10 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black

11 Ways to Annoy Rosalie Hale

11)Tell her that Emmett fell in love with a human much prettier than her.
10)Tell her that Emmett and Jacob are best friends
9)Tell her that Leah imprinted on Emmett
8)Throw out all her clothes and leave greasy farmer's clothes
7)Give her the book "How to be a b*tch for dummies"
6)Tell her that Jacob imprinted on her
5)Tell her, "Guess what? Alice is pregnant and so am I!!"
4)Ask her, "If you and Jasper are twins, why is he so much prettier than you?"
3)Follow her around all day. When she asks you what you're doing, say, "I'm just trying to figure out how a vampire could be so freaking UGLY!!"
2)Tell her that Emmett fell in love with Esme and Carlisle has a crush on her.
And finally the number one way to annoy Rosalie Hale
1)Dress in ratty, old, holey greasy clothes and Bubba teeth. Mat your hair and run around her house saying, "LOOK AT ME!!! I'M ROSALIE!!!"
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Like the other two, also posted on quizilla.com, same username