Pretty Boys + Car Crashes = PENGUINS!


"Why do the little things always seem to hurt so much?" I murmured. I was throwing obvious hints to my best friend, Kaia, but her voice in the phone simply stayed its normal, chipper self. She wasn't helping.

"Get over it Mel. I mean, come on. It's not like it wasn't obvious that he didn't have a girlfriend already."

...Ouch. I twitched. What do you mean...already had a girlfriend... Am I oblivious to everything, or what? Quickly, I shook my head to clear it and gave one of those 'Come on, I need pretty boys to goggle at and ice cream' sighs, and then countered to Kaia's response. "Alright already... But will you please give me some mercy here? My heart was just trampled on."

I could just see her eyes rolling on the other end of the phone receiver. She was like that. A sigh. "Fine... We'll go to the mall. I'll buy you an ice cream, but only if you promise to stop talking about that idiot, Nick." Her voice was cross, it kind of hurt. Sheesh.

Yeah... My best friend doesn't deal with people's problems. She buys them things and hopes the problems leave. Not that I always mind or anything, but still... This time, though? It worked.

...Ice cream!!! My subconscious mind could be quite simple at times. A smile spread across my face. "M'kay!" I squealed happily. The current situation completely slipped my mind. Who cares about thoughtless boys, when you can have ice cream!? I jumped up into a sitting position on my bed. "I'll be at your house in an hour!"

Without waiting for a response, I quickly closed my cell phone. Unconsciously, I flinched as it snapped shut much rougher than I meant for it to. So I was excited. Although it had to of been one of my most prized possessions on the human world, I could be pretty rough with it. Oops?

For the last sixteen years of my life... err, my whole life, I've been alone. Well... not entirely if you consider pity and anything before middle school. Which totally does not count, at all. I had bad luck with both relationships and guys in general, no matter what the situation. Who I blame? I don't think it matters.

Happy thoughts floated around me as I thought only of the delicious ice cream that awaited me. I jumped down onto my hard wood floor and stretched. A yawn shoved its way past my lips as I made my way over to the bathroom on the opposite side of my room. I should probably tidy up soon... it's turning into a royal mess.Yeah, I wasn't the most organized person in the world. So what?

I studied myself in the full length mirror attached to the back of my door. Mel Hathorn, never had a cavity in my life. My long, straight brown hair, streaked with a fading red, hung in my odd hazel colored eyes - it had a tendency to do that. I'm not fat, but I'm not really thin either. I have a pretty modest figure. For my fifth Halloween, I dressed up like the pink power ranger, and I tackled a kid in my kindergarten class for making fun of me because of it. It was pretty epic.

I was out of the shower in a few minutes, and I didn't bother to dry my hair afterwards. It simply went up into a tight, sloppy bun to keep it out of the way as I brushed my teeth and put on a smooth layer of black eyeliner. Done with that, I rummaged through my dresser, snatched up the first outfit I came across, and put it on. Today, it happened to be a snuggly fitting band-tee, with randomized 'Panic! At the Disco' lyrics on it, and a pair of jeans. Then, I tried unsuccessfully for roughly two seconds to brush through my hair. It wouldn't cooperate. Ehh, it would stay up. No worries. I was ready.

"Going out!" I shouted to my older brother, Sam, through his closed door as I ran down the stairs.

He hurriedly opened the door. His brown eyes followed me, behind thick rimmed glasses and dark brown hair. A coffee mug was clutched in his hand. "Call me if you'll be out after ten!" He shouted after me, and then went back to his computer to work.

Yes, both of us shared a house. Our parents died a few years ago. Sob story? Not really. We managed.

I heard him and nodded, even though he couldn't see my response as I left our house. Unfortunately, I didn't have a car at my disposal, so the trip to Kaia's house would take a little longer than I anticipated. Crap. Crap. Crap. Unless...

I grinned darkly as I gazed over to my brother's parked Mustang. He owed me. Big time. I don't remember for what quite yet, but dadgummit he owed me. Oh...that's right. I put up with him everyday... There it was. He owed me for that, huge. I giggled as I gingerly took out my keys from my messenger bag, which I happened to carry almost everywhere with me.

His own fault for giving me a set of keys... Right? I do believe I am correct. Humming to myself, I set off on my journey, sure to turn up the volume to one of my favorite radio stations; 89X

Driving Driving... Yes I'm driving... Teehee

Yeah, yeah, I know... It's pretty sad how I can go from a stage of complete devastation to that of a happy-go-lucky fiend. Eh... I'm just cool like that I guess.

Singing loudly along with a recent song by 'Jimmy Eat World,' I made the mistake of taking my eyes off of the road. Within seconds, I terribly regretted. I mean, there I was...

"Take my pain away
It's a lie
A kiss with open eyes
And she's not breathing back
I won't let it bother me!"

And yeah, I screeched out the last part. I closed my eyes for a milli-second (I swear! It was only a milli-second!) and then I felt it.


"Holy Sh-" I brought the car to an abrupt stop, seeing the teenaged boy on the hood of my brothers Mustang.

"Oh my Gosh!!! Are you okay!?!" I screamed, running outside and turning the boy over on top of the car. He was unmistakably unconscious. I frowned, flustered, as I checked his vital signs.

"Thank goodness..." I murmured under my breath, feeling a heart beat. I looked him over with a small gasp. Not because of any blood, because there thankfully wasn't any. I gasped for another reason entirely...

This boy was clearly beautiful. Although his black hair hung softly in his face, his features were angelic. Smooth, clear skin, cleverly shaped black eyebrows, and a perfectly sculpted nose. And that's not even beginning to say anything about his body...

Wait? What am I doing? Shouldn't I be getting this boy to a hospital or something? Oh crap. I am so screwed. Something told me that I probably wouldn't be getting my ice cream any time soon...
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not mine [: