I Miss You More Than I Did Yesterday....

Gerard's P.O.V

He just licked me. Oh my god he just licked me for no reason at all. Damn you Frank why did you have to do that? Look where you made me end up in a cold shower to make me stop thinking about you and your sweet tongue touching my skin. I so gotta stop thinking about Frank but I just cant. Maybe I should just cancel my date for tomorrow night. Should I or shouldnt I? You know what Im not not gonna cancel on Anthony he seems like such a nice guy. Besides I cant just sit at home and wallow about Frank. He has his own life and i have mine.

As Im on my way up the stairs to my room after I get out of the shower Frank comes out of his room and asks 'So you given any thought as to what your gonna do tonight? Coz if you still hadnt decided do you wanna come to the movies with me and Mikey?' I just looked at him for a second not really knowing what I should say. Is he asking me out on a date or just as friends? Wait it would only be as friends I mean Mikey is coming as well and all so I answered 'Oh I dont know how fun would it be to have the older brother hanging out with his younger brother and friend.' Frank just looked a little upset but said,
'Hey thats cool we'll let ya know what the movie is like if you want.' He was about to turn away but I called him abck and said 'You know what I think I might join you if you dont mind. I dont really wanna hang arounf\d here all night by myself.' Franks face seemed to light up at my response and said 'Okay then I'll go let Mikey know that you're coming"
'Hey wait what time are we leaving?' I asked just to drag out the conversation for as long as I possibly could. 'Oh yeah I guess that information would be useful wouldnt it?' Frank said with a laugh. Gosh does he look hot when he laughs. 'Well Mikes said he wants to leave about five so we can catch either the five thirty or the six o'clock movie. Is that cool? Or not?'
'Nah thats cool I just wanted to head down to the shops today thats all. I wanted to get that bat belt I was looking at the other week. Were you with me when I was looking at the belt or was it Ray?' I asked.
'No it was me. D o you mind if I tag along with you? I need to get some more eyeliner Im almost out.' Frank asked I had to control my self I was about to yell out yes. So just nodded to hide my excitement. Frank just said 'Cool when are you leaving?' and I said, 'In about an hour so you better hurry up and get ready.' Frank nodded and and turned and went to find Mikey but before he left he said, 'You wouldnt happen to know where Mikey is do you?' I just looked at him before I said, 'He should be up stairs! I dont think he's actually emerged from his bedroom yet.' Frank just nodded his thanks and we made our way up the stairs in silence. I wanted to say something anything but I just couldnt. I just hope we're not like this when we are at the shops.