Rest Thy Bones with I

Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty-two
Mikey and I reappeared into a dark hall on the forth floor right under the prison cell. With any luck the witches wouldn’t have noticed that Frank went missing. We looked down one end or the hallway and down the other. No one was coming. We started to walk quietly towards the first of the bedrooms on the floor. We were going to round up all the vampires trapped in the house, find weapons and attack the witches. I felt to see if people were behind the door. Two vampires were. We opened the door to see Angel and one of the cooks tied up on the bed. We untied them quickly and told them our plan. I vanished them to the weapon room while Mikey hid in the closet. We continued on our way one floor at a time. Finally we came to the floor with Gerard and my room on it. I felt to see if anyone was in my room, Haven. I curled my lip and stormed into the room with Mikey behind me. Haven and three witch knights sat on our bed talking. I threw a energy ball at one of the knights hurling him against the wall to let them know I was back. Mikey set another witch knight on fire as I went to Haven. She put up a protecting barrier. As hard as I might I couldn’t break it down. Finally I was so tired I was ready to give up and tried one last spell. I summoned the long dead great witches of the past to break the barrier. Slowly the barrier broke and Haven was mine. I stalked towards her, she tried to put up another barrier but she was too weak. I picked her up by her neck with my new found strength.
“Where is my husband?” I asked my hand wrapped tightly around her neck.
“The basement.” She chocked out. I dropped her to the floor. “Kill her.” I said to Mikey. He blasted a fire ball at her and Heaven was no more.
We vanished to the basement. In the gloom I could barely make out the small cell that was used in medieval times in the corner. Metal bars enclosed one corner of the room, and it was the darkest corner of all of them. I walked over to it. In one corner was a small mass. I lifted my hand to unlock the lock, but it wouldn’t come, I kept trying and finally got it to come up. I walked to the mass.
“Gerard? Gerard, are you ok?” I asked kneeling down and shaking him gently. His arm fell off. It wasn’t Gerard. It was a trap.
“Mikey?” I cried.
“Mikey? Is that this pathetic piece of trash’s name?” came Piton, the High Duke of the witches as well as Raymond’s right hand man. He came into the little amount of light provided in the basement. Mikey was standing next to him, gagged and tied up.
“Bitch.” I said referring to Heaven.
“Now now you’re Highness.” He said mockingly. “What kind of language is that for a High Empress?”
“Bite me.” I said to him.
“Hmmm, I don’t bite things that are too low for the dogs to scratch.” He said waving a hand and causing me to fly against the wall.
“You do these kind of things to pregnant women do you Piton?” I asked standing up.
“To pregnant women? Never.” He said. “Just vermin who deserve it.” I waved my hand so fiercely that he hit the wall with such force that his false teeth popped out. You see Piton had seen better days. He was about sixty years old and about as mean as a junk yard dog. He got up quickly and called for the guards. Five men where coming on to me. I flew one against the wall and another I turned into an ant and squished him. The other three grabbed me and shackled me to the wall. Mikey was next to me with a black eye. I curse and screamed until my voice gave out.
“His highness King Raymond will be down shortly to kill you two.” Piton said smiling. “Oh, and Aidene. Don’t try to spell your way out of this. You won’t be able to.” He said laughing and leaving with two of the guards. The third one stood at the door to watch us. I thought for a long time until I finally came to a plan.
“Mikey? Mikey?” I whispered.
“What?” he whispered back.
“Do they know about your witch powers?” I asked telepathically.
“How did you know I would be able to read minds?” he asked back the same way I had just spoken to him.
“I didn’t. It was a chance.” I said back.
“Won’t the guard be able to tap in or something?” he asked.
“No, I but a privacy spell over the cell.” I said to him and smiled. “So do they?”
“I don’t think so.” He said slowly.
“Good. I want you to melt your shackles and then melt mine. But do it discretely. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.” I replied looking over at the guard.
“I don’t know if I can.” Mikey said sadly.
“Try Mikey, try!” I cried. He nodded and closed his eyes in his effort to melt the iron. Soon the iron was hot with heat, he winced from the burns and finally the iron turned to a liquid and bubbled down to the floor. He slid over to me and closed his eyes. Heat escaped from his hands and onto the iron. It got hotter and hotter until it felt like my skin was searing off. I resisted the urge to scream and soon the iron was on the floor in a liquid state.
“Ok, now we have to get the guards attention so he’ll open the cell and then we can get out and vanish out of here.” I said to Mikey telepathically. Before he had a chance to respond I started screaming.
“AH, my god. The baby’s coming!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Mikey looked at me, confessed for a minute than understood.
“Don’t panic Aidene, stay calm.” He yelled to me.
“What are you to yelling about?” the guard asked walking over to the cell door.
“My baby is coming. It will be out any minute now. Please unshackle me so I can hold my baby once before I die. Please.” I said tears running down my cheeks.
“Fine, you vile monster.” He said opening the door and walking over to me. He walked past Mikey and bent down over me to unshackle me.
“Now!” I said to Mikey in his head. He threw a ball of fire at the guard and we both ran out of the cell. Footsteps sounded on the stairs.
“Where are we going to go?” Mikey asked. I thought for a moment.
“Dayla’s room.” I said just picking a place where I thought the least number of guards would be. We vanished to her room as Raymond and Piton walked down the last step.