Jacob Goes to Therapy

Control Issues

She looked at me and I looked at her,
“It really does hurt my feelings Edward, are you that insensitive to others?” I looked at him this time,
“Hold on,” Dr. Dover said as he pushed a button on his phone, “Cancel my appointments for the rest of the afternoon and can you please call Bella swan please, YES! I shouted in my head, this is going to be so good. “Okay Edward, Renesmee, I’m going to have to ask you to stay for the rest of the afternoon please, and while we wait for Bella let up, once again, talk about your over protectiveness and control issues Edward,” I heard Renesmee giggle and I couldn’t help but smile at hearing her laugh.
“I don’t have control Issues doctor, like I said in the other sessions, Bella prefers to be with me and follow my decisions,” Edward started,
“I’m not talking about Bella at the moment, I’m talking about Renesmee,” Dover said and turned to her, “Does Edward decide or have an input in everything you do?” he asked,
“Yeah, most things,” she said looking at her shoes,
“Nessie, you don’t mind though do you?” Edward stated,
“There you go again Edward, you cannot keep trying to control these girls lives,” Dover had a stern tone in his voice, just then the door burst open,
“I’m here, what’s wrong, what happened?” Bella had just stumbled into the room,
“Ah, Ms. Swan, please have a seat, nothing is wrong, we just need to talk as a group,” Dover reassured her, showing her to the sofa where she sat next to me. She shoot a look at Edward who was sitting there with his arms crossed and a really pissed look on his face, then at Renesmee who still had her hand on my back. Then her gaze finally rested on me, I felt a smile cross my face,
“Hey Bells,” I said happily. She smiled back then turned to Dover,
“Why am I here?” she asked
“Well, we have been talking about Renesmee and Jacob, but it seems to me that a lot of the things that happen between them occur because of Edward, and I just needed you here for inside facts,” he began but I was sick of his slow talking,
“In other words Bells, he wants you here to see if I’m telling the truth or if I’m acting,” I emphasized the last work and shoot a look at Edward who just ignored me,
“I still don’t see the point of this Dr.” Edward started again, but was hushed, once more, by Dover.
“Now Bella, both Jacob and Renesmee have said Edward sets times and dates, calls Jacob names and tries to control Nessie, is this how you see things?” Edward looked at Bella, as if silently asking for support,
“Well,” she started slowly, dragging her eyes from Edward to Dover’s, “He does call Jake some awful things, but he mostly just refers to him as a dog,” She paused for a minute, I was about ready to shout, Ha I told You!
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Hope you like it, sorry for the long gap of no chaps, hopefully i get some more up over the next month