Status: Completed! Comments please!

From Nerd to Hottie

The End

Today was graduation day and I was extremely sad. I know many people would be very happy on this day, but the fact that I might not see my friends for a very long time was ruining my happiness. I got dressed and put makeup on. I felt something wet on my cheek, so I touched it and found out it was a teardrop. I wiped it away, fixed my makeup, grabbed my keys, and I was out the door.

I walked to my car, got in, and slowly drove towards the school, where the graduation ceremony is taking place. Everyone was there already and the ceremony was about to start. I put my graduation gown on and took my seat. The principal was going in alphabetical order, so of course I would go near the end. When my turn came, all my friends clapped very hard. Tears started to fill my eyes, I would miss this life.

After the ceremony, we all took pictures together. We all decided to go get some food, because everyone was very hungry. Majority, everyone except Arden, wanted pizza, so that's what we got. By the time we got to the pizza place, my hunger had vanished. I hadn't eaten in many hours, but the sorrow I was feeling had ruined my appetite.

"Let's get pepperoni!" Leo said.
"No way! Cheese rocks!" Arden yelled.
"Yeah, right! We are getting Mushrooms, Olives, and Anchovies!" Keilyn said, and everyone looked at her like she had five heads.
"What?" She asked.

We all just shook our heads and we started laughing, even I did. I decided I might as well enjoy the last moments I have with my friends, instead of being sad. We finished our pizzas and we left. We went to our own houses but Arden decided to stay over at Keilyn's house. Alex decided to come with me to my house.

By the time I had gotten home, tears were filling my eyes again. I got out of the car and looked down, I could see the drops fall to the ground. Alex put his arm around me and I started to cry harder. We went inside the house, and Alex was still comforting me. Next thing, I knew I fell asleep.

I woke up to find Alex's arm around me. I slipped out of his grasp and went to the bathroom. You could see my tear streaks and I decided to clean up. I heard a noise, so I decided to check it out and found all my friends there, with bucket that used to be full of water, and a drenched Alex.

"Dang it! We wanted to get you too, Caden!" Arden said, and I started to laugh.

Next thing I knew I was drenched too, which made me laugh even harder.

"It's a good thing we brought two buckets of water," Keilyn said, while laughing.

We all started to laugh and I went over to Alex, and hugged him. This is the life I would miss.

All of us hung out practically everyday, trying to enjoy our lives in the little amount of time that we had. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Soon summer was over and it was time for everyone to leave. They were leaving before classes started, so they could get settled in. Keilyn and Rian were the first to leave, and I was crying then, but they were trying to be strong. Emily and Zach were next, and the same thing happened. We drove Arden and Leo to Stanford and there were some tears shed.

After all the goodbyes, I was sad, but happy. Sad because I lost many of my new friends. Happy that I still had Alex, Aelis, and Cyrus.

September 1st
Dear Diary,

Classes have started for Alex and me. I was enjoying it, because I had made some new friends.

Phone calls used to come everyday from Keilyn, Rian, Emily, Zach, Arden, and Leo, but now they come once a week. Arden and Leo visit almost every weekend.

Oh, I forgot to mention this, Cyrus and Aelis had gotten married. Arden and Keilyn planned most of it. Aelis is getting pretty big now. We are still thinking of names for the child. They live with us, because they got kicked out of their houses. Cyrus goes to a nearby college, and he has a part-time job.

Jake and Audri were arrested for kidnapping and assault. They have a 5 year sentence.

My life is finally going right, and hopefully it will stay like this. I have to go now, Alex and I are going to dinner! It's been seven years, since we first met! What started out as friendship, turned into something so much more!

♠ ♠ ♠
The End!
I had no idea how to end this story, but somehow I did.
Thank you to all my readers, commenters, and subscribers! I love you all very much!
I need comments, if you want a sequel! Please comment if you don't want one too!
Hope you guys liked the story! Comment and tell me what you thought of it!
Love you guys very much!
Please read my other story, Love + Hate = Chaos! Please and Thank you!