I Miss You More Than I Did Yesterday....

Franks P.O.V

Man why is everything so weird between us? Gerard cant have feelings for me. He just thinks of me as Mikey's best friend and probably a younger brother figure. Only because I always seem to be around them all the time. And I do basically live with them as well. I only hope that when we are at the shops we're not like this also tonight I hope its not so awkward. We reached Gerard's room and he said 'Okay Im gonna get ready now so make sure your ready by the time Im back down in the kitchen okay' I just nodded and walked over to Mikey's door and knocked he grunted and opened the door and said 'Gee said he's gonna come to the movies with us tonight. I asked him if thats alright with you. Oh and before I forget we are heading down to the shops in about an hour or so. We both need to get some things okay. So we will see you when we get back okay.' Mikey just looked at me and said in a whisper 'So have you asked him out yet?' I just picked up whatever was closest to me and threw it at his head and said 'Shut up okay and no I havent cause he still dont know that I like him. And you better not tell him either. But if I was to tell him how would I tell him?' Mikey just smiled and said 'How bout tonight... I can pretend to be asleep well knowing me I really will fall asleep anyway half way through the movie lean your head on his shoulder and see what he does. If he pushes you away then you know he dont like you but if he leaves you and rests his head oh yours then you know that he likes you back...' Mikey said a huge grin on his face. 'And how do you know all this?' I questioned not really believing what I was hearing. 'Because Ive seen him do it a million times round before. Now trust me. Anyway you dont wanna keep your prince charming waiting any longer now do you? Go get ready and I'll see you when you get back then we can head to the movies.' Mikey said with a devilish grin on his face. I just nodded and headed down the hall towards my room to get ready. I just pulled on my black skinny leg jeans on and my homophobia is gay t-shirt and pulled on my shoes then headed down to the kitchen and found Gerard in there already. 'You ready?' he asked and stole a glance at what I was wearing. That was totally weird. But I didnt think anything of it. I nodded and Gerard and I headed out the door and to the car.