10 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black

20 Ways to Annoy Bella Swan

20)Tell her Edward went cliff diving....into an ocean of kerosene and you did her a favor by "accidentally" dropping a lit match after him
19)Tell her that Edward left her for Jane
18)Tell her Jane dumped him
17)Tell her he went to Victoria
16)When she says, "Victoria's dead!" say, "I know." and walk off
15)Put in red contacts and go up to Bella screaming, "Look what Edward did to me!!!! I am so happy!!"
14)Put a fake dog tail in her sandwich and when she finds it, "I'm guessing that's not turkey...Poor Jacob.."
13)When she complains about not being a vampire throw glitter on her and exclaim drily, "You happy now..?"
12)Tell her that her truck is as old as Edward then say, "Wow, they are both a piece of crap."
11)Tell her that Edward said he stopped preferring brunettes and went back to Tanya.
10)Kiss Edward
9)On her birthday, pat her on the back and say, "Another year older.......than Edward."
8)Tell her that Edward went to the Volturi just to get away from her
7)You go shopping with Alice. Drag her along.
6)Every time Bella comes up to you, call her "Isabella Marie Swan"
5)Tell her that James and Victoria were paid to kill her....by Edward
4)Go up to her and say, "At least I don't need anyone to protect me."
3)Get the pack to say, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh....."
2)Walk in on an Edward/Bella makeout session and scream, "Omigod!! Edward is trying to EAT Bella's FACE!!"
And finally the number one way to annoy Bella Swan
1)Kiss Edward again
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just as the last ones, also posted on quizilla.com, same username, this one is probably my favorite