Changing Moments

Chapter 1

It was about mid July when I was sitting in that crowded room waiting. I could hear the voices of singers finishing their final rehearsals, people cheering, people crying, and yes even a couple tantrums being taken.

Yes this was the place of American Idol auditions, but that really isn't the reason why I'm here. Oh god no! I would be one of those people that end up on the Internet with millions of views for being horrible! I was just here to support a friend.

His name is Michael Johns. We've been best friends for practically forever! He begged me to come with him since his wife was out of town, and I was more then excited to hear he was going to try out. Michael is an amazing singer and he is hilarious too so I bet the judges will get a kick outta him. So we sat waiting for his turn to be called in.

" Hey Al? " Michael said.

Al is the nickname he came up for me. My full name is actually Allie Dawn Lewis.

" Yeah Mike? "

" How much do you wanna bet that I'm gonna kick arse in there?" He flashed one of his famous childish grins.

" Ha, you must be out of your mind if you think I would bet on that. It's way to obvious that you will!"

" No need to flatter dear, I've got a wife for that."

We both burst into a fit of laughter. That's what I love about Mike, he makes me laugh SO hard! There's been plenty of times where he's made me laugh so much I've had water come out of my nose.

It was after we finally caught our breath that Ryan called Michael in.

" Good luck in there, not like you need it though." I encouraged.

Michael just winked as he walked through the doors with no fear at all.

It wasn't that long before I saw Mikes face peer out from behind the door, giving me the biggest smile ever.

" I'M GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!" He cheered as he picked me up and spun me around.

" Mike.... MIKE! I can't breath!" He quickly loosened his grip.

" Oh sorry 'bout that. I'm just so excited! Now come on, I've got to pack and go call my wife!!"

He ran out of the studio and screamed a couple more times as he did heel clickers down the street. I just rolled my eyes as I joined him.