Status: Hiatus, Kind of. : (

Dancing Is My Inspiration

Pink Shoes Dance Academy

I heard my phone go off with its alarm, signaling that it was 4:30. I had a half an hour to get dressed and meet Arianna at Central Park. I got up, and slipped on some clothes. I took my tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I fixed my hair, and put two squirts of my favorite cologne on. I took a piece of paper, from one of those notepads they leave at hotels and left everyone a note so they wouldn’t be worried. I didn’t need them to send out the search parties for me. Knowing Leighton and Kevin they’d probably have a heart attack.

I went to go spend some time with Arianna. We’re probably going to be a while, or so I think. I have my cell phone so call me if you need anything. Try not to bother me just because you think it’d be funny. And I mean you Joe! I guess I’ll see you later, oh and by the way Joe. You are such an idiot, just thought you should know.

I slung my guitar onto my back and placed the note on the counter, knowing Joe would definitely be the first one to read it. Although, he did deserve it considering how he totally humiliated me yesterday, and for the fact that he was no help with Arianna. Oh he deserves a nice slap on the head, but I will try to restrain myself. I can’t make any guarantees though. I checked my blood sugar quickly, got something to eat, and shot some insulin into me. Then I was off, man on a mission. I walked downstairs slyly putting on a pair of sunglasses and a hat to make sure no one noticed me. Everyone keeps assuring me how no one will notice us, but to be honest, I’d rather be safe than sorry. As I got closer and closer to where the crew dances my heart sped up insanely. Just the thought of being with Arianna, let alone just having it be just the two of us made me excited.

I walked into Dunkin’ Donuts and picked up 2 hot chocolates and 2 Boston Crème donuts for me and Arianna. I had to thank her in some way for what she was doing for me, I headed towards the park with a tray holding the two drinks, a bag with 2 donuts inside, and my guitar slung over my back. As I got closer I could see Arianna’s slim frame standing there wearing a pair of sweat pants-material rolled up Capri’s and a tight t-shirt. She looked nice, and had a smile on her face as I walked up to her and handed her one of the drinks. I threw out the tray and walked back over to her.

“What’s this?” She asked, looking at the drink in her hands.

“Hot chocolate, to help wake you up, and to thank you for what you’re doing. And these,” I said holding up the bag with the donuts, “Are donuts for us. And now I’m realizing that it’s warm outside, almost summer, and getting hot chocolate, was probably not my brightest idea.”

“It’s the thought that counts, and anyways, as you said it’ll wake us up.” She said, trying to make me feel better about my stupid mistake.

“So do you want to tell me where we’re going? Or are you going to keep me in agony of not knowing where we’re going or that we’re doing.”

“I like choice 2.” She said and smiled.

“Of course you do,” I said and rolled my eyes. We walked over to cross the street, waiting for the stoplight to change from the stop hand, to the walk signal. The two of us both took sips of our hot chocolate, and surprisingly I didn’t burn my tongue which was great. Just from that alone I knew that this was going to be a great day. I turned to look at Arianna, who was smiling at me, so I smiled back and tried to make some casual conversation.

“So, aren’t you supposed to be in school or something?” I asked.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in school or something?” She countered, which made me laugh.

“Home schooled, and since I haven’t been absent all year so far, my mom figured it would be a good get-away. Especially since I’m already working and am pretty much set for life, I think I can take a break. So what’s your excuse?”

“School hasn’t started for me yet. Well, here at least. I think I start on Monday, which means I have today and the weekend before I start.”

“Why are you waiting so long to start? The sooner the better.”

“Jenn’s mom, Linda, thought it would be best if I got used to being here before I did anything, like going to school. It was probably a good idea, and I think she had back-up plans for home schooling paid via my dad or something. Actually, on second thought, probably not via my dad. She absolutely refuses to take any money from him, she believes that he should go rot in a hole somewhere,” She said and laughed, “So she’s taken me in as a second daughter for the time being, and I hope that time is a long one to be honest.”

