I Miss You More Than I Did Yesterday....

Gerard's P.O.V

'Oh wow I wouldnt wanna be the person your thinking about.' Frank said as he stumbled sleepily into the kitchen. 'Huh why?' I asked a little shocked at Frank sudden appearance. 'Well you just seem all grumpy or disappointed about whoever it is your thinking about.' Frank expalined, 'So who were you thinking about?' he asked. I could feel my face turning red. I was thinking about him but I couldnt tell him that it would be just too weird. 'Oh well I was just thinking about what I'm gonna do tonight thats all. I dont have anything planned until tomorrow night.' I finally replied. Frank just looked at me for a minute before ha said 'Tomorrow? What do have planned for tomorrow?'
'Didnt I tell you I have a date tomorrow night?' I asked. At first Frank looked like his heart was torn out of his body before he said 'No actually you didnt. Oh and I have a date tomorrow as well.'
'Really who with do I know her?' I asked wondering who it could be this time.
'No actually I dont even know her. I met her on the net.' Frank said a little sheepishly like he just admitted his biggest secret and wasnt sure of how I would take it. Well actually I was taking it pretty well. Well no Im actually feeling really crushed. I WANNA GO OUT WITH FRANK!!!!!!!!!! I screamed to my self on the inside. Oh my god did I just admit that to my self? No I couldnt have. Its not right Frank is just my brothers best friend. Nothing more than Mikey's best friend. He's more like a younger brother to me that's all. Nothing more. I think.