Status: Hiatus, Kind of. : (

Dancing Is My Inspiration

The Clumsiest Dancer You'll Ever Meet

Nick’s P.O.V.

I sat down on one of the beds, Arianna seemed to have calmed down much more, but Leighton still sat by her with a box of tissues. It was a precaution just in case she burst out into hysterics again. Leighton was asked a few times why she was back, but each time narrowly avoided answering the question. I knew she was doing it for my sake, I didn’t want her to have to, but being me I said nothing and just watched as everything mellowed out into a pure awkward silence. I just watched Arianna closely, wary of what she was going through. I felt terrible for her. Leighton had told me a lot about Arianna and her past, although she had forgotten to mention that she was so beautiful. Everyone looked around until I heard Arianna’s small angelic voice.

“So, do you care to introduce us to your friends Leighton?” She asked politely.

“Oh of course. This is my boyfriend Kevin and his brothers Joe, and Nick.” Leighton said motioning to each of us respectively.

"Okay, I'm Arianna." She said nodding her head shyly, she still seemed like she was in shock. "You guys look vaguely familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"

"Well, we're in a band that's doing quite well right now called the Jonas Brothers." Kevin said, again avoiding that sore topic of me.

"Psh, quite well? Are you kidding me Kevin? We were doing fantastic until Nick over here went an-" Joe began saying, making my heart speed up.

"Joseph." Leighton cut in giving him a dirty look. He looked down quickly realizing that he had said too much. I just looked away from everyone wanting to avoid the topic of conversation. I guess everyone got the hint, even though they knew it already, because no one said anything about it. Not Arianna, not Jennifer, not Valerie, nor Joe or Kevin. Breaking the silence and awkward moment, Arianna stood up heading towards the kitchen. Then she fell, dragging down a lamp with her which broke everywhere. Everyone took a sharp intake of breath, shocked at the noise. She shifted, and I turned to see Arianna moving around looking uncomfortable....some red liquid was coming from the knee piece of her leg, pretty intensely. Everyone stood up looking at the mess of glass and blood.

"Leighton, my knee's sort of hurting." She said looking at her, not realizing her knee.

"OH MY GOD Arianna, you're bleeding!" I shouted running over to her. “Hello! Does someone want to tell me how to stop the bleeding?”

"I don't know!" Leighton shouted, frantic. “I’m only used to dealing with small amounts, like when Joe falls over or something!”

“Hey!” Joe said and everyone began running around getting dry and wet towels. Arianna looked down at her leg having a panic attack. I guess this was not the best emotional state for her to be in, and her face was turning rather pale. Oh dear. I saw it coming before it happened so I kicked the garbage can that was near me in front of her and pulled her hair out of her face.

And there goes today’s lunch.....

"Oh jeez." Joe said spinning around and walking away. His maturity level just hit it’s peak. Note to self: Never count on Joe in a serious situation.

"Here, uh...Kevin can you go to pick up some Band-aids since apparently we don't have any." Leighton said.

"I would, but I don't know where it is."

"We'll go with him." Jennifer said motioning to herself and Valerie.

"And so will Joe." I said, which made him turn around.

"What about me?" He asked.

Kevin just rolled his eyes and pulled Joe outside with Jennifer and Valerie. His maturity wouldn't help the situation much, it would probably just get her more upset. Arianna threw up again after looking at her leg for the second time. Then I made the connection, she couldn't stand the sight of blood. I turned her head toward me and placed it on my shoulder, stroking her hair comfortingly so that she couldn’t see her knee. Meanwhile Leighton lifted her leg rolling up her pants to see the gash on her leg fully, which was bleeding.

She patted the gash with a wet towel as Arianna shuddered. I just pulled her closer trying to make her feel better, rubbing her back. I felt so bad for the poor girl, this was definitely not how she had planned her day to go. First the crew and then a nice little fall. Sounds like the ultimate day, not. Leighton wrapped a dry towel around her leg so you couldn’t see it anymore, then Arianna sat back up looking at me.

"Thanks." She said looking down.

"No problem." I replied simply.

"Hey Leighton, can I have some water?"

"Sure sweetie. I'll be right back, Nick please watch her." Leighton said.

I nodded as she stood up quickly, walking out of the hotel room and into the hallway. I looked out the window to check out the view and heard some shuffling. I rolled my eyes, turning my head knowing that Arianna was trying to get herself up. That girl was definitely persistent, and not used to being babied. I watched as she tried to move towards the couch in the room, her face contorted, and she looked like she was in pain. In order to ease the pain, and make the whole ordeal easier, I lifted her up onto the couch putting her leg on my lap. She put her head on one of the arm rests. She took a deep breath and smiled at me. Her smile was enough to send my heart beating in unsafe patterns; I could tell I definitely liked this girl. I was just bit by the Lovebug again.

"Thanks." She muttered.

"Your welcome." I replied shyly.

"So, I don't want to be nosy, but I was kind of wondering what Joe meant."

