Status: I'm sorry I haven't been updating. My brain just isn't thinking rightly enough for me to post chapter three. I keep writing and then deleting.. Sorry once again. :(

Her Mistakes

So Many Questions In Such Precious Time

Angelique scowled at herself for being so blind, so foolish, and so stupid!

She was so infatuated with Raze that she didn't ask for a name, she had asked him nothing.
Maybe if she had asked him questions she wouldn't be in the position she was in now Angelique might have realized that this dude was too good to be true, and maybe she would have her life back.

Angelique took deep, calming breaths to calm her down; she refused to show him that he hurt her. "Ariel, how long have you known... Raze?" Angel spat his name and Ariel looked at Angelique puzzled "About three years ago, why?" Angelique narrowed her eyes waving her hand in a dismissive way "Just curious."

What are his ulterior motives? Why is he hanging out with these humans? But the question that is killing me is why hasn't he slaughtered them after that amount of time? these useless questions swarmed her head, she knew she'd never know why he's here, unless he told her of course; it was highly unlikely, but what did she know?

Angelique frowned to herself, one date with him, and now look at her! Angel's life ended, and now she's a freezing, blood thirsty, and no heart beating, soulless, non-living monster.
Everything Angelique once had, is forever gone and she'll never know what that was, it'll never be the same; it can't ever be the same.

Angelique's eyes became moist, but she refused to cry.
With what memory Angelique had she couldn't remember when the last time she had cried, Angelique dragged her gaze to meet Ariel's confused, sad eyes; Angelique's frown deepened.

Angelique's gaze lowered to Ariel's waist, an arm clung securely there as Raze's body molded to Ariel's side,
'How come he hasn't killed or transformed her yet?' Angel's eyes held confusion.
'Does he actually like her? The way he looks at her, it's like some humans I've seen looking at each other. He looks at Ariel with love in his eyes; he didn't look at me that way.' Angelique felt a pang of jealousy and hurt.

Angelique's judging eyes scrutinized the two carefully, not believing what she was seeing.
Ariel looked up at Raze with kind and affectionate features, Raze fell in love with a human? And the human returns his feelings?

Does Ariel know what he is? That Raze's a blood thirsty vampire? Of course not, how foolish of Angelique to think that he had told her what he was.

Angelique, I've been waiting for you the smooth voice echoed in her head, her eyes traveled from Willow's face to Dante's, Why? her angelic voice whispered, holding malice and curiosity I apologize for ruining your life, in the process it hurt Ariel. For that; I’m sorry. his voice didn’t quite sound sincere it detained mockery, the apology wasn’t meant for Angelique but Ariel.

Why are you apologizing to me? Or have you not told Ariel what you are? after that Dante didn’t respond and a frown surfaced on Angelique’s face.

“Angelique are you even listening to me?” Ariel’s voice cut into Angel’s thoughts and she blinked, confused “No, sorry. What were you saying?” Ariel gave Angelique a distressed look and heaved a sigh as Angelique had an apologetic look on her face “I asked you if you had a place to stay, Mum and Dad have been worried sick about you, you know.”

“Mum and Dad?” Angelique murmured to herself the words not yet feeling right on her tongue. Mum and dad... Why is Ariel referring to her parents as my own? All of this trying to remember is making my brain hurt. “Yeah when you vanished … You still have to explain all of that by the way” the look Ariel had on her face made Angelique cringe as she resumed talking “Me, Mum, Dad and the neighbors eventually gave up looking for you after a week of nonstop searching. So the police got their lazy asses involved and gave up two days after they found nothing, but you really know why they stopped because their lazy pigs” Ariel ended in a huff crossing her arms, reliving those painful days and all Angelique could do was say oh.

All Angelique could do was say oh; no I’m sorry I worried everyone but I’m back now though right?

My parents are still here? I can ask them for pictures and videos anything to help me remember! Do I have any brothers or sisters? Pets, or are my grandparents still alive? I have so many questions in such precious time!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm SO sorry that this chapters kind of short actually there's no kind of; it is.
But I have to go to bed, but tomorrows a brand new day and another brand new chapter!
Night everyone! xoxo