Pretty Boys + Car Crashes = PENGUINS!

I'm not sure what the title means... I didn't change it, because it's not my story. I asked my friend on MySpace if I could continue it for her, because she decided she wasn't going to.

So... the first five chapters, I believe, are written by her, editted by me. And after that, I suppose it's my turn. Oh, summary? From what I can gather...

All Mel Hawthorn wants is ice cream. Is that really too much for a girl to ask? But what she gets is a boy... Well, technically.

She hit said boy with a car she wasn't even supposed to be driving, a car she stole temporarily from her brother. One she's driving without a license. What else can go wrong?

How about the boy claiming she's trying to rape him, when all she's done is rescue him from the night? That wasn't too terrible of her, was it?

This boy seems to have some tricks up his sleeve.

This is her Quizilla link:
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