“Don’t like your dad?” I asked as we walked down another block, hopefully getting closer towards our destination.

“Don’t like? Are you kidding me? I loathe the man, first off he hasn’t had a care in the world about me, my mom, or my brother for who knows how long. And the only reason he took me in was because he had to, and the two of us didn’t get along at all. Trust me, if my brother could have afforded it at the time, he would’ve taken me in right on the spot.”

“And why couldn’t he?”

“He’s in college, silly. That’s enough money to pay for on it’s own, plus himself. And then to add on me would just be insane, but we talked on the phone before I left to come here.”

“Why not since?”

“I didn’t tell him I was coming back. I didn’t want to, I’m afraid if he knows he’s going to try and take me in again. It’s too much for him, and anyways if my dad comes back he won’t let me leave, and do something stupid.”

“Do you think he’ll be coming back anytime soon?”

“Who knows. He’s about as reliable as a weatherman.”

“Weathermen are pretty reliable. You do know that right?”

“You obviously don’t live in New York.” She said and laughed as we walked up to a building with bright pink lights in front of it. The sign clearly read in script, Pink Shoes Dance Academy. Arianna pulled out a set of keys from her pants pocket and opened the door, walking in, motioning for me to come in after her. I stepped in as she flicked on the lights, there was a little sitting room, and beyond that was a large wood floor with folding chairs placed around everywhere neatly. I could tell that was where the audience should be sitting, and in front of all the chairs there was a grand piano, and then a stage with maroon curtains opening up on the stage. Arianna smiled at me, and pointed up to the stage.

“My mom preformed on that stage when she was little, and so did I. She was friends with the woman who owned this place before she died, and so the woman as a gift to me at the funeral handed me the keys to this place and a piece of paper. The woman knew how much my mom and I loved this place so she gave me the time-schedule for when she has classes, concerts, and what-not. Other than those times she says I’m welcome here to do what I wish as long as I don’t wreck it.”

“Wow, that’s really nice of her. And this place is beautiful.” I said in awe. It was all elegantly wooded, with beautiful light fixtures and the place look so eloquent.

“Here, let me give to the grand tour. That up there is a balcony, so more people can watch the shows.” She said pointing to the balcony above us. “That there, is the kitchen and stuff which I have some drinks in and food in for later. And back there is my favorite spot, come on so I can show you.” She said leading me towards a room all the way in the back of the room. She opened the door and turned on the lights carefully, and I looked around the room. One of the walls was filled with mirrors, the other were plain beige walls with wooden bars across it. It was one of those standard ballet class rooms.

Arianna slid into the room doing a graceful spin and landing in a standard ballet pose that I see girl’s do in those movies. She turned and looked at me holding out her hand, pulling her fingers towards herself, to tell me to come in. I walked in hesitantly putting my guitar, drink, and the donuts on the floor and walked to her. I stood in front of her, and felt my breathing quicken, being so close to her sent shivers down my spine and made me want to kiss her. Her aroma was intoxicating. That was one urge I had not expected, and then she whispered to me, only making me want to do it more.

“Catch me, okay?” She asked, and I nodded my head.

She walked back to the corner of the room and then turned towards me. She looked at the floor ahead of her, as if calculating how to run and jump properly for me to catch her. I watched as Arianna took one deep breath, gliding towards me, and then she leaped into my arms as I caught her and span her around. As I put her down she looked at me smiling.

“You know I haven’t danced in here with anyone since my mom died, she was the last person to be in here with me.” She said sighing.

“Wow. Well thanks for trusting me to be in here with you.”

“Thanks for coming. I think we’re both helping each other.” She said nodding her head. “Come on let’s go back into the main room so we can do what I actually brought you here for.”
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What are you all thinking about this story? I can't wait to hear! Please comment I love to know what you think. And I'm watching High School Musical 3 at the part where Troy and Gabriella dance on the roof and I can almost see Arianna and Nick dancing like that, so go ahead and check that out!
