10 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black

12 Ways to Annoy Emmett Cullen

12)Ask if he is on steriods
11)Tell him he has grizzly in his teeth
10)Tell him a real boyfriend would fix his girlfriend's car, and nnot the other way around
9)Steal his Jeep and crash it....on accident (wink, wink)
8)Tell him you can break way more houses than he and Rose can
7)Tell him that Jacob imprinted on Rose and she left him
6)Tell him that Rose is cheating on him. After he is done ripping the house down, tell him you were only kidding and run behind Carlisle, giggling.
5)Tell him that he uses his muscles for brains, and that his muscles aren't too smart.
4)Stalk him, and call his name. Whne he turns around, hide.
3)Ask him if he is overcompensating for something with his Jeep
2)Ask him if he is overcompensating for something with his muscles
And the number one way to annoy Emmett Cullen
1)When he denies the above two claims, say, "Thats not what Rosalie saaaaiiiid!!!!"
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same as the other ones, also posted on quizilla.com, same username, i rewrote one of the ways to annoy Edward for Emmett