"I figured." I said looking up, then back at her again. "It's my fault we're here, I lost my inspiration for everything. The inspiration for music, lyrics, and just…everything. I guess having my head up in the clouds with fame, fortune, and fans made me lose it. To be honest I'm kind of ashamed I lost my head so quickly."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, I mean look at me." She laughed. "I just got totally trashed by the crew that I started, ended up bleeding everywhere after tripping, and threw up twice in front of a really cute guy. I think I called the ashamed person spot."

"I guess you did." I said, blushing at her compliment.

"Now don't let that little compliment go to your head." She said pointing her index finger at me, which made me laugh. "You know, we're kind of opposites but the same at the same time."

"Oh really? Why do you think that?"

"I've got enough inspiration to drive a girl insane. Literally. Meanwhile you've lost it all, every last shred, when you had just as much as I do. And we're both ashamed of really stupid things." She said thinking. "Maybe we have a little bit to learn from each other."

"I guess we do." I said. "I'd like to see you dance again, you're really good."

"Thanks, but I don't think I'm that great. You should've seen my mom dance, now there was an amazing dancer! I don’t even compare to her. I loved her so much." She sighed. "She.."

"Died." I finished.

"Leighton told you about it, so you wouldn't say it didn't she?"

"No, she never expected me to even meet you. Until I screwed up...but that does sound a lot like something Leighton would do." And just as I said that she walked in holding a few water bottles, she handed one to Arianna, and then stuck the rest into the mini-fridge. Arianna drank the water happily, and the color returned to her pale face. Leighton began picking up all the glass and put it into the garbage. A few seconds later Joe came barging in with Jenn on his back, Valerie came running in after them and then a panting Kevin. He gave Leighton a kiss on the lips and pulled out the Band-Aids for Arianna's leg. I took them from him and placed it on her leg gently, not trusting anyone else to do it. I didn't want any more harm to come to her as long as I'm around. For some reason, I felt very overprotective over her. Jennifer hopped off of Joe's back and came to the side of the couch near her best friend.

"How are you doing buddy?" She asked looking down at her leg then back to her face, concerned.

"Fine, Nick's a great doctor. And P.S. he is absolutely a pro at distracting me from my leg." She said and laughed.

"So how do you think you managed to fall? Aren’t dancers supposed to have like major hand-eye coordination?" Joe said, which made me send him a death glare for being so rude. Honestly? Doesn’t he think before he speaks to people?

"Well, I’ll let you know I am one of the clumsiest dancers you’ll ever meet. And my hand-eye coordination sucks unbelievably.” She said and laughed along with Jenn, Valerie, and Leighton. “ I feel better now, and I think it's about time that we head home before your mom flips a lid, Jenn."

"That's probably a good idea." She replied and went to help Arianna up, but Arianna slapped her hand away. Stubborn girl, so instead I stepped in to help her up, knowing that she wouldn't slap me away. Once she stood up she was fine and could walk. They said their goodbyes, and Joe and Jenn did a little hand shake thing they had apparently made up while Kevin and Valerie frantically searched for Band-Aids at the store. I guess Joe has officially found his long lost twin sister. I walked the three of them to the door, but once Valerie and Jenn were out of earshot, she whispered to me. As if to be secretive, which made me smile.

"I hope you find your inspiration, Nick." She said seriously. "I'll help if you want, that's if I even could."

"I think you already have, but I'd like it if you helped more too."

"Good, because I have an idea. My knee should be fine tomorrow, so get up super early, around 5 in the morning, and meet me around Central Park. Near where the crew performed. Wear some comfortable sneakers, and bring an acoustic guitar." She said, giving me a quick wink and then walked away. All I could think about was her, and what we were going to do the next day for the rest of the night. So I stood up and began writing a song which I couldn't quite finish. I just couldn't get it to end right, so I left it on the table and re-read it.

Called her for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close, but you were far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless, over the edge,
I'm just breathless,
I never thought that I'd catch this
LOVE BUG, again
Hopeless, head over heels, In the moment,
I'd never thought that I'd get hit by this
LOVE BUG, again

I can't get your smile out of my mind
I think about your eyes all the time
Your beautiful, but you don't even try
Modesty is just so hard to find

Now I'm speechless, over the edge,
I'm just breathless,
I never thought that I'd catch this
LOVE BUG, again
Hopeless, head over heels, In the moment,
I'd never thought that I'd get hit by this
LOVE BUG, again

“Looks like little Nicholas has a bit of his inspiration back.” Joe said and walked out of the room where I was sleeping.

“Yeah, I guess I do.” I smiled and I fell asleep smiling, thinking of her and the beginnings of a new song. Even though it wasn't finished, and I couldn't finish it, everything still felt so right. Things were beginning to fit back together. She was the answer I had been looking for, she was my inspiration. Now I just had to wait and see what a new day would bring for me and my new outlook on life. And Arianna was the reason for it all; she was definitely one in a million. Yet, she doesn't realize how special she really is. This was the type of person I needed to bring my head back down from those clouds high above everything else.......
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Hello, I hope that your enjoying this story, it's one of my favorites. I can really relate to it because obviously as my screen name implies I dance, so I love this story. I love it when you subscribe and rate so please do! Thanks!
