10 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black

10 Ways to Annoy Jasper Hale

10)Tell him only girls feel emotions. Then giggle and run away.
9)If he gets too close, tell him, "I have some stakes in my pocket."
8)When he least expects it, jump out and spray him with Holy Water
7)Call him a "cold-hearted, un-sensitive, un-feeling freak"
6)Put him in a room of twelve over moody middle schoolers
5)Tell him you have a surprise for him, and then wave a very pretty human girl in front of his face, whispering "She'll probably taste delicious!"
4)When he backs away, say "Come ON! YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!"
3)When he still says no, scream "BUT SHE TASTES LIKE CHICKEN!"
2)If he says he doesn't like chicken, say "EAT MORE COWS!"
And finally, the number one way to annoy Jasper Hale
1)Send out waves of lust and watch his reaction
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Just like the other three, also posted on quizilla.com, same username