Status: writers block

The Adventures of Betty Boop and Twinkie!

Betty Boop, whose real name is Starry Helena Wright, likes to explore and see things. She stands at five six with long black hair with blue eyes and a curvy figure. She is the tomboy of her group and will get into anything and everything.
Twinkie, whose real name is Anabella Bendwella Murkowits, likes to sit and play in a much gentler enviroment. She hates scary things and detest bugs. She has nice blue eyes and medium blonde hair. She is average. But will do anything if it involves her best friend Betty.
These are the stories of Betty Boop and Twinkie.
Warning: This is a femmeslash and I promise in no way will this be straightforward.
  1. A Boop in her smile.
    Twinkies Pov.
  2. A Twinkie in her eye.
    Betty's Pov.
  3. A Boop in her step.
    Twinkies Pov.
  4. A Twinkie as she sleeps.
    Betty's Pov.
  5. A Boop of anger.
    Twinkies Pov.
  6. A Twinkie sized love.
    Betty's Pov
  7. How does a Boop do it?
    Twinkies P.O.V
  8. How did a Twinkie get so smart?
    Betty's Pov
  9. A Boop is better then a twit.
    Twinkies P.O.V.
  10. The moon like a Twinkie.
    Betty's P.O.V.
  11. You Betty believe it.
    Twinkies P.O.V.