her skin and said “Prick” as I pressed it in she whimpered as I gave her the medicine I quickly pulled out the needle and kissed the spot before holding a cotton bal to it for a few seconds. “Band aid or no Band aid?” I asked holding up Hello Kitty and Rainbow band aids for her t choose from if she wanted

“HELLO KITTY!!!!” she said happily clapping her hands. I pulled out a band aid stuck it on her tummy before setting her on the ground and lightly kicking her bum gesturing towards where Frankie was waiting her cheeks turned pink. After a moment she called “Frankie come watch me so the splits and my cheer stuff”

Frankie grinned and said “Ok” chasing CeCe towards the open area in the room. I turned toward her insulin kit and began to quietly clean everything up tears streamed down my face as I did this. I whipped furiously at my tears before setting CeCe insulin kit back on its spot on the counter nearest the cubbies. I sniffled and Ashlyn noticed.

“Ivy what’s wrong dolly?” she asked using you nick name I smiled threw ny tears at her.

I sniffled again and said “I’m leaving”

“What?!?!” Ashlyn gasped I only nodded “Are you leaving with the Jonas Family?” Kevin gaped a her probably surprised she hadn’t attacked since she knew who he was. She giggled and said “Yes Kevin I know who you are. It isn’t that big of a deal your still a person. Ivy are you leaving with them?” she asked smiling. I nodded tears flowing down my face. She squealed and wrapped her arms tightly around me she whispered “You deserve this baby girl. You deserve the chance to be in the stop light and you deserve the chance to live and be loved. I know this will be hard but you need to leave this place fly but make sure to come back for the winters ok?”

“Of Course” I gasped “and you must gie Kevin your cell number so I can call you when I need you Big sis” I leaned in and whispered to her “and so you can get it on with the oldest Jonas grrr” She blushed and slapped my arm.

“I do think he is cute think he would be into me?” she asked in a whisper

“Defiantely” Chelsea said we looked at her “What it is true” she said smiling we all giggled and Ashlyn went over to talk to Kevin.

Chelsea wrapped her arms tightly around me as I watched Little CeCe show Frankie all her cheer moves.i laughed at how much Frankie’s 4’ 5” fram towered over little bitty CeCe’s 3’ 10” frame. Frankie gawked at CeCe as she did a cart wheel and then a round off right afterwards the scariest part was that she had taught herself how to do all the tricks I watch as the kids all gathered around and cheered her on as she brought her leg straight above her leg. Denise smiled and watched CeCe do her thing Kevin and Ashlyn looked very cozy in the corner over my Bert and Angelica. Chelsea still cradled my 5’2” frame against her own 5’ 7” frame as we watched CeCe. “How am I gonna tell her” I finally sniffled out. Kevin and Ashlyn came back over and Kevin had a huge grin while Ashlyn smiled and blushed. I raised and eyebrow no doubt still having tear streaks on my face.

CeCe finished her routine and gave a grand bow before skipping over to me Frankie hot on her trail. “Did you see Sissy?” she asked smiling bightly her curls a bit disheveled and she still had face paint on.

I smiled and said “Of Course I did baby’

“Why are you crying?” she asked concerned. I wiggled out of Chelsea’s armas and saw on the floor my back against the bright bule cabinets below the counter.

I held my arms out to CeCe she bound into them and I held her tightly against my body before saying “Celina baby girl I have to go” my voice craked on the last word

“What?” she gasped out as she gasped for air “Sissy you cant leave me” she clung to me and I held her back rocking us as we sobbed.

“I wish I didn’t have to leave you but I need to.” I sobbed into her now damp curls

“No” she whimpered “You cant leave me with her I don’t want her I want you please she hates me take me with you away from my monster and Brandon. Please just don’t leave me” she sobbed gripping my shirt

“Her? Monster?” Denise said quietly holding an upset Frankie.

“Her mother” I whispered

“no” Celina said strongly “She is a monster you saw what she did last Christmas I am not a dog. I’m a little girl a mother loves her little girl she doesn’t throw her outside because she is different. That monster isn’t my mother” then her voice cracked and she went back to sobbing saying “Sissy you promised never to leave me” over and over

I cracked and looked at Denise gripping Celina “I cant leave her she is my baby” Frankie wiggled and squirmed until his mom was forced to put him down he flung himself at CeCe and wrapped his arms around her back hugging her tightly I watched as one of her hands left my neck and laced their finger together.

“Mommy” Frankie begged now crying. Ashlyn bless her had taken the other kids outside to give us some privacy. Frankie began again “Don’t make us leave her behind she is to sweet”

“I have an idea” Kevin said softly he had been gazing down at Bert’s thick black hair.

“Yes?” Denise asked sounding distressed

“Call the lawyers have them speak to her Mother see if we or even Ivy can gin guardianship over CeCe, but she would have to stay here with her Mother until everything was worked out it would only take a few weeks probably be over before the tour” he shrugged and lightly touched Bert’s back before walking towards Denise

“Denise” I choked “Take your clothes and gifts give them to Chelsea hav her be your nanny I will just stay here it is fine”

“Never” Denise said in a huff she whipped out a cell phone and placed a call then walked out the door into the hall way. “We have more than enough money for 3 more people 3 more daughters I talked to the lawyers they said if the Mother cowaperates and easily gives CeCe over she will be with us in 2 weeks or less. CeCe would you want to live with Frankie and my family?”

CeCe leapt from my arms and hugged Denise’s waist while saying “Yes only if you will be my mommy and Ivy has to still be my sissy”

“of course angel” Denise cooed picking CeCe up and giving her and Eskimo kiss which made CeCe giggled like mad.

“CeCe” I asked

“Yes” she said as Denise set her down and she walked and sat on my lap

“Can you wait 2 weeks?” she nodded “you must eat and let Ashlyn give you your shots” She quit nodding and looked sceptical “and after 2 weeks you will get to be away from your monster and stay with me and Frankie forever and always.” She nodded once more I sighed and added “Promise you can be good?” she smiled and nodded “I will try to call you when I can Cupcake” I smiled at her nickname

“Ok Frosting” she answered back I held out a pink and we did our handshake we giggled in the end I set her in the floor next to Frankie who was aimlessly coloring. CeCe took his crayon and stuck her tongue out at his stunned face. He only gaped and I smiled at what a flirt she was. I stood up and wrapped my arms tightly around Denise. “You have been far to good and far to kind to me” I whispered

“You deserve it my girl” was all she said as we slowly swayed together in a long hug.

Nick’s POV:

Joe flung pen the hotel room door and screamed “Finally no screaming”

“Except for yours” I said with a smirk as I went to lay down and wait for Ivy to give her the locket and the ring.

I got to our shared room and laid my head on the pillow even though it was only 4 o’clock I closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep. Ivy’s locket and new secret ring sat raising and falling on my chest.